this image contains text
TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Volumn 1 / Issue 7 -
January 1994
First pack of the new year, and were still doing the co
rney newsletter,
corney name and extra corney logo included, no extra charge. Gl
Cant be that bad, seeing as how you like it enough to rip it off
, eh.
You know who you are... But, then again, I sure as hell dont. .
After much armtwisting, KroniX finally gave up on getting
into a REAL group
like Mirage or ACiD. Hes another 4fur who has only been at it
for just
alittle while. Both King Midas and Mr. Sinsiter have been workin
g with him
this month. Kids got reel po-ten-shall indeed. We just need to
get him
a real handle. WARNING: Nathan is a practical joker. Listen no
t to what
he says. Next hell be saying that Sand is joining TRiBE.
Welcome Aerosol and Kamikazee guys, they want to come ove
r and play. Dont
get any fingerpaint on the walls this time, hu-uh.
Village Idiot leaves this month to start his own group, L
egion. Hmm, where
have I heard that before. Oh yeah, the BADPack last month. sha
king head
Oh, wait, no. Hes in EMPiRE now. Give it a couple weeks, hell
be iCE
Also all you ANSIM Fans, check out STRIP7.EXE, a nifty li
ttle utility by
Killean that strips out the 7?hs out of ANSis that makes ANSI
M puke.
You can find it in the ANSIM10.ZIP, along with DV.EXE, which you
can use
to view Final Ds RIP file. Or other groups RIP files that make
buggie little viewers puke. . . TVll be along next month, stil
l too
many bugs for this pack.
This was National PowerGrid Month, and as you can see he
did get more than
a couple ANSis, eh. Next month? Its TRiBE National Warblade Mo
nth! So
go out and draw atleast one Warblade, eh. Lets see if we can ou
tdo TRiBE
National Spawn Month! Hmm, wonder if there is a The Warblade G
out there.
The success of National PowerGrid Month has moved us to
pick a BBS each
month as our BBS of the Month. Well tend to pick boards that
seem to
be neglected by the ANSi doers out there. Needless to say, you w
ont see
a Paradise Lost, Infinite Darkness, Corrosive Poision, Channel Ze
r0, et al
Month. THIS time around, the BBS of the Month is: The Citadel.
know, Deadman seXs board. . . The ONLY good board in 305, iCE C
and he STILL doesnt get dick ANSi wise. Only the CO-SysOps ha
ve done
him ANSis. Wonder if Egghead is doing one. . .
Shihear Kallizad
Da 1 and 0nly TRiBAL Founder Guy
CE keuu1 mOde 00f
Devils Sperm - All ABOARD! Here comes the def train! Toooooot
Soul Rebel - Deplane! Deplane! Boss, deplane!
Kronos - Cmon! Release an ANSi so I can do SKVSKS05.ANS already
Get yer loser ass off the conferences and *DO* something.
OH. And Im now asking you nicely to kiss my ass, prick.
Alter Ego - Ive started yours... you started mine? ah-huh, righ
LogaN Tommy S. - BOBiT The Slug: The Crulest Cut!
EMPiRE - Um, who the fuck greets groups anyway. . .
Crewl Blade - Neat. Now try drawing like Marshal Law!
Sand - If you dont join ACiD now, youll miss out on conferences
with all the ACiD 12 year olds yelling penis. . .
Quasar X - Use QX as your initials, stupid. Whaatta mah-roon.
RaD Man - Im giving you 24 hours bud, to recruit Sand into ACiD.
BTW, hows ACiD Codine Division going?
R. Noble - Uncle Bens R.iCE R.iCE Baby, get yer fraggin FONTs t
o me!
Syntax Error - So... when do we have National Deliverance month?
Vision - Chop Chop, ANSi to go! No tickie! No ANSi! Go on...
Feel the dream. BE the dream! LIVE THE DREAM!!!
Beastie - Board faah down, go boom? Me kiss it and make it betta
Iczer - Tattle tell, tattle tell! . . .ttthhhhhppppppptttt. . .
Tempus Thales - Youum finishum Turok? Want much wampum, yes?
So, we
to smokeum peace pipe now? Myum tee-pee or yours?
