this image contains text
/ / / Chef Whodini, aka Agent 614 presents..
...his very first ascii collection...
...and probably his last with trank!
details at the end
- whodinis magik -
- all ascii, all real, no bullshit -
- running waffle v1.65 -
- black sunshine -
/ -wd/
shock g style in 95 /
-------------------------------------------------- aRTNOPHOBIA /----
/ / / Chef Whodini
/ /wHO
ethreetwo /
sysop - misfit
trank member board
apathy whq
saga member board
stuff here
. /wHO?
/ nevermore
greetz/info -
- what i say here is my opinion, not all of trank... trank is a group of -
individuals, who can express their own opinions, and do not need a group
to express it for them. If you dont like what i say, talk to me about it.
First off, the Info.
his first ascii collection, and possible last with trank! does NOT mean im
quitting trank. fool Many know that I dont do ascii collies, cuz they tend
to take away the importance of the smaller asciis, and basically can look like
shit if you do not know how to do them correctly. Hiro can, but I can not
basically is the key to that. Usually, I put my info on my diz collection.
but I only have 1 diz. Even though its the shit, and will just release it
with next months dizzes. I had alot of stuff i wanted to talk about, so i
did not want to wait until next month to release my info, so made a quick
ascii collection. Heres the info.
Last Months Pack!
Im sorry to say, there were just too many difficulties with last months pack
for me to even begin explaining them. Both my seniors went *poof*, one quit,
the other just disappeared. I was kicked out of my loving home for a while,
which caused quite a ruckus -- also members released their work with other
groups when they learned I was kicked out. After being let back in about 2
weeks later though, I was getting the pack together, when the day before the
pack was going to be released I had said it was going to be that sunday, both
my hard drives crashed, causing all the work to be destroyed. Including some
BEAUTIES by yours truely that will never be released. I am very sorry for
this, and wish to apologize to all the members, and the members supporters.
Endow vs. Trank
People, get it straight. There is no harsh blood between any members of trank
or endow. Members are not switching sides, or playing childesh games with
each other. Alot of rumors flew moreso about trank the endow unfortunately,
and tempers did fly between epidemic and i who never have gotten along great
in the first place, but it was all promptly worked out. Trank and endow have
a deep respect for each other, and while Id hate to see any trank member
leave, endow would be the group I would like to see them go to. dont get any
Acid Ascii vs Trank
Ok, now I myself have a personal grudge with Acid Ascii, for the simple reason
that the group took advantage of one bad month to steal members. Those
leaving -- Deep, MrKite, Christopher Robin, and Asphixia -- should of
at least told me they were leaving the group. MrKite and Cr did, the rest
I had to learn through the grape vine. But I do not hold anything against
any of the members, and all are welcome back except for Christopher Robin,
who probably will be kicked out of Acid Ascii after they realize he sucks,
which will leave the group with no leader. when you run the group, you need
not be as good as your members, because you are automatically accepted to the
group. Let it be known that Tranks invite only rule WAS bent for Cr in the
first place, he was made a member only to get asphixia into the group. Im
sorry the rule was bent, and I regret doing it now. I hope to see all the
members back in next months pack, all though Im sure if they are leaving,
maybe endow will get a few too. ack! lets hope not, those guys were elite
kTs 20
Some members took some time off from trank to donate artwork for Trank pack
20. Even I donated a logo to kTs 20. Its only a couple months late, but
from what Ive seen, it will be well worth it for any ascii foolio.
New members
Lets welcome Don Croce, Grey Hawk, Trinitron, Bitstream, Xane, and Nootropic
to the group.They couldnt of come at a better time, no doubt. Don Croce is
coming from the amiga scene, where he has released one colly. Grey Hawk is
former CiA Ascii, and also comes from the demo scene. Trinitron comes from
Wicked/TDD. Bitstream is the president of the highly succesful group, Wicked.
I dont have much info on Xane, besides the fact that his ascii style is cool
as hell. Nootropic also joins, with his color ascii skills. Thanks to all
of them, and we hope they stick around for a while.
Group Loyalty
I hate to hit this subject, because it IS only ascii. But any president hates
to see members leave. If their is a problem in a group, no matter what type
of group, talk to the president about it first. Itll save everyone some grief
along the way. This probably isnt loyalty, but I think its probably a good
thing to do. There was slander spoken to me by a certain acid!a prez about
how I put together packs, although cr and i never got along, maybe this could
have been avoided. or maybe he shouldnt complain about what work of his i
put in when he doesnt even send it to me.
Greetz -
First off, to all the current trank guys. Stick around, its probably going
to be bumpy, but theres better things to worry about.
kTs and especially shock g for really influencing my style. and tinyz also,
tz, sliver, and shock g have been the most inspiration ascii artists around,
and probably the greatest.
All the amiga ppl, I am not getting into too many names here. Lets just say
yall are the shit.
Hiro Protagonist and Cypher Hex, probably two guys who will ALWAYS be a member,
and will always keep tranks quality up to the highest standard.
Greetz to all the groups who greeted us, and a few who didnt.
Denial, for getting together a bunch of ANSI guys and doing some neat ascii
with them. I hope their group sticks around long enuff for us to whoop
the fucking shit out of them.
Gub, cuz hes got better things to do then be home anymore.
Officer Bob Schneider and Bob Arnold, Ameritech Corporate Security - I know
you are out there, watching one of us, but were too good for you.
the IRC fools, cuz they can be cool 10 of the time.
Bil Mason, for my internet account.
