this image contains text
useless crap above this line mark ryder sucks cock for crack
/ / / H I R O
fAh/ // .
/ / / / / P R O T A G O N S T
trank!ascii + katharsis!ascii + quad-p + cia
/ // hP!
the ascii colly /
introduction written O8-21-96 :
colly released O8-3O-96 : :
the morning crashes into my room with the weight of 5OO hammers
beating upon my skull and i feel the images of the world beyond
start to slip free of my waking mind, almost as if sensing my
efforts to comprehend their meaning. it is with this reality i
have awoken to for the last seven days, yet somehow this
morning is already different. i feel now as if i understand
this ghost that has come to me, and i am no longer afraid.
the vision of humanity advancing on its evolutionary path has
been seeded in my subconcious mind, returning to me night after
night intermixxed with images of my lifes own evolution. from
childhood to manhood, insignifigant events that somehow add up
to more than the sum of their whole.
it is signifigant to note that for some time i have been dogged
by a feeling that i have been headed towards a spiritual and
emotional change, an evolution of sorts.
the human being is forever cursed to make sense of their own
existance. religion exists as a method to this end, which means
atheism exists as a method for those who do not care to make
sense of it, because it is ultimately a futile process. i have
been one such person, simply existing because my parents deemed
it worthy to engage in sex, either as recreation or
my dream was simply my subconcious tuning my concious state in
to what some part of it had already known for some time, i need
to evolve. i am the once atheist, becoming buddhist. the once
heartless player, trying to understand what it means to love
again. the once busy artist, in need of a break..
this, my seventh trank-distributed ascii colly, is to be my
last sceduled release for a while. the pc-ascii scene has come
far since i first started doodling little logos and pics for
local boards back in 1989, and its given me a chance to
express my artistic demon at many levels. i am forever indebted
to you in taking this journey with me.
i am not quitting the scene, taking down my board, or dropping
off the face of the planet like tinyz seriously, anybody
talked to jay since march?. im just stepping back from the
lime light to let new talent shine.
not one to leave with a simple fuck all yall!, i have tried
to share a bit of myself with you this morning. not scene
attitude or hype, just the real me. im not even going to get
into mark ryders juvenille fear of the pc-ascii revolution,
since we all saw it for what it truely was.
i hope you enjoy this col, have people who care about you, and
are sucessful in all your endevors even the really dumb ones.
love, and budda-bless,
devin, aka..
hiro protagonist
m e n u
---------/ ----------------tF!-
O1 - testarossa O2 - upgrade O3 - virtual-x
O4 - weed to know O5 - sassy boys O6 - inane creations
O7 - introduction O8 - represent O9 - misfits
1O - part xx kit 11 - planet love 12 - lord nitro
13 - modemland fiid 14 - pla fiid
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O1 / / /
/ // requestor: omicron/tk!a Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: testarossa archives Y8P dP// /
/ / // / rUNNiN LiKe iTS SpOSSe tA!
. T E S T A R O S S A .
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O2 / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: system upgrade Y8P dP// /
a n n o u n c i n g a m a j o r s y s t e m
/ /hP!
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O3 / / /
/ // requestor: nevarre demonian Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: virtual-x! bbs modding Y8P dP// /
/ //hP! / // / /
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O4 / / /
/ // requestor: assassin/qdp Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: weed to know Y8P dP// /
Want to save the planet? Grow more dope!
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O5 / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: the sassy boys Y8P dP// /
/ . tHE *SASSY* bOYS! / OO /
/ / / / / / Poskgubber
/ / / / / Fahrenhitler
/ / / / / / / Hiro Proctologist
no, its not a : Did someone say Sassy? Oh my..
group you can join - Phil Hartman
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O6 / / /
/ // requestor: some local kid Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: realm of inane creations Y8P dP// /
its an /.--. ha
elephant, oo me funny,
dumbo. . maybe.
. / / V//V .
/ hP! . -* .
