this image contains text
Zf .sS .sS
Members of Telepathy
Name...........Abv..Bbs/email contacts.................Ct...........Status
Zarkof ........Zf.. Mental Overdose / Zarkof@ccim.be .BEL....leader-artist
Mutant Leader .MtL. System overload / MtL@dma.be .....BEL..oldskool artist
Hitech ........H!.. The inc. machine .................FIN..newskool artist
Genius ........Gs.. Move-x ...........................BEL..newskool artist
Whitesnake ....Ws.. xxxxxxxx .........................BEL..newskool artist
Mr.Splif ......Ms.. Bad Taste ........................FRA..newskool artist
Painless ......Pl.. Hse of Pn / Ruspain@acessnet.ru .FRA..newskool artist
Epitaphic .....Ic.. xxxxxxxx .........................BRA..oldskool artist
Hanibal .......Hb.. Alien City .......................FRA..newskool artist
Rotting Christ.Rc.. Morbid pleasurez..................BEL..newskool artist
Mercenary......Mc.. m-31266@mailbox.swipnet.se .......SWE..oldskool artist
BEL: Belgium - FIN: Finland - FRE: France - BRA: Brazil - SWE: Sweden
Boards of Telepathy
Mental Overdose ...++32-56-341206......Zarkof.....2.............World hQ
The incredible m. .++45-3672-4669......Hitech.....3.........North-Europe
Legend ............++31-1-49085545.....Koronis....4.........South-Europe
Holistic Society...++1-305-2531882.....Amnesia....1........North-America
Legacy of Distrust ++55-21-4392170.....Ayres......2........South-America
House of Pain......++7-095-4706807.....Painless...1...............Russia
System Overload .....Belgium.........Mutant Leader........Member board
Move-x...............Belgium.........Genius...............Member board
Bad Taste............France..........Mr Splif.............Member board
Alien City...........France..........Hanibal..............Member board
Telepathy FTP......see in Mental overdose ftp site.....Official ftp site
Telepathy WWW......under construction................World Wide Web page
Telepathy email....Telepathy@ccim.be.......................E-Mail Adress
Mental Overdose ftp site..... ... lgn: mental pw: overdose
Informations on Telepathy
Here is our March pack! We now work on a different style, each ascii
is in a different file and DIZs are in one file per artist! That way
we see a better use of the Ascii viewer.
Locutus left the group coz he was too busy on working for acid...
We welcome a new dude in the group, Rotting christ!
We now accept ONE dist per country! and we may still have the right
to refuse a dist for any valid reasons!
Requests to Telepathy
If you want to request us an ascii, please fill in the TPY.RQT file
and send it on one of the HQ to the sysop or to our e-mail! All
the needed infos must be put in that TPY.RQT file!.. Thx
Telepathy Releases
TPY0895B.ZIP : August 95 part II..........vol1.......19/08/95.....21
TPY0895C.ZIP : August 95 part III.........vol2.......25/08/95.....25
TPY-0995.ZIP : September 95...............vol3.......10/09/95.....20
TPY-1095.ZIP : October 95.................vol4.......20/10/95.....19
TPY-1195.ZIP : November 95................vol5.......15/11/95.....36
TPY-1295.ZIP : December 95................vol6.......26/12/95.....52
TPY-0296.ZIP : January-February 96........vol7.......10/02/96.....86
TPY-0396.ZIP : March 96...................vol8.......07/03/96.....62
NB: dont ask me what happened to the august 95 part I.... In fact,it
has been released under another group label!!
Some Greetings..
Bdp -/- Fuel -/- Flip -/- Apocalyptic visions -/- Anemia
Revolt -/- Wicked -/- Blade -/- Devious -/- Ovation
Members of Telepathy
Name...........Abv..Bbs/email contacts.................Ct...........Status
Zarkof ........Zf.. Mental Overdose / Zarkof@ccim.be .BEL....leader-artist
Mutant Leader .MtL. System overload / MtL@dma.be .....BEL..oldskool artist
Hitech ........H!.. The inc. machine .................FIN..newskool artist
Genius ........Gs.. Move-x ...........................BEL..newskool artist
Whitesnake ....Ws.. xxxxxxxx .........................BEL..newskool artist
Mr.Splif ......Ms.. Bad Taste ........................FRA..newskool artist
Painless ......Pl.. Hse of Pn / Ruspain@acessnet.ru .FRA..newskool artist
Epitaphic .....Ic.. xxxxxxxx .........................BRA..oldskool artist
Hanibal .......Hb.. Alien City .......................FRA..newskool artist
Rotting Christ.Rc.. Morbid pleasurez..................BEL..newskool artist
Mercenary......Mc.. m-31266@mailbox.swipnet.se .......SWE..oldskool artist
BEL: Belgium - FIN: Finland - FRE: France - BRA: Brazil - SWE: Sweden
Boards of Telepathy
Mental Overdose ...++32-56-341206......Zarkof.....2.............World hQ
The incredible m. .++45-3672-4669......Hitech.....3.........North-Europe
Legend ............++31-1-49085545.....Koronis....4.........South-Europe
Holistic Society...++1-305-2531882.....Amnesia....1........North-America
Legacy of Distrust ++55-21-4392170.....Ayres......2........South-America
House of Pain......++7-095-4706807.....Painless...1...............Russia
System Overload .....Belgium.........Mutant Leader........Member board
Move-x...............Belgium.........Genius...............Member board
Bad Taste............France..........Mr Splif.............Member board
Alien City...........France..........Hanibal..............Member board
Telepathy FTP......see in Mental overdose ftp site.....Official ftp site
Telepathy WWW......under construction................World Wide Web page
Telepathy email....Telepathy@ccim.be.......................E-Mail Adress
Mental Overdose ftp site..... ... lgn: mental pw: overdose
Informations on Telepathy
Here is our March pack! We now work on a different style, each ascii
is in a different file and DIZs are in one file per artist! That way
we see a better use of the Ascii viewer.
Locutus left the group coz he was too busy on working for acid...
We welcome a new dude in the group, Rotting christ!
We now accept ONE dist per country! and we may still have the right
to refuse a dist for any valid reasons!
Requests to Telepathy
If you want to request us an ascii, please fill in the TPY.RQT file
and send it on one of the HQ to the sysop or to our e-mail! All
the needed infos must be put in that TPY.RQT file!.. Thx
Telepathy Releases
TPY0895B.ZIP : August 95 part II..........vol1.......19/08/95.....21
TPY0895C.ZIP : August 95 part III.........vol2.......25/08/95.....25
TPY-0995.ZIP : September 95...............vol3.......10/09/95.....20
TPY-1095.ZIP : October 95.................vol4.......20/10/95.....19
TPY-1195.ZIP : November 95................vol5.......15/11/95.....36
TPY-1295.ZIP : December 95................vol6.......26/12/95.....52
TPY-0296.ZIP : January-February 96........vol7.......10/02/96.....86
TPY-0396.ZIP : March 96...................vol8.......07/03/96.....62
NB: dont ask me what happened to the august 95 part I.... In fact,it
has been released under another group label!!
Some Greetings..
Bdp -/- Fuel -/- Flip -/- Apocalyptic visions -/- Anemia
Revolt -/- Wicked -/- Blade -/- Devious -/- Ovation
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