this image contains text
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7 gggpmmmmq .dP
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.dP.gg.7b. .dP.gg.7b. 7b.
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.::: p****q ::::::::: p****q .::: b d ::: :::.
P 7 P P 7 P 7 P 7
+-* --+- trank logo by the masked marauder +-------+-*-
.,gpmmmmmmm P7g. sP7s P7g. s g,.
7 gggpmmmmq .dP
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.dP.gg.7b. .dP.gg.7b. 7b.
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.::: p****q ::::::::: p****q .::: b d ::: :::.
P 7 P P 7 P 7 P 7
+-* --+- trank logo by the masked marauder +-------+-*-
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