J.D., for a shitload of pizzas.
trank founder, Chef Whodini - aka agent 614
the end
...his very first ascii collection...
...and probably his last with trank!
details at the end
- whodinis magik -
- all ascii, all real, no bullshit -
- running waffle v1.65 -
- black sunshine -
/ -wd/
shock g style in 95 /
-------------------------------------------------- aRTNOPHOBIA /----
/ / / Chef Whodini
/ /wHO
ethreetwo /
sysop - misfit
trank member board
apathy whq
saga member board
stuff here
. /wHO?
/ nevermore
greetz/info -
- what i say here is my opinion, not all of trank... trank is a group of -
individuals, who can express their own opinions, and do not need a group
to express it for them. If you dont like what i say, talk to me about it.
First off, the Info.
his first ascii collection, and possible last with trank! does NOT mean im
quitting trank. fool Many know that I dont do ascii collies, cuz they tend
to take away the importance of the smaller asciis, and basically can look like
shit if you do not know how to do them correctly. Hiro can, but I can not
basically is the key to that. Usually, I put my info on my diz collection.
but I only have 1 diz. Even though its the shit, and will just release it
with next months dizzes. I had alot of stuff i wanted to talk about, so i
did not want to wait until next month to release my info, so made a quick
ascii collection. Heres the info.
Last Months Pack!
Im sorry to say, there were just too many difficulties with last months pack
for me to even begin explaining them. Both my seniors went *poof*, one quit,
the other just disappeared. I was kicked out of my loving home for a while,
which caused quite a ruckus -- also members released their work with other
groups when they learned I was kicked out. After being let back in about 2
weeks later though, I was getting the pack together, when the day before the
pack was going to be released I had said it was going to be that sunday, both
my hard drives crashed, causing all the work to be destroyed. Including some
BEAUTIES by yours truely that will never be released. I am very sorry for
this, and wish to apologize to all the members, and the members supporters.
Endow vs. Trank
People, get it straight. There is no harsh blood between any members of trank
or endow. Members are not switching sides, or playing childesh games with
each other. Alot of rumors flew moreso about trank the endow unfortunately,
and tempers did fly between epidemic and i who never have gotten along great
in the first place, but it was all promptly worked out. Trank and endow have
a deep respect for each other, and while Id hate to see any trank member
leave, endow would be the group I would like to see them go to. dont get any
Acid Ascii vs Trank
Ok, now I myself have a personal grudge with Acid Ascii, for the simple reason
that the group took advantage of one bad month to steal members. Those
leaving -- Deep, MrKite, Christopher Robin, and Asphixia -- should of
at least told me they were leaving the group. MrKite and Cr did, the rest
I had to learn through the grape vine. But I do not hold anything against
any of the members, and all are welcome back except for Christopher Robin,
who probably will be kicked out of Acid Ascii after they realize he sucks,
which will leave the group with no leader. when you run the group, you need
not be as good as your members, because you are automatically accepted to the
group. Let it be known that Tranks invite only rule WAS bent for Cr in the
first place, he was made a member only to get asphixia into the group. Im
sorry the rule was bent, and I regret doing it now. I hope to see all the
members back in next months pack, all though Im sure if they are leaving,
maybe endow will get a few too. ack! lets hope not, those guys were elite
kTs 20
Some members took some time off from trank to donate artwork for Trank pack
20. Even I donated a logo to kTs 20. Its only a couple months late, but
from what Ive seen, it will be well worth it for any ascii foolio.
New members
Lets welcome Don Croce, Grey Hawk, Trinitron, Bitstream, Xane, and Nootropic
to the group.They couldnt of come at a better time, no doubt. Don Croce is
coming from the amiga scene, where he has released one colly. Grey Hawk is
former CiA Ascii, and also comes from the demo scene. Trinitron comes from
Wicked/TDD. Bitstream is the president of the highly succesful group, Wicked.
I dont have much info on Xane, besides the fact that his ascii style is cool
as hell. Nootropic also joins, with his color ascii skills. Thanks to all
of them, and we hope they stick around for a while.
Group Loyalty
I hate to hit this subject, because it IS only ascii. But any president hates
to see members leave. If their is a problem in a group, no matter what type
of group, talk to the president about it first. Itll save everyone some grief
along the way. This probably isnt loyalty, but I think its probably a good
thing to do. There was slander spoken to me by a certain acid!a prez about
how I put together packs, although cr and i never got along, maybe this could
have been avoided. or maybe he shouldnt complain about what work of his i
put in when he doesnt even send it to me.
Greetz -
First off, to all the current trank guys. Stick around, its probably going
to be bumpy, but theres better things to worry about.
kTs and especially shock g for really influencing my style. and tinyz also,
tz, sliver, and shock g have been the most inspiration ascii artists around,
and probably the greatest.
All the amiga ppl, I am not getting into too many names here. Lets just say
yall are the shit.
Hiro Protagonist and Cypher Hex, probably two guys who will ALWAYS be a member,
and will always keep tranks quality up to the highest standard.
Greetz to all the groups who greeted us, and a few who didnt.
Denial, for getting together a bunch of ANSI guys and doing some neat ascii
with them. I hope their group sticks around long enuff for us to whoop
the fucking shit out of them.
Gub, cuz hes got better things to do then be home anymore.
Officer Bob Schneider and Bob Arnold, Ameritech Corporate Security - I know
you are out there, watching one of us, but were too good for you.
the IRC fools, cuz they can be cool 10 of the time.
Bil Mason, for my internet account.
J.D., for a shitload of pizzas.
trank founder, Chef Whodini - aka agent 614
the end
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