Mitchnight Sorrow - Um, the ANSIll cost whatever he charges me for T
Sha, like youll ever see this... :p
Thought of the month: If all the 516 guys started thier own group, wh
at would
they call it? More importantly, would Tempus like the
January 1994
First pack of the new year, and were still doing the co
rney newsletter,
corney name and extra corney logo included, no extra charge. Gl
Cant be that bad, seeing as how you like it enough to rip it off
, eh.
You know who you are... But, then again, I sure as hell dont. .
After much armtwisting, KroniX finally gave up on getting
into a REAL group
like Mirage or ACiD. Hes another 4fur who has only been at it
for just
alittle while. Both King Midas and Mr. Sinsiter have been workin
g with him
this month. Kids got reel po-ten-shall indeed. We just need to
get him
a real handle. WARNING: Nathan is a practical joker. Listen no
t to what
he says. Next hell be saying that Sand is joining TRiBE.
Welcome Aerosol and Kamikazee guys, they want to come ove
r and play. Dont
get any fingerpaint on the walls this time, hu-uh.
Village Idiot leaves this month to start his own group, L
egion. Hmm, where
have I heard that before. Oh yeah, the BADPack last month. sha
king head
Oh, wait, no. Hes in EMPiRE now. Give it a couple weeks, hell
be iCE
Also all you ANSIM Fans, check out STRIP7.EXE, a nifty li
ttle utility by
Killean that strips out the 7?hs out of ANSis that makes ANSI
M puke.
You can find it in the ANSIM10.ZIP, along with DV.EXE, which you
can use
to view Final Ds RIP file. Or other groups RIP files that make
buggie little viewers puke. . . TVll be along next month, stil
l too
many bugs for this pack.
This was National PowerGrid Month, and as you can see he
did get more than
a couple ANSis, eh. Next month? Its TRiBE National Warblade Mo
nth! So
go out and draw atleast one Warblade, eh. Lets see if we can ou
tdo TRiBE
National Spawn Month! Hmm, wonder if there is a The Warblade G
out there.
The success of National PowerGrid Month has moved us to
pick a BBS each
month as our BBS of the Month. Well tend to pick boards that
seem to
be neglected by the ANSi doers out there. Needless to say, you w
ont see
a Paradise Lost, Infinite Darkness, Corrosive Poision, Channel Ze
r0, et al
Month. THIS time around, the BBS of the Month is: The Citadel.
know, Deadman seXs board. . . The ONLY good board in 305, iCE C
and he STILL doesnt get dick ANSi wise. Only the CO-SysOps ha
ve done
him ANSis. Wonder if Egghead is doing one. . .
Shihear Kallizad
Da 1 and 0nly TRiBAL Founder Guy
CE keuu1 mOde 00f
Devils Sperm - All ABOARD! Here comes the def train! Toooooot
Soul Rebel - Deplane! Deplane! Boss, deplane!
Kronos - Cmon! Release an ANSi so I can do SKVSKS05.ANS already
Get yer loser ass off the conferences and *DO* something.
OH. And Im now asking you nicely to kiss my ass, prick.
Alter Ego - Ive started yours... you started mine? ah-huh, righ
LogaN Tommy S. - BOBiT The Slug: The Crulest Cut!
EMPiRE - Um, who the fuck greets groups anyway. . .
Crewl Blade - Neat. Now try drawing like Marshal Law!
Sand - If you dont join ACiD now, youll miss out on conferences
with all the ACiD 12 year olds yelling penis. . .
Quasar X - Use QX as your initials, stupid. Whaatta mah-roon.
RaD Man - Im giving you 24 hours bud, to recruit Sand into ACiD.
BTW, hows ACiD Codine Division going?
R. Noble - Uncle Bens R.iCE R.iCE Baby, get yer fraggin FONTs t
o me!
Syntax Error - So... when do we have National Deliverance month?
Vision - Chop Chop, ANSi to go! No tickie! No ANSi! Go on...
Feel the dream. BE the dream! LIVE THE DREAM!!!
Beastie - Board faah down, go boom? Me kiss it and make it betta
Iczer - Tattle tell, tattle tell! . . .ttthhhhhppppppptttt. . .
Tempus Thales - Youum finishum Turok? Want much wampum, yes?
So, we
to smokeum peace pipe now? Myum tee-pee or yours?
Mitchnight Sorrow - Um, the ANSIll cost whatever he charges me for T
Sha, like youll ever see this... :p
Thought of the month: If all the 516 guys started thier own group, wh
at would
they call it? More importantly, would Tempus like the
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