80x50, biotch! the realm of insane creations
/ 3064775066 /
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O7 / / /
/ // requestor: whodini/tk!a Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: introduction Y8P dP// /
+---./-:: ::..--hP!----+
: expand as needed :
t h i s h a s b e e n t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n
t o W D - X X X X X . T X T
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O8 / / /
/ // requestor: myself for nobody now Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: represnt! colly intro Y8P dP// /
/ d88 .d88888b. d888888b :
: : .d888 8888 8888 d888 .888b .
: : 888 8888 8888 .8888
:./ 888 888o888 .d888888b. . /
/ 888 8888 8888 .8888 :/ :
/ d888b 8888 8888 .8888 :
.88888.8888888 .8888 /:
/ . : -- : 7
: / :/ ll - lll l
/ : .:. / hP!
..-. .xx// / thirty six
- / styles of danger
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O9 / / /
/ // requestor: nobody Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: misfits pc-ansi Y8P dP// /
evilive of
did the face..
nothing evolves you say? i did that misfits logo in 1990..
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 1O / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: part construct-a-kit Y8P dP// /
/ hP! ::: ::: .::::.
feel free to use this number set for whatever else you might dream up
just please gimme some credit somewhere in the ascii..
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 11 / / /
/ // requestor: myself for cyberkid/krs Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: planet love Y8P dP// /
/ hP!
// jAH lUV mON!
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 12 / / /
/ // requestor: myself for nitro/tk!a Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: lord nitrogen Y8P dP// /
l o r d n i t r o g e n
this is the last ascii i actually drew for the col.. but this is an
official no order what-so-ever colly..
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 13 / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: modemland fileid Y8P dP// /
+----hP! -+
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 14 / / /
/ // requestor: redboxchillipepper/pla Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: pla issue 40 fileid Y8P dP// /
hP!. Phone Losers of America
In this issue: we annoy everyone
/ in the 618 prefix, etc..
cDr / / // / / .-----/ ed
first hiro logo............ fahrenheit - tk!a/krs
menu logo.................. the fouder - scum
credz logo................. crusader - ed
greets logo................ chrombacher - ed
messages logo.............. zeus - mst/pa
second hiro logo........... lord nitro - tk!a
modemland logo............. cann - tk!a lord nitro - tk!a
fileid.diz................ misfit - wl! rip
. / l. .
. l/ /. /. /. /
/ l l l l/
.cRb eD.
my mom and extended family
whodini/tk!a - this colly has turned into a goodbye from me, for a
while atleast, and im not up to putting a big effort
to saving my active membership in the group. i love
trank, but its not central to my existance.. so all
i can really say is its up to you where i stand in
the next memberlist..
tinyz/krs - ild really like to redo that 124k worth of ascii i did
for kts!asc 20, since its 6 months old already.. but
i really dont have the time. if krsone.txt ever looks
like it might get released please let me know and i will
find something worthwhile to throw in for a few more kb.
hope i find you when i get back on the net right away,
i miss our transatlantic five hour voice calls..
fahrenheit/tk!a - sorry i couldnt join you in your plan for world
domination, but i had to make an evolutionary leap
of my own this time. im just going to be one of
those goofs you find on irc who never draws but
yknow everybody loves him anyhoo hah, much love
mon ami.. and all the best no matter what happens.
hir0rocks will live on.. hehe
posk/krs - smoked up a big fat cuban while i was doing this colly,
reminded me of that SECRET CIGAR INFO!.. heh, well
have a good chat when i get back online. heard you moved
back to finland and are making alot more sense now since
crack is so much harder to find there.. grin
u-man/al - heard enig and fah are hooking yah up with a new modem,
well have to hangout online and you can explain to me
why so many amiga people are jerkoffs, yet at the time
so many others are the friendliest sceners on the planet.
lord nitro/tk!a - you inspired me way more than i could have ever
inspired you.. serious nig, youve got it going on
and always will. much love..
