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TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Volumn 1 / Issue
8 - Feburary 1994
Short month, short on time, so well make this as br
ief and painless as we
can. In the Comings and Goings catagory this month, Demon
s Death came,
Final Descendant went to iCE in order to collaborate more ef
feciently with
Glenn Danzig on Reflections. The Calibre, Gothics Courier
Head Honcho
Dude also joins us to learn what he can about ANSi. Hes sti
ll Gothics
Courier Head Honcho Dude, hell just be dabbling with ANSi wi
th us. We
welcome our new Super Secret member you know who you are!.
Next month,
when he has an ANSi to release, well let the rest of you in
on who it is,
as per his wishes.
Perfect solution to the entire review problem was b
rought up recently.
Any magazine wanting to review TRiBE can, with our blessing,
as long as
if they are opperating on a competitive scale, they simply ex
clude ANY
scores. This will effectively keep us out of the competitive
ness of the
whole review thing, and still allow those individual artist
s who want
comments and opinions on thier work to get thiers. Using
Iridium as
an example, they give scores, those scores are averaged toget
her, the
pack then gets a score. The scores of the various packs are
one is declaired the winner. By NOT giving the TRiBE ANSi
s a score,
but still reviewing them, everyone should be happy. Iridiu
m gets to
add another pack to thier reviews, TRiBE stays OUT of the com
and Minor Threat gets other peoples opinion on his work. T
he same can
apply to any magazine which assigns a value to the ANSis,
and/or RANKS
the packs accordingly. Any magazine that DOES include a comp
etitive rank
to TRiBE material *WILL NOT* have any support from TRiBE.
For those of you just joining us, or those stupid eno
ugh to see anything
that Devils Spawn says and think it has any relevance whatso
ever, we
do not have Sites, HQs, Couriers or other non-artists, nor d
o we want
any of those things. The TRiBE Archive gets anywhere of any
at an appropriate enough speed without all the red-tape, beur
acracy for
the no-talent-layden of the scene to feel, useful - type of o
Told you it would be short. . .
Shihear Kallizad
One of too many TRiBE Guys
Alphabet Soup:
Asriel - Nyea, nyea! Im going to get an account anyway!!! :
Beastie - So, you get The Immortal kicked out of Gothic yet?
Crewl Blade - 8 better than 6. 8 rule!
Demon Death - STOP USING DD! Its DM, dammit! :
Emp - Welcome back to the land of the living bud.
Final D. - Im disapointed you couldnt tell me yourself. . .
. . .I guess youre not the friend you pretended to be?
G-Man - Uh... Hi. Just needed a G. Whats up?
Hooptie - Yo, JOE! Yer a real American Hero, dude! Kick Cobr
as Asp!
Incubus - Try drawing ANSis nobody else had done months ago,
Jorgie - I *SWARE* Im working on yer ANSi! Not my fault the
HD died.
King Midas - Maybe your sister can get doom to work for you to
Lord Soth - Uh... Hi. Just needed a L. Whats up?
Minor Threat - Hope you stay, but if you want competition, TRiBE
s not
for you. . . 305? Try iCE if thats what you want. . .
Nailz - Really. Release that ANSi. Its good.
Oh shit - Anyone know anyone with an O?
Panama Jack - Youre a life saver, with the P and all! So, fin
ish the hand?
Quasar - Lets prank Shihear! Lets prank Shihear! No wond
er nobody
important will be on a conference with YOU. Go RIP ANSi. .
RaD Man - Uh... Hi. Just needed a R. Whats up?
Syntax Error - God. 26 Greets. Still doing that ANSi, promise.
Tempus Thales - r u having fun yet with all the new ppl?
Ultra Vires - Are you still around?
Vision - Ok, ok. So, you got one out. The clocks ticking. .
White Knight - So, yer full iCE. Feel any different?
Xenophobe - THANK GOD! I didnt have to use Xerob! :
Yeargh! - Y o Y o Y are there no Ys?
ZigZag - Uh... Hi. Just needed a Z. Whats up? Whew!
