this image contains text
++++ No Smoking in the Gallery ++++ Please turn on AFS.COM ++++
oO / //
A new star is born .......
/ ::presents: /
:--. . ::....:: :/ mother! /
.xx--xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xx/ -/------------------------/--.
the artist FORMERLY known as celsiusbmkwest :: .:::. ::
NOT holocaust ! :: .:::. ::
NOT female ! :: .:::. ::
NOT interested ! :: .:::. ::
. ... ..... IN...:: .:::. ::
:: s t e pp e n w o l f : :: .:::. ::
mother hat kyp irgendne bedeutung?
kyp mo: romanfigur von todd andersons, erstmals
aufgetaucht in flucht ins ungewisse. kurz: kyp
ist so etwas aehnliches wie jetzt im neuen sw film
der kleine darth vader: viel potential, anfangs
knuddelig, zum ende boese und maechtig. gefiel
mir so als vergleich. und zudem...
kyp three letter acronym
kitiara cool
mother die bedeutung ist mir irgendwie viel zu heftig.
du heisst ab sofort juergen!!
kitiara hahaha
*** kyp is now known as juergen
mother danke
juergen alles klar
juergen ich hab zu danken
hi hi, mark-us !
: howdy folks.
: first of all my congratulations for taking the
: chance to witness the birth of a new and powerful
: force in the ascii scene. true!ascii has come to
: bring back skill and quality to a scene which has
: never been that boring before, imho.
: but time has changed and here we are. the ruling
: top united to keep the battle alive, to show you
: guys how 3l33t 3l33t can be.....
: .....blahblahblah and so on. anyway, after taking
: a break for several months, maybe years, im back in
: business. finally. though a lot of things have changed
: like my nick as well as several things in real life,
: im ready now for some serious asskicking.
: unfortunatly this colly didnt turn out to be the
: big comebackpack i planned to do. reasons might be
: the lack of time and requests!, so please excuse
: the ,,rough design and small number of logos.
: if you want to support me and the next collection
: feel free to contact me and send in your requests.
: adresses and ,,hangouts at the end
: for you europeans out there: if nothing comes in
: between, ill show up at evokeparty99 with ma
: homies from black maiden. join us for several beers
: and hits from da ...err..funmachine.
: party on, mOTHER! true!asciiblackmaiden
--:table of contents: - --------- -,, ------: // :
. eins binaryfunk .: ::
. zwei cain .: ::
. drei dwarf .: ::
. poli evoke .:......::
. zei kaesOWNS .:
. sechs notoriousdiz .:
. sibbe seism .:
. acht zer0network .:
. noen zippyonline .:
you think that looked nasty?
1 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / binaryfunk
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- more weird than funky
. one,,two :
: // / / // / :--ma!
: do you count? . ..:
2 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / cain
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- cainybear!
x0 / / .-------/ /-----------//
// / / cain !
ma! /
3 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / dwarf
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
. oO ---- -/--- :
4 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / evoke
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- rock!
-----// /-----/- . ,, e v o k e //
Oo / :----./ -ma!
/ o
5 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / kaesOWNS
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
6 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / notoriousdiz
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- fuer den krieger
or remove
:---- / ma
putadditional blah here. somehow. be creative
7 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / seism
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
s e i s m ! / . / .
.:: ::--- / /-------- .. ma!
8 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / zer0network
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
::: : -/----/ 12345678
::: : 90?!
::: : /*ajJhd
::: : JkNK897d
::: : VvnNgsh5
::: : 89/,Ugr
::: : mNMD
::: : Kik0m
::: : NM:Nk
::: : z9 H43s
::: : /------/ r3jm0915
. . / /Zxed
// ---- -------/-ma!
::: :...................................: ,, z e r 0 N e t w o r k
9 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / zippyonline
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- www.alienpub.com
. .. .. .. . . / - ma!
: :: : z i pp y o n l i n 3
: :: : http://www.drastic.net/zippy.
es wird zeit zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu spaet
- ------------- finis-----------------
all artwork done by mother!true!asciibm
inspiration thc, drumnbass, blink182
- ------------- greetings-------------
all my homies in true, blackmaiden
as well as the ansi.de gang
id like to dedicate this collection to aQUA.
please contact me, buddy!
...: contact :
email . mother@drastic.net
efnet true, ansi.de, ascii
icq . 19951516 sometimes
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ-:--- . ------------/ trueascii
----- ,, The Steppenwolf Collection
oO / //
A new star is born .......