omicron/tk!a - killa bees was a great outing into the world of cols,
hope you keep at it and do some more of those old
skool remorse-day pics.. that was ultra-fly. and come
gimme a ride in the NSX whenever you can afford one..
cyber kid/krs - ild really like to give sys/x a shot, but ive been
too damn busy to put any real work into the board
lately, but that should all change after this goes
everybody else in tk!a/krs/3O6 - mad love to yall
hIRO /lN / /
alias........... hiro protagonist realname........ devin
birthdate....... 13/O6/74 age............. 22
country......... canada city............ saskatoon
education....... upgrading highschool transcripts, plan on attending
the university of british columbia next year
movies.......... anything with deep themes, unique concepts, or great
visuals ie: john carpenter movies
music........... fla, nitzer ebb, kmfdm, kraftwerk, beastie boys, wu-tang,
information society, petshop boys, depeche mode, smiths
munchies........ burger king, nachos salsa, diet pepsi
vices........... cigarettes, cuban cigars, marijuana, 12 year aged whiskey
contact......... my board - modemland, no vmb or email adr, or you can find
me in row 2, seat 12, at the smashing pumpkins gig in
sask-place next month
funeral march... theres a place in hell for me and my friends - morrissey
quote........... its patrick, he took out life insurance!
/ // / things
since my last
the following is a little snipit from a reunion
i had with some high school friends i hadnt seen
in atleast four years..
me: okay, wait, if you know jen xxxxxxx then you gotta know
a friend of hers i had a thing with for a while.. tara..
tara.. tara something..
chris: noooo... looks at nate
nate: you think so? looks at chris
chris: nooooo... looks at me
me: what?
nate: well, rob went out with a friend of jens named tara..
me: awh shit, what the hell was her last name.. tara..
tara... tara j-something... yeah, started with a j..
chris: laughing its gotta be, but i cant remember her last name..
me: me either.. but its so wierd, i mean when i left xxxxxxx
and started living my life here in the city i made all these
friends and somehow, one by one, they all have become inter-
connected to that small town we all grew up in..
chris: hahaha..
nate: i love rob, i mean hes a great friend - held give you the
shirt off his back in an instant, but..
chris: but.. you wouldnt want to hear one of your exs went out
with him..
nate: well not so much that, but just that hes..
me: german..
nate: such a bonehead when it comes to relationships..
chris: like devin said, rob is german.. hes got that big streak of
nate: and like yould ask him why he didnt show up at the bar
the other night and held be like well tara came over and
yknow.. stuff happened
chris: and yould be uhm, rob, what do i care about your sex
nate: yeah, but the the thing is that if it was one of my exs i know
held be out saying stupid things to somebody else..
me: and it just makes you go - god, this city is too small..
moral: you can never escape your past
and this completely trivial piece is from last friday..
me: 1-800-925-9999..
vmb: ring.. ring.. welc-
me: 294
vmb: 2.. 9.. 4.. does not exist on system.. you have exceeded the
maximum error count for this call.. goodbye.. click
moral: nothing good lasts forever 6+ months is pretty damn good tho
..and lastly, what would a colly from me be without an advert..
.... .. . .................:.. c4nn // lordnitro
: // / : : trank!ascii /
: oO : : / Oo
: ......: M O D E M L A N D
+ 1 - 3 O 6 - 6 5 2 - 4 3 5 9
tk!a/krs/qdp/sve whq - gnj/rlt/inf/juan chq - cia/rmrs member
wkd/pla/saz dist - friendly sysops - 60+ ld callers - no nup
, + TL
jP tk!a:sTYLE.2.dEATH jP
TL +
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ trank!ascii presents..
-M- /
hiro protagonist in the ascii colly called
. e v o l v e .
contains important news about my position in
the ascii scene and tk!a, leech it chummer
useless crap below this line
s T A R T :/
: o F
a D ! :/
: +TZ ... :
: / :.: 614-860-1841 :
:/ e N D
o F :
:/ a D !
/ / / H I R O
fAh/ // .
