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Dead End
The TRiBE Archive is a montly
collection of artwork produced
by TRiBE artists. The Archive will b
e released on the 1st of
each month and should be available on
the finer art boards in
the scene. The first Archive was rel
eased July 1st 1993.
If you are interested in a TRiBE piec
e, you can contact one or
more TRiBE members via CyberCrime Int
ernational, InterPool and
ToXiCNet. Current members include, b
ut are not limited to:
CyberHack, Cyber X, Dead End,
Dreamevil, G-Man, Leper Messiah,
LogaN, Mediator, Mr. Man, Mystic Knig
ht, Phobia, Pyro, Quasar
and Shihear Kallizad.
Filename Discription Artist
DD-CITDL.TRI The Citadel Dead End
DD-FUSI .TRI FUSiON BBS Software Logo Dead End
DD-SG1 .TRI Shallow Grounds Logo Dead End
DD-TRIB1.TRI TRiBE Logo Dead End
DE-FEE .TRI Far East of Eden Dreamevil
DE-GIRL1.GIF 640x480 BW Scan of Pencils Dreamevil
DE-GIRL2.GIF 840x480 BW Scan of Pencils Dreamevil
LO-BOB1 .ZIP Bob Vs The Volcano Slugs 4 LogaN
LO-CTDL .TRI The Citadel LogaN
LO-HERAS.TRI Heratic Asylm LogaN
LO-LENT2.TRI Lentilbrew Lane LogaN
MK-DARK .TRI Dark Liquid Mystic Knight
MK-INTOX.TRI Intoxfornication Mystic Knight
MK-RFLX .TRI Reflex Point Mystic Knight
MM-DL .TRI Dark Liquid Mr. Man
MM-MHQ1 .TRI Mafia HQ Mr. Man
SK-SOE1 .TRI Stay of Execution Shihear Kallizad
US-BHARM.TRI Bodily Harm Dead End/Mystic Knight
TRiBE Archive 2 Contains a Total of 22 Files of a Total of 524,
Dead End
The TRiBE Archive is a montly
collection of artwork produced
by TRiBE artists. The Archive will b
e released on the 1st of
each month and should be available on
the finer art boards in
the scene. The first Archive was rel
eased July 1st 1993.
If you are interested in a TRiBE piec
e, you can contact one or
more TRiBE members via CyberCrime Int
ernational, InterPool and
ToXiCNet. Current members include, b
ut are not limited to:
CyberHack, Cyber X, Dead End,
Dreamevil, G-Man, Leper Messiah,
LogaN, Mediator, Mr. Man, Mystic Knig
ht, Phobia, Pyro, Quasar
and Shihear Kallizad.
Filename Discription Artist
DD-CITDL.TRI The Citadel Dead End
DD-FUSI .TRI FUSiON BBS Software Logo Dead End
DD-SG1 .TRI Shallow Grounds Logo Dead End
DD-TRIB1.TRI TRiBE Logo Dead End
DE-FEE .TRI Far East of Eden Dreamevil
DE-GIRL1.GIF 640x480 BW Scan of Pencils Dreamevil
DE-GIRL2.GIF 840x480 BW Scan of Pencils Dreamevil
LO-BOB1 .ZIP Bob Vs The Volcano Slugs 4 LogaN
LO-CTDL .TRI The Citadel LogaN
LO-HERAS.TRI Heratic Asylm LogaN
LO-LENT2.TRI Lentilbrew Lane LogaN
MK-DARK .TRI Dark Liquid Mystic Knight
MK-INTOX.TRI Intoxfornication Mystic Knight
MK-RFLX .TRI Reflex Point Mystic Knight
MM-DL .TRI Dark Liquid Mr. Man
MM-MHQ1 .TRI Mafia HQ Mr. Man
SK-SOE1 .TRI Stay of Execution Shihear Kallizad
US-BHARM.TRI Bodily Harm Dead End/Mystic Knight
TRiBE Archive 2 Contains a Total of 22 Files of a Total of 524,
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