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... ,P
: gggdbgggg ggggg ,sgs, @@s, sggg,s@@, ,b, .
: ,d b , :
: .,s@b ,d :
b,d,b,d s
founder whodini
senior members cypher hex, hiro protagonist, kaleidas
mascot virago
asphixia as, bitstream bit, blatz bz,
blindman bm, cannibal c4, cerebus cr, cypher hex ch,
ewheat 3t, flexor fx, greyskale gs, grey hawk gh,
hOlocaust ho, kaleidas kal, lord nitrogen no, megaman mm,
misfit mt, nightrain nt, spear sp, polymorph pm,
sir death sd, trinitron tt, and the masked marauder tmm.
ack 4ck, hiro protagonist hp, deep dp,
fahrenheit fah, enigmatic j2, and omicron om.
asylum ay, cable ca, coleslaw cs,
don croce dc, flick fk, fractal fr,
mrkite mk, posk pk, and tinyz tz.
WHQ modemland ............ hiro protagonist
USHQ whodinis magik....... whodini
paste................. sir death
the dunes ............ deep
alien workshop........ enigmatic
enygma................ fahrenheit
genotia............... black knight
pOo................... misfit
the next dimension.... bitstream
etc - etc - etc - etc
tinyz, shock-g, kts, posk, teklordz, ts, amp, smooth, t2,
phaser x, paradox, enigmatic, nevvare,
acidflash iMPERiAL, omicron, oracle, revmanson, mrkite,
mr. madness, dds girl cuz she sucks a good dick, maestro, cash, trip,
soldier, mrkite, magellan, and fatal sacrilige.
black knight changed his handle to greyskale.. w00w00
polymorph cuz he joined and he kicks all fuckn ass, really...
endless nameless because he made me put guest work in the pack even
though i think guest bullshit is lame.
all these greets because i couldnt think of anyone elite to greet.
you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland - 306 652 4359
or on irc as Whodini in ansi. email is whodini@epit.ganet.net
: RevManson make next month Anton The Pimp month :
... ,P
: gggdbgggg ggggg ,sgs, @@s, sggg,s@@, ,b, .
: ,d b , :
: .,s@b ,d :
b,d,b,d s
founder whodini
senior members cypher hex, hiro protagonist, kaleidas
mascot virago
asphixia as, bitstream bit, blatz bz,
blindman bm, cannibal c4, cerebus cr, cypher hex ch,
ewheat 3t, flexor fx, greyskale gs, grey hawk gh,
hOlocaust ho, kaleidas kal, lord nitrogen no, megaman mm,
misfit mt, nightrain nt, spear sp, polymorph pm,
sir death sd, trinitron tt, and the masked marauder tmm.
ack 4ck, hiro protagonist hp, deep dp,
fahrenheit fah, enigmatic j2, and omicron om.
asylum ay, cable ca, coleslaw cs,
don croce dc, flick fk, fractal fr,
mrkite mk, posk pk, and tinyz tz.
WHQ modemland ............ hiro protagonist
USHQ whodinis magik....... whodini
paste................. sir death
the dunes ............ deep
alien workshop........ enigmatic
enygma................ fahrenheit
genotia............... black knight
pOo................... misfit
the next dimension.... bitstream
etc - etc - etc - etc
tinyz, shock-g, kts, posk, teklordz, ts, amp, smooth, t2,
phaser x, paradox, enigmatic, nevvare,
acidflash iMPERiAL, omicron, oracle, revmanson, mrkite,
mr. madness, dds girl cuz she sucks a good dick, maestro, cash, trip,
soldier, mrkite, magellan, and fatal sacrilige.
black knight changed his handle to greyskale.. w00w00
polymorph cuz he joined and he kicks all fuckn ass, really...
endless nameless because he made me put guest work in the pack even
though i think guest bullshit is lame.
all these greets because i couldnt think of anyone elite to greet.
you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland - 306 652 4359
or on irc as Whodini in ansi. email is whodini@epit.ganet.net
: RevManson make next month Anton The Pimp month :
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