/ / / / / P R O T A G O N S T
trank!ascii + katharsis!ascii + quad-p + cia
/ // hP!
the ascii colly /
introduction written O8-21-96 :
colly released O8-3O-96 : :
the morning crashes into my room with the weight of 5OO hammers
beating upon my skull and i feel the images of the world beyond
start to slip free of my waking mind, almost as if sensing my
efforts to comprehend their meaning. it is with this reality i
have awoken to for the last seven days, yet somehow this
morning is already different. i feel now as if i understand
this ghost that has come to me, and i am no longer afraid.
the vision of humanity advancing on its evolutionary path has
been seeded in my subconcious mind, returning to me night after
night intermixxed with images of my lifes own evolution. from
childhood to manhood, insignifigant events that somehow add up
to more than the sum of their whole.
it is signifigant to note that for some time i have been dogged
by a feeling that i have been headed towards a spiritual and
emotional change, an evolution of sorts.
the human being is forever cursed to make sense of their own
existance. religion exists as a method to this end, which means
atheism exists as a method for those who do not care to make
sense of it, because it is ultimately a futile process. i have
been one such person, simply existing because my parents deemed
it worthy to engage in sex, either as recreation or
my dream was simply my subconcious tuning my concious state in
to what some part of it had already known for some time, i need
to evolve. i am the once atheist, becoming buddhist. the once
heartless player, trying to understand what it means to love
again. the once busy artist, in need of a break..
this, my seventh trank-distributed ascii colly, is to be my
last sceduled release for a while. the pc-ascii scene has come
far since i first started doodling little logos and pics for
local boards back in 1989, and its given me a chance to
express my artistic demon at many levels. i am forever indebted
to you in taking this journey with me.
i am not quitting the scene, taking down my board, or dropping
off the face of the planet like tinyz seriously, anybody
talked to jay since march?. im just stepping back from the
lime light to let new talent shine.
not one to leave with a simple fuck all yall!, i have tried
to share a bit of myself with you this morning. not scene
attitude or hype, just the real me. im not even going to get
into mark ryders juvenille fear of the pc-ascii revolution,
since we all saw it for what it truely was.
i hope you enjoy this col, have people who care about you, and
are sucessful in all your endevors even the really dumb ones.
love, and budda-bless,
devin, aka..
hiro protagonist
m e n u
---------/ ----------------tF!-
O1 - testarossa O2 - upgrade O3 - virtual-x
O4 - weed to know O5 - sassy boys O6 - inane creations
O7 - introduction O8 - represent O9 - misfits
1O - part xx kit 11 - planet love 12 - lord nitro
13 - modemland fiid 14 - pla fiid
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O1 / / /
/ // requestor: omicron/tk!a Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: testarossa archives Y8P dP// /
/ / // / rUNNiN LiKe iTS SpOSSe tA!
. T E S T A R O S S A .
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O2 / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: system upgrade Y8P dP// /
a n n o u n c i n g a m a j o r s y s t e m
/ /hP!
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O3 / / /
/ // requestor: nevarre demonian Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: virtual-x! bbs modding Y8P dP// /
/ //hP! / // / /
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O4 / / /
/ // requestor: assassin/qdp Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: weed to know Y8P dP// /
Want to save the planet? Grow more dope!
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O5 / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: the sassy boys Y8P dP// /
/ . tHE *SASSY* bOYS! / OO /
/ / / / / / Poskgubber
/ / / / / Fahrenhitler
/ / / / / / / Hiro Proctologist
no, its not a : Did someone say Sassy? Oh my..
group you can join - Phil Hartman
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O6 / / /
/ // requestor: some local kid Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: realm of inane creations Y8P dP// /
its an /.--. ha
elephant, oo me funny,
dumbo. . maybe.
. / / V//V .
/ hP! . -* .
