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Want an Asriel ANSI?
All ANSI graphics released by Asriel under the
TRiBE label are provided free of charge to those
requesting them. To obtain a graphic from Asriel,
or a sampler of his work, contact him via:
lblack@genesis.mcs.com / dwe@gagme.chi.il.us
At this point in time, only requests sent via
internet email will be honored.
If you are requesting an ad, please indicate
whether you want a logo or picture. Keep in
mind that Asriel has a life, and requests for
logos/fonts are more likely to be entertained
than requests for 200 line shaded pictures.
Want an Asriel ANSI?
All ANSI graphics released by Asriel under the
TRiBE label are provided free of charge to those
requesting them. To obtain a graphic from Asriel,
or a sampler of his work, contact him via:
lblack@genesis.mcs.com / dwe@gagme.chi.il.us
At this point in time, only requests sent via
internet email will be honored.
If you are requesting an ad, please indicate
whether you want a logo or picture. Keep in
mind that Asriel has a life, and requests for
logos/fonts are more likely to be entertained
than requests for 200 line shaded pictures.
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