this image contains text
i i
l!,!, / !!!!
-- grupe ------------
-..-.. .-.-. -.o -..-
l ll i //
l,/l, l
----------------- aski kolekcija veoma inspirativnog imena ----
/ zZ!
ovo je zemlja za nas
ovo je zemlja za sve nase ljude
ovo je kuca za nas
ovo je kuca za svu nasu decu
pogledaj me
o pogledaj me
ocima deteta
u zemlji vidim spas
iz sna me budi glas koji prepoznajem
dok grane miluju nasa tela
dok senke prave pokrov za nas
pogledaj me
o pogledaj me
ocima deteta
cujem vrati se
cujem ostani
cujem vrati se
oprosti mi
u svakom porazu
ja sam video deo slobode
i kad je gotovo
za mene znaj tek tad je pocelo
pogledaj me
o pogledaj me
ocima deteta
cujem vrati se
cujem ostani
cujem vrati se
dozvoli mi
ne idi ne idi ne
/ / ! zZ!
---- nekoliko reci pre pocetka ---------
greent!nevermind 26. avgust 1998
jos jedna aski kolekcija . poredjani su po slucajnom redosledu .
posvecena ljudima i stvarima koje cenim . Milanu . ljudima i stvarima
koji su me zaboravili . uzivajte !
- s ortacima sedim i ispijam piva
i kao da me nista nije briga
a dao bih sve sto imam da znam
da li sam joj potreban -
- universe - bivsi yu amiga board -
- hocu da znam kuda vodi ovaj put mene i zivot moj! -
z.kostic - cane
- prethodni je posvecen nekolicini ortaka koji mi vise to nisu ... -
o / /
- wont you get a fuck out of my face -----------
::: - ovaj krug sam smislio , ovaj krug sam stvorio
.::: :::. ovaj krug sam razbio
::: ::: u vetar rasuo ... -
- osvrni se mirno na godine prosle -
/ l
/ . l / / /
l l / / /zZ!
- ostavi trag -
sedam dana sam i gore i dole
potrazi me
i sedam dana sam nadji i stavi
pokazi me
nek boli dok boli
rukama stegni kozu svoju
polako zategni strah
noktima pucaj u znoju
jos ovaj put dok trazi i zove
jos neki put dok zraci i moli
drzi mene
voli mene
uzmi moj sakom vlazni vrli vrat
i sacuvaj vreme
i sebe za mene
bio bih tvoj brat
ti si moj brat
slomi se
o skloni se
od sebe
i sedam dana sam i gore i dole
potrazi me
i sedam dana sam nadji i stavi
pokazi me
nek boli dok boli
rukama stegni kozu svoju
polako zategni strah
noktima pucaj u znoju
slomi se
o skloni se
od mene
l / /
dolazi dan
dan koji cekam ovde zakopan
ovi ljudi su valjda zasluzili bolje
mi to mozemo zajedno
-- to je stvaran svet oko mene i samo cekam da prodje ---
/ zZ!
- odari mi inje sa ociju i cela
izadji iz mene , izadji iz mene -
/ . / / T/
: : / / -//77--
/ / zZ!
--77-- T/ / : : /
/ : / T/ !
--/77- / -77/--
l l/
- reka blista ispod cizama
cista voda
krvava ------------
/ /zZ!
- budi sam
budi sam na ulici
budi sam ----------------
--- pusti oci da vide jos ovaj put
pusti usi da cuju jos ovaj put ----
/ zZ!
----------- samo jedan je put koji dotice nebo -----------
/ / / zZ!
- ako si video sve
sve sto sam video ja
moraces sklopiti oci
pozeleti da budu mrtve ------------
l / / / /
l / l l l /
l/ / l
. zZ!
/ l /
l l / /
/ l l / l /
l /
---- da li je kraj ... da li je kraj ...
meni je dosta ---------------
- u proslim danima izgubili smo sve ------------------
- probudi se pokreni se ... probudi se pokreni se -------
- fazi lodzik phuzzy logik napisao je jednom mudro
poruku kako meni tako i celoj nasoj yu sceni u vezi
ovakvog nacina izrazavanja ... -------
few wise words from phuzzy logik
Bullshit never lead anywhere but to more bullshit, or insanely wild
trips while puffin on a blunt. I know it, Ive tried it, way too
many times, as Ive come to see now. So give it up, Green Tooth. It
aint gonna work...