80x50, biotch! the realm of insane creations
/ 3064775066 /
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O7 / / /
/ // requestor: whodini/tk!a Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: introduction Y8P dP// /
+---./-:: ::..--hP!----+
: expand as needed :
t h i s h a s b e e n t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n
t o W D - X X X X X . T X T
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O8 / / /
/ // requestor: myself for nobody now Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: represnt! colly intro Y8P dP// /
/ d88 .d88888b. d888888b :
: : .d888 8888 8888 d888 .888b .
: : 888 8888 8888 .8888
:./ 888 888o888 .d888888b. . /
/ 888 8888 8888 .8888 :/ :
/ d888b 8888 8888 .8888 :
.88888.8888888 .8888 /:
/ . : -- : 7
: / :/ ll - lll l
/ : .:. / hP!
..-. .xx// / thirty six
- / styles of danger
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P O9 / / /
/ // requestor: nobody Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: misfits pc-ansi Y8P dP// /
evilive of
did the face..
nothing evolves you say? i did that misfits logo in 1990..
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 1O / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: part construct-a-kit Y8P dP// /
/ hP! ::: ::: .::::.
feel free to use this number set for whatever else you might dream up
just please gimme some credit somewhere in the ascii..
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 11 / / /
/ // requestor: myself for cyberkid/krs Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: planet love Y8P dP// /
/ hP!
// jAH lUV mON!
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 12 / / /
/ // requestor: myself for nitro/tk!a Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: lord nitrogen Y8P dP// /
l o r d n i t r o g e n
this is the last ascii i actually drew for the col.. but this is an
official no order what-so-ever colly..
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 13 / / /
/ // requestor: myself Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: modemland fileid Y8P dP// /
+----hP! -+
.dP d8b
/ d8P d8 8b / / /
/ / d888b Y888P 14 / / /
/ // requestor: redboxchillipepper/pla Y8 8b d8P / / /
// logo desc: pla issue 40 fileid Y8P dP// /
hP!. Phone Losers of America
In this issue: we annoy everyone
/ in the 618 prefix, etc..
cDr / / // / / .-----/ ed
first hiro logo............ fahrenheit - tk!a/krs
menu logo.................. the fouder - scum
credz logo................. crusader - ed
greets logo................ chrombacher - ed
messages logo.............. zeus - mst/pa
second hiro logo........... lord nitro - tk!a
modemland logo............. cann - tk!a lord nitro - tk!a
fileid.diz................ misfit - wl! rip
. / l. .
. l/ /. /. /. /
/ l l l l/
.cRb eD.
my mom and extended family
whodini/tk!a - this colly has turned into a goodbye from me, for a
while atleast, and im not up to putting a big effort
to saving my active membership in the group. i love
trank, but its not central to my existance.. so all
i can really say is its up to you where i stand in
the next memberlist..
tinyz/krs - ild really like to redo that 124k worth of ascii i did
for kts!asc 20, since its 6 months old already.. but
i really dont have the time. if krsone.txt ever looks
like it might get released please let me know and i will
find something worthwhile to throw in for a few more kb.
hope i find you when i get back on the net right away,
i miss our transatlantic five hour voice calls..
fahrenheit/tk!a - sorry i couldnt join you in your plan for world
domination, but i had to make an evolutionary leap
of my own this time. im just going to be one of
those goofs you find on irc who never draws but
yknow everybody loves him anyhoo hah, much love
mon ami.. and all the best no matter what happens.
hir0rocks will live on.. hehe
posk/krs - smoked up a big fat cuban while i was doing this colly,
reminded me of that SECRET CIGAR INFO!.. heh, well
have a good chat when i get back online. heard you moved
back to finland and are making alot more sense now since
crack is so much harder to find there.. grin
u-man/al - heard enig and fah are hooking yah up with a new modem,
well have to hangout online and you can explain to me
why so many amiga people are jerkoffs, yet at the time
so many others are the friendliest sceners on the planet.
lord nitro/tk!a - you inspired me way more than i could have ever
inspired you.. serious nig, youve got it going on
and always will. much love..
