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XXx 3! ! !
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/ x / / / .trank! X123-
pakman smokes opium.
trank is a compilation of the best ascii artists around.
founder whodini
senior members cypher hex, hiro protagonist, kaleidas
mascot virago
asphixia as, black knight bk, bitstream bit,
blindman bm, cypher hex ch, cerebus cr,
ewheat 3t, fahrenheit fh, flexor fx,
grey hawk gh, kaleidas kal, lord nitrogen no,
misfit mt, nightrain nt, pase ps, trinitron tt,
the masked marauder tmm, and whodini wd.
ack 4ck, hiro protagonist hp, deep dp,
enigmatic j2, indiana jones ij.
asylum ay, cable ca, coleslaw cs,
don croce dc, flick fk
fractal fr, mrkite mk, omicron om.
WHQ modemland/2........... hiro protagonist
USHQ whodinis magik....... whodini
the 7-11 connection... nitrogen
the empire............ deep
alien workshop........ enigmatic
enygma................ fahrenheit
genotia............... black knight
pOo................... misfit
the next dimension.... bitstream
CiA - ACiD - iCE - Apathy
HUGE greets to two of our original members returning after
their time in acid. asphixia and deep are back biatch!
greet to fractal, who has stopped doing ascii...
he will always be an alumni member of trank.
ewheat joins up, he hasnt done shit, but hes from 614 so he better.
flick moves down to alumni member because he smokes too much weed.
ack, the extremely elite kts artist joins the colly division.
enigmatic, previously of wicked, joins the colly division, hes da man.
indiana jones, whos history is clouded by deception,
also joins the trank colly division.
nightrain, another extremely talented kts member, rejoins the ascii
scene as a member of trank.
the talented newschool artist, cerebus, joins trank.
special greet to lord nitrogen, who popped up again to kiq oldskool ass.
you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland/2 - 306 652 4359
or on irc as wh0d in ansi. email is whodini@epit.ganet.net
XXx 3! ! !
!ij / 1 / /
J/ l/ / /
/ x / / / .trank! X123-
pakman smokes opium.
trank is a compilation of the best ascii artists around.
founder whodini
senior members cypher hex, hiro protagonist, kaleidas
mascot virago
asphixia as, black knight bk, bitstream bit,
blindman bm, cypher hex ch, cerebus cr,
ewheat 3t, fahrenheit fh, flexor fx,
grey hawk gh, kaleidas kal, lord nitrogen no,
misfit mt, nightrain nt, pase ps, trinitron tt,
the masked marauder tmm, and whodini wd.
ack 4ck, hiro protagonist hp, deep dp,
enigmatic j2, indiana jones ij.
asylum ay, cable ca, coleslaw cs,
don croce dc, flick fk
fractal fr, mrkite mk, omicron om.
WHQ modemland/2........... hiro protagonist
USHQ whodinis magik....... whodini
the 7-11 connection... nitrogen
the empire............ deep
alien workshop........ enigmatic
enygma................ fahrenheit
genotia............... black knight
pOo................... misfit
the next dimension.... bitstream
CiA - ACiD - iCE - Apathy
HUGE greets to two of our original members returning after
their time in acid. asphixia and deep are back biatch!
greet to fractal, who has stopped doing ascii...
he will always be an alumni member of trank.
ewheat joins up, he hasnt done shit, but hes from 614 so he better.
flick moves down to alumni member because he smokes too much weed.
ack, the extremely elite kts artist joins the colly division.
enigmatic, previously of wicked, joins the colly division, hes da man.
indiana jones, whos history is clouded by deception,
also joins the trank colly division.
nightrain, another extremely talented kts member, rejoins the ascii
scene as a member of trank.
the talented newschool artist, cerebus, joins trank.
special greet to lord nitrogen, who popped up again to kiq oldskool ass.
you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland/2 - 306 652 4359
or on irc as wh0d in ansi. email is whodini@epit.ganet.net
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