/ ::presents: /
:--. . ::....:: :/ mother! /
.xx--xxxxxxxxxxxxx?xx/ -/------------------------/--.
the artist FORMERLY known as celsiusbmkwest :: .:::. ::
NOT holocaust ! :: .:::. ::
NOT female ! :: .:::. ::
NOT interested ! :: .:::. ::
. ... ..... IN...:: .:::. ::
:: s t e pp e n w o l f : :: .:::. ::
mother hat kyp irgendne bedeutung?
kyp mo: romanfigur von todd andersons, erstmals
aufgetaucht in flucht ins ungewisse. kurz: kyp
ist so etwas aehnliches wie jetzt im neuen sw film
der kleine darth vader: viel potential, anfangs
knuddelig, zum ende boese und maechtig. gefiel
mir so als vergleich. und zudem...
kyp three letter acronym
kitiara cool
mother die bedeutung ist mir irgendwie viel zu heftig.
du heisst ab sofort juergen!!
kitiara hahaha
*** kyp is now known as juergen
mother danke
juergen alles klar
juergen ich hab zu danken
hi hi, mark-us !
: howdy folks.
: first of all my congratulations for taking the
: chance to witness the birth of a new and powerful
: force in the ascii scene. true!ascii has come to
: bring back skill and quality to a scene which has
: never been that boring before, imho.
: but time has changed and here we are. the ruling
: top united to keep the battle alive, to show you
: guys how 3l33t 3l33t can be.....
: .....blahblahblah and so on. anyway, after taking
: a break for several months, maybe years, im back in
: business. finally. though a lot of things have changed
: like my nick as well as several things in real life,
: im ready now for some serious asskicking.
: unfortunatly this colly didnt turn out to be the
: big comebackpack i planned to do. reasons might be
: the lack of time and requests!, so please excuse
: the ,,rough design and small number of logos.
: if you want to support me and the next collection
: feel free to contact me and send in your requests.
: adresses and ,,hangouts at the end
: for you europeans out there: if nothing comes in
: between, ill show up at evokeparty99 with ma
: homies from black maiden. join us for several beers
: and hits from da ...err..funmachine.
: party on, mOTHER! true!asciiblackmaiden
--:table of contents: - --------- -,, ------: // :
. eins binaryfunk .: ::
. zwei cain .: ::
. drei dwarf .: ::
. poli evoke .:......::
. zei kaesOWNS .:
. sechs notoriousdiz .:
. sibbe seism .:
. acht zer0network .:
. noen zippyonline .:
you think that looked nasty?
1 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / binaryfunk
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- more weird than funky
. one,,two :
: // / / // / :--ma!
: do you count? . ..:
2 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / cain
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- cainybear!
x0 / / .-------/ /-----------//
// / / cain !
ma! /
3 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / dwarf
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
. oO ---- -/--- :
4 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / evoke
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- rock!
-----// /-----/- . ,, e v o k e //
Oo / :----./ -ma!
/ o
5 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / kaesOWNS
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
6 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / notoriousdiz
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- fuer den krieger
or remove
:---- / ma
putadditional blah here. somehow. be creative
7 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / seism
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
s e i s m ! / . / .
.:: ::--- / /-------- .. ma!
8 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / zer0network
,, the steppenw0lf // -------
::: : -/----/ 12345678
::: : 90?!
::: : /*ajJhd
::: : JkNK897d
::: : VvnNgsh5
::: : 89/,Ugr
::: : mNMD
::: : Kik0m
::: : NM:Nk
::: : z9 H43s
::: : /------/ r3jm0915
. . / /Zxed
// ---- -------/-ma!
::: :...................................: ,, z e r 0 N e t w o r k
9 ----- /
,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. /-- / / zippyonline
,, the steppenw0lf // ------- www.alienpub.com
. .. .. .. . . / - ma!
: :: : z i pp y o n l i n 3
: :: : http://www.drastic.net/zippy.
es wird zeit zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu gehn
zu spaet
- ------------- finis-----------------
all artwork done by mother!true!asciibm
inspiration thc, drumnbass, blink182
- ------------- greetings-------------
all my homies in true, blackmaiden
as well as the ansi.de gang
id like to dedicate this collection to aQUA.
please contact me, buddy!
...: contact :
email . mother@drastic.net
efnet true, ansi.de, ascii
icq . 19951516 sometimes
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ-:--- . ------------/ trueascii
----- ,, The Steppenwolf Collection
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