Yeah, people dont do ascii any more for the Amiga unless it is for
sum compo or some shit like that. But people dont do anything else
for Amiga any more, unless it is for a compo. There are, at this
moment, three active groups in Serbia Mad Virgin, Nevermind, and of
course, the unkillable CoRRoSioN posse. The others just bullshit a
lot and do nothing. Unless theres a party coming up, of course. So
shut the fuck up, chico man, and keep on working if you want to, if
not, just give it up. Ya aint gonna be the first, and you aint
gonna be the last, but most people myself included are sick and
tired of forcing others to work. Scene Strike was an attempt to get
something moving, and it worked... to a certain extent. But while
being a genuinely strong push toward activity, at the same time it
stopped people from doing anything outside SS/YALP. Save the few
three bright exceptions I mentioned above. Oh, yeah, and Pas
Maters, who keep pushing along in their own wicked stylee.
Yes, everyone is doing iff2asc or drawing shit, but hey, thats what
impresses the masses, and thats what people want to do at parties
impress the dumbfuck masses. The spirit didnt disappear with this -
it was never there to begin with. There was only a handfull of
people who published ascii collections in YU. Fuck, Ill name them
N0pe Dope, who published one colly and quit doing it, for reasons
known only to him - so he was never realy an active aski man,
although I consider him the best. Pain, who also published one
collection, and quit/hybernated/whatever. I think he is a dickhead,
but he had quite a lot of nice asciis, however he was, again, never
an extremely active artist, and I see no reason for bepuzzlement as
to the reasons why he quit/dissapeared. Then there were Spider and
Nick, who both did little, and got nowhere, and stopped after their
first attempts. Impact would still be working if he had a computer,
and as I hear, he probably will, but he is buying a pantium to play
Quake/Blood/Bullshit so hex-lala.txt was probably the last of him we
are going to see. Spey Bonden/Wizard of War is still alive and
kicking, and still working with the same stylez he started with,
whereas Infusion, who only had two or three fonts he played around
with quit after a hard drive crash that took with it all his basic
layouts. Carlos quit working on ascii after he bought a pantium to
earn a living through photoshopping and web dezign. I did a lot, but
got sick of it after a while and I said nice and clear in one of my
last collections that I quit because I am sick of everything. That
leaves you, finaly, the last one to quit up to now after claiming
to be sick of it all. And *that* is our ASCII scene. It never was
much, was it, now?
But my point is, we did/do what we want and we did it with style, a
style of our own, and we enjoyed it for one reason or another, and
we had fun with it. And now if everyone wants to quit, so be it.
Fuck life if we have to force people to do what they dont want. And
if everyone wants to do only drawings/iff2asc, and do it only for
compos, then so be it. So long as people are being themselves.
Yes, Ive quit logoing, and started fooling around with drawings,
because I felt like it. I felt like drawing a layout on paper and
then having to struggle with these 255 characters of the ISO charset
to fuck the drawing into the machine and make it displayable. It
poses far more of a challenge than just simply making up new ways to
warp letters around. For the same reason I have pretty much stopped
making bup-bup-bup-bup hardcore modules and started doing more of a
breakbeat/triphop/jazzy thang it poses a far bigger challenge to my
creativity. And its what I like, and when I do what I like, I enjoy
working, and that is the only thing that matters to me to enjoy
what I do.
Oh, yeah, and Im sticking to English simply because I am just way
too 31337 and my collections are being spread all over the world and
I am a world famous this and that and I have to be understood all
over the whole wide world... the fuckfaces who cant see the
sarcasm can fuck off and go to hell.
...poruka za sve ljude sa adn.asciiansi ili kako vec...
isto vazhi i za nvm.comp.art.ascii
zhivi bili sto godina ali nabijte si konferenciju u DUPE kad u njoj
asciija nema.zhiveli!
Oh, yeah, and with this I agree... institutionalising the scene
through shit like conferences on BBSs never did any good... so fuck
it all...
