this image contains text
L O G O : C Y B E R H A C K T R I B E
The TRiBE Archive is a montly collection of
artwork produced
by TRiBE artists. The Archive will be rele
ased on the 1st of
each month and should be available on the f
iner art boards in
the scene.
If you are interested in a TRiBE p
iece, you can contact one or
more TRiBE members via CyberCrime Internationa
l, InterPool and
ToXiCNet. Current members include, but are no
t limited to:
CyberHack, Cyber X, G-Man, LogaN, Mediator, Mr
. Man, Phobia,
Pyro, Quasar and Shihear Kallizad.
Filename Discription Artist
CH-ADREN.TRI Adrenalin Logo CyberHa
CH-CHRNC.TRI Chronic Logo CyberHack
CH-PNISH.TRI Punisher Logo CyberHac
CH-SG1 .TRI Shallow Grounds Logo C
CH-SH .TRI SH Logo ? CyberHack
CH-TRIBE.TRI TRiBE Logo / Advertisement
CH-ZAP1 .TRI ZAP Logo 1 CyberHack
CH-ZAP2 .TRI ZAP Logo 2 CyberHack
CX-DPPI .TRI DPPi Logo Cyber X
CX-FAL .TRI Falcons Eye Logo Cybe
r X
CX-PSY1 .TRI Psychosis Logo Cyber X
CX-SG1 .TRI Shallow Grounds Advertisement
Cyber X
CX-THEFT.TRI Theft of Services Logo
Cyber X
CX-WALL .TRI The Wall Logo Cyber X
GM-NDEAL.TRI The New Deal G-Man
GM-PSY1 .TRI Psychosis Logo G-Man
GM-TCH .TRI The Crowbar Hotel G-Ma
GM-TNZ .TRI The Neutral Zone Logo
LO-ISEN .TRI Isengard Advertisement
LO-PARK .TRI Jurrasic Park LogaN
LO-POO .ZIP Logiepoos Fantasy Lentilbrew Ad
ME-BH .TRI Bodily Harm Mediator
ME-HW .TRI HardWired Mediator
MM-FATH .TRI Fathoms Advertisement
Mr. Man
MM-GHETO.MOD Ghetto Mod Mr. Man
QR-DWEL1.TRI The Dwelling ASCII Logo
QR-POW .TRI POW Logo Quasar
SK-ANSI1.GIF Gif Retrospect of - Sh
ihear Kallizad
SK-HELL1.TRI Hellbound Advertisement
Shihear Kallizad
SK-VX1 .TRI ViSiON-X Logo Shihear
TRiBE Archive 1 Contains a Total of 32 Files Of a Total of 375,
The TRiBE Archive is a montly collection of
artwork produced
by TRiBE artists. The Archive will be rele
ased on the 1st of
each month and should be available on the f
iner art boards in
the scene.
If you are interested in a TRiBE p
iece, you can contact one or
more TRiBE members via CyberCrime Internationa
l, InterPool and
ToXiCNet. Current members include, but are no
t limited to:
CyberHack, Cyber X, G-Man, LogaN, Mediator, Mr
. Man, Phobia,
Pyro, Quasar and Shihear Kallizad.
Filename Discription Artist
CH-ADREN.TRI Adrenalin Logo CyberHa
CH-CHRNC.TRI Chronic Logo CyberHack
CH-PNISH.TRI Punisher Logo CyberHac
CH-SG1 .TRI Shallow Grounds Logo C
CH-SH .TRI SH Logo ? CyberHack
CH-TRIBE.TRI TRiBE Logo / Advertisement
CH-ZAP1 .TRI ZAP Logo 1 CyberHack
CH-ZAP2 .TRI ZAP Logo 2 CyberHack
CX-DPPI .TRI DPPi Logo Cyber X
CX-FAL .TRI Falcons Eye Logo Cybe
r X
CX-PSY1 .TRI Psychosis Logo Cyber X
CX-SG1 .TRI Shallow Grounds Advertisement
Cyber X
CX-THEFT.TRI Theft of Services Logo
Cyber X
CX-WALL .TRI The Wall Logo Cyber X
GM-NDEAL.TRI The New Deal G-Man
GM-PSY1 .TRI Psychosis Logo G-Man
GM-TCH .TRI The Crowbar Hotel G-Ma
GM-TNZ .TRI The Neutral Zone Logo
LO-ISEN .TRI Isengard Advertisement
LO-PARK .TRI Jurrasic Park LogaN
LO-POO .ZIP Logiepoos Fantasy Lentilbrew Ad
ME-BH .TRI Bodily Harm Mediator
ME-HW .TRI HardWired Mediator
MM-FATH .TRI Fathoms Advertisement
Mr. Man
MM-GHETO.MOD Ghetto Mod Mr. Man
QR-DWEL1.TRI The Dwelling ASCII Logo
QR-POW .TRI POW Logo Quasar
SK-ANSI1.GIF Gif Retrospect of - Sh
ihear Kallizad
SK-HELL1.TRI Hellbound Advertisement
Shihear Kallizad
SK-VX1 .TRI ViSiON-X Logo Shihear
TRiBE Archive 1 Contains a Total of 32 Files Of a Total of 375,
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