8 - Feburary 1994
Short month, short on time, so well make this as br
ief and painless as we
can. In the Comings and Goings catagory this month, Demon
s Death came,
Final Descendant went to iCE in order to collaborate more ef
feciently with
Glenn Danzig on Reflections. The Calibre, Gothics Courier
Head Honcho
Dude also joins us to learn what he can about ANSi. Hes sti
ll Gothics
Courier Head Honcho Dude, hell just be dabbling with ANSi wi
th us. We
welcome our new Super Secret member you know who you are!.
Next month,
when he has an ANSi to release, well let the rest of you in
on who it is,
as per his wishes.
Perfect solution to the entire review problem was b
rought up recently.
Any magazine wanting to review TRiBE can, with our blessing,
as long as
if they are opperating on a competitive scale, they simply ex
clude ANY
scores. This will effectively keep us out of the competitive
ness of the
whole review thing, and still allow those individual artist
s who want
comments and opinions on thier work to get thiers. Using
Iridium as
an example, they give scores, those scores are averaged toget
her, the
pack then gets a score. The scores of the various packs are
one is declaired the winner. By NOT giving the TRiBE ANSi
s a score,
but still reviewing them, everyone should be happy. Iridiu
m gets to
add another pack to thier reviews, TRiBE stays OUT of the com
and Minor Threat gets other peoples opinion on his work. T
he same can
apply to any magazine which assigns a value to the ANSis,
and/or RANKS
the packs accordingly. Any magazine that DOES include a comp
etitive rank
to TRiBE material *WILL NOT* have any support from TRiBE.
For those of you just joining us, or those stupid eno
ugh to see anything
that Devils Spawn says and think it has any relevance whatso
ever, we
do not have Sites, HQs, Couriers or other non-artists, nor d
o we want
any of those things. The TRiBE Archive gets anywhere of any
at an appropriate enough speed without all the red-tape, beur
acracy for
the no-talent-layden of the scene to feel, useful - type of o
Told you it would be short. . .
Shihear Kallizad
One of too many TRiBE Guys
Alphabet Soup:
Asriel - Nyea, nyea! Im going to get an account anyway!!! :
Beastie - So, you get The Immortal kicked out of Gothic yet?
Crewl Blade - 8 better than 6. 8 rule!
Demon Death - STOP USING DD! Its DM, dammit! :
Emp - Welcome back to the land of the living bud.
Final D. - Im disapointed you couldnt tell me yourself. . .
. . .I guess youre not the friend you pretended to be?
G-Man - Uh... Hi. Just needed a G. Whats up?
Hooptie - Yo, JOE! Yer a real American Hero, dude! Kick Cobr
as Asp!
Incubus - Try drawing ANSis nobody else had done months ago,
Jorgie - I *SWARE* Im working on yer ANSi! Not my fault the
HD died.
King Midas - Maybe your sister can get doom to work for you to
Lord Soth - Uh... Hi. Just needed a L. Whats up?
Minor Threat - Hope you stay, but if you want competition, TRiBE
s not
for you. . . 305? Try iCE if thats what you want. . .
Nailz - Really. Release that ANSi. Its good.
Oh shit - Anyone know anyone with an O?
Panama Jack - Youre a life saver, with the P and all! So, fin
ish the hand?
Quasar - Lets prank Shihear! Lets prank Shihear! No wond
er nobody
important will be on a conference with YOU. Go RIP ANSi. .
RaD Man - Uh... Hi. Just needed a R. Whats up?
Syntax Error - God. 26 Greets. Still doing that ANSi, promise.
Tempus Thales - r u having fun yet with all the new ppl?
Ultra Vires - Are you still around?
Vision - Ok, ok. So, you got one out. The clocks ticking. .
White Knight - So, yer full iCE. Feel any different?
Xenophobe - THANK GOD! I didnt have to use Xerob! :
Yeargh! - Y o Y o Y are there no Ys?
ZigZag - Uh... Hi. Just needed a Z. Whats up? Whew!
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