Sorry if you feel insulted or hurt or dissapointed or anything I
wrote all this with the best of intentions, even if I used harsh
words here and there. Its me, and I cant stop myself from speaking
my mind.
Now word, Im outta here...
--- glad mi otima dodir , glad mi uzima dusu --------
/ /zZ!
-- i kao da sam umoran ... ----
. / ! / T / / . /
/ / / zZ!
! - nevermind! - : :
----- i kao da sam star ... ---------------------
- kraj -------
pozdrav ljudima koji me znaju . oni koji su me zaboravili
neka me se vise nikada ne sete ...
hvala faziju za prva dva askija .
hvala Milanu na recima . hvala Bogu na putu .
ziveli ! greentnevermind! / greent@eunet.yu
. j .
. . T
lj /jllzZ!
zemlja Y greents asc2 collection
i i
l!,!, / !!!!
-- grupe ------------
-..-.. .-.-. -.o -..-
l ll i //
l,/l, l
----------------- aski kolekcija veoma inspirativnog imena ----
/ zZ!
ovo je zemlja za nas
ovo je zemlja za sve nase ljude
ovo je kuca za nas
ovo je kuca za svu nasu decu
pogledaj me
o pogledaj me
ocima deteta
u zemlji vidim spas
iz sna me budi glas koji prepoznajem
dok grane miluju nasa tela
dok senke prave pokrov za nas
pogledaj me
o pogledaj me
ocima deteta
cujem vrati se
cujem ostani
cujem vrati se
oprosti mi
u svakom porazu
ja sam video deo slobode
i kad je gotovo
za mene znaj tek tad je pocelo
pogledaj me
o pogledaj me
ocima deteta
cujem vrati se
cujem ostani
cujem vrati se
dozvoli mi
ne idi ne idi ne
/ / ! zZ!
---- nekoliko reci pre pocetka ---------
greent!nevermind 26. avgust 1998
jos jedna aski kolekcija . poredjani su po slucajnom redosledu .
posvecena ljudima i stvarima koje cenim . Milanu . ljudima i stvarima
koji su me zaboravili . uzivajte !
- s ortacima sedim i ispijam piva
i kao da me nista nije briga
a dao bih sve sto imam da znam
da li sam joj potreban -
- universe - bivsi yu amiga board -
- hocu da znam kuda vodi ovaj put mene i zivot moj! -
z.kostic - cane
- prethodni je posvecen nekolicini ortaka koji mi vise to nisu ... -
o / /
- wont you get a fuck out of my face -----------
::: - ovaj krug sam smislio , ovaj krug sam stvorio
.::: :::. ovaj krug sam razbio
::: ::: u vetar rasuo ... -
- osvrni se mirno na godine prosle -
/ l
/ . l / / /
l l / / /zZ!
- ostavi trag -
sedam dana sam i gore i dole
potrazi me
i sedam dana sam nadji i stavi
pokazi me
nek boli dok boli
rukama stegni kozu svoju
polako zategni strah
noktima pucaj u znoju
jos ovaj put dok trazi i zove
jos neki put dok zraci i moli
drzi mene
voli mene
uzmi moj sakom vlazni vrli vrat
i sacuvaj vreme
i sebe za mene
bio bih tvoj brat
ti si moj brat
slomi se
o skloni se
od sebe
i sedam dana sam i gore i dole
potrazi me
i sedam dana sam nadji i stavi
pokazi me
nek boli dok boli
rukama stegni kozu svoju
polako zategni strah
noktima pucaj u znoju
slomi se
o skloni se
od mene
l / /
dolazi dan
dan koji cekam ovde zakopan
ovi ljudi su valjda zasluzili bolje
mi to mozemo zajedno
-- to je stvaran svet oko mene i samo cekam da prodje ---
/ zZ!
- odari mi inje sa ociju i cela
izadji iz mene , izadji iz mene -
/ . / / T/
: : / / -//77--
/ / zZ!
--77-- T/ / : : /
/ : / T/ !
--/77- / -77/--
l l/
- reka blista ispod cizama
cista voda
krvava ------------
/ /zZ!
- budi sam
budi sam na