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.. n e w s l e t t e r ..
.. what is ..
well, i bet a lot of ya out there are sayin, what the fuck is tribal eh?
well, tribal is a combination of a art and modding group.. i did this
kind of a group because i wanted to make a art group that i could show off
some good art from a few local artist.. the reason it is also a modding
group is because everyone can use mods for there boards, and there are very
very few great groups that are still around.
.. the news ..
welp, in the few months that tribal has been an idea, a lot of great
artists joined, a few droped out, thinking wed never make it, but heres
to everyone who thought wed never make it.. acidjazz was a founder of
tribal, but has never kept in touch, and just went with CiA. he is still
an artist in this group if hed ever like to continue to stay and release
with us. blackehawke has shown me a lot of good art in the past, nice pics
nice fonts, and a great iniq modder.. i really like yer iniq setup, even
tho im not really a iniq guy, i like rg and obv the best, looks generic
on most of the boards out here.. cept fer yers bh.. looks good, and it dosent
look like the others ive seen round here.. Bh has showen me a lot of great
shit, hes a founder here, taking acidjazzs spot in line..
exorcet is a very talented fontist, i hope you can
release some more with us, even tho you have like 10 affiliates already :.
i like your board, its coming along well, nice setup, nice mods, and shit,
500 messages a day.. kinda hard to keep up.. you have a very promising
position here in tribal, thanks for the art, even tho its a little old :.
skrewdriver is a great obv/2 modder, tho he does bug a lot of us for art :,
he can whip up a lot of great shit for tribal, he only had a few releases
in this months release, hope to see more from ya.. btw how ya like yer 3
cd changers? 500, shit, id used it for a 3 and 4th node :.
.. greets ..
welp, greets go out to everyone out there keeping the art scene alive.
and to all the 714ers that are trying to make a comeback.
personal greets..
skrewdriver.keep up the mods, btw.. like the email header i Finally got ya?
blackehawke.nice damned matrix and shit, i love it.. btw.. can ya whip me up
a nice little pic for corosive?
gunthar.thanks for all the help setting up corosive, i needed it :, btw, keep
up the good job.
exorcet.mr. affiliate here, damn, gunna add anymore? j/k keep up the nice work
man, i like yer board setup alot.
lord syn. sorry bout that shit, i need to get ya the app shit.. hopefully you
can make the 4/96 application generator eh?
and to the rest of the tribal group.
.. n e w s l e t t e r ..
.. what is ..
well, i bet a lot of ya out there are sayin, what the fuck is tribal eh?
well, tribal is a combination of a art and modding group.. i did this
kind of a group because i wanted to make a art group that i could show off
some good art from a few local artist.. the reason it is also a modding
group is because everyone can use mods for there boards, and there are very
very few great groups that are still around.
.. the news ..
welp, in the few months that tribal has been an idea, a lot of great
artists joined, a few droped out, thinking wed never make it, but heres
to everyone who thought wed never make it.. acidjazz was a founder of
tribal, but has never kept in touch, and just went with CiA. he is still
an artist in this group if hed ever like to continue to stay and release
with us. blackehawke has shown me a lot of good art in the past, nice pics
nice fonts, and a great iniq modder.. i really like yer iniq setup, even
tho im not really a iniq guy, i like rg and obv the best, looks generic
on most of the boards out here.. cept fer yers bh.. looks good, and it dosent
look like the others ive seen round here.. Bh has showen me a lot of great
shit, hes a founder here, taking acidjazzs spot in line..
exorcet is a very talented fontist, i hope you can
release some more with us, even tho you have like 10 affiliates already :.
i like your board, its coming along well, nice setup, nice mods, and shit,
500 messages a day.. kinda hard to keep up.. you have a very promising
position here in tribal, thanks for the art, even tho its a little old :.
skrewdriver is a great obv/2 modder, tho he does bug a lot of us for art :,
he can whip up a lot of great shit for tribal, he only had a few releases
in this months release, hope to see more from ya.. btw how ya like yer 3
cd changers? 500, shit, id used it for a 3 and 4th node :.
.. greets ..
welp, greets go out to everyone out there keeping the art scene alive.
and to all the 714ers that are trying to make a comeback.
personal greets..
skrewdriver.keep up the mods, btw.. like the email header i Finally got ya?
blackehawke.nice damned matrix and shit, i love it.. btw.. can ya whip me up
a nice little pic for corosive?
gunthar.thanks for all the help setting up corosive, i needed it :, btw, keep
up the good job.
exorcet.mr. affiliate here, damn, gunna add anymore? j/k keep up the nice work
man, i like yer board setup alot.
lord syn. sorry bout that shit, i need to get ya the app shit.. hopefully you
can make the 4/96 application generator eh?
and to the rest of the tribal group.
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