omicron/tk!a - killa bees was a great outing into the world of cols,
hope you keep at it and do some more of those old
skool remorse-day pics.. that was ultra-fly. and come
gimme a ride in the NSX whenever you can afford one..
cyber kid/krs - ild really like to give sys/x a shot, but ive been
too damn busy to put any real work into the board
lately, but that should all change after this goes
everybody else in tk!a/krs/3O6 - mad love to yall
hIRO /lN / /
alias........... hiro protagonist realname........ devin
birthdate....... 13/O6/74 age............. 22
country......... canada city............ saskatoon
education....... upgrading highschool transcripts, plan on attending
the university of british columbia next year
movies.......... anything with deep themes, unique concepts, or great
visuals ie: john carpenter movies
music........... fla, nitzer ebb, kmfdm, kraftwerk, beastie boys, wu-tang,
information society, petshop boys, depeche mode, smiths
munchies........ burger king, nachos salsa, diet pepsi
vices........... cigarettes, cuban cigars, marijuana, 12 year aged whiskey
contact......... my board - modemland, no vmb or email adr, or you can find
me in row 2, seat 12, at the smashing pumpkins gig in
sask-place next month
funeral march... theres a place in hell for me and my friends - morrissey
quote........... its patrick, he took out life insurance!
/ // / things
since my last
the following is a little snipit from a reunion
i had with some high school friends i hadnt seen
in atleast four years..
me: okay, wait, if you know jen xxxxxxx then you gotta know
a friend of hers i had a thing with for a while.. tara..
tara.. tara something..
chris: noooo... looks at nate
nate: you think so? looks at chris
chris: nooooo... looks at me
me: what?
nate: well, rob went out with a friend of jens named tara..
me: awh shit, what the hell was her last name.. tara..
tara... tara j-something... yeah, started with a j..
chris: laughing its gotta be, but i cant remember her last name..
me: me either.. but its so wierd, i mean when i left xxxxxxx
and started living my life here in the city i made all these
friends and somehow, one by one, they all have become inter-
connected to that small town we all grew up in..
chris: hahaha..
nate: i love rob, i mean hes a great friend - held give you the
shirt off his back in an instant, but..
chris: but.. you wouldnt want to hear one of your exs went out
with him..
nate: well not so much that, but just that hes..
me: german..
nate: such a bonehead when it comes to relationships..
chris: like devin said, rob is german.. hes got that big streak of
nate: and like yould ask him why he didnt show up at the bar
the other night and held be like well tara came over and
yknow.. stuff happened
chris: and yould be uhm, rob, what do i care about your sex
nate: yeah, but the the thing is that if it was one of my exs i know
held be out saying stupid things to somebody else..
me: and it just makes you go - god, this city is too small..
moral: you can never escape your past
and this completely trivial piece is from last friday..
me: 1-800-925-9999..
vmb: ring.. ring.. welc-
me: 294
vmb: 2.. 9.. 4.. does not exist on system.. you have exceeded the
maximum error count for this call.. goodbye.. click
moral: nothing good lasts forever 6+ months is pretty damn good tho
..and lastly, what would a colly from me be without an advert..
.... .. . .................:.. c4nn // lordnitro
: // / : : trank!ascii /
: oO : : / Oo
: ......: M O D E M L A N D
+ 1 - 3 O 6 - 6 5 2 - 4 3 5 9
tk!a/krs/qdp/sve whq - gnj/rlt/inf/juan chq - cia/rmrs member
wkd/pla/saz dist - friendly sysops - 60+ ld callers - no nup
, + TL
jP tk!a:sTYLE.2.dEATH jP
TL +
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ trank!ascii presents..
-M- /
hiro protagonist in the ascii colly called
. e v o l v e .
contains important news about my position in
the ascii scene and tk!a, leech it chummer
useless crap below this line
s T A R T :/
: o F
a D ! :/
: +TZ ... :
: / :.: 614-860-1841 :
:/ e N D
o F :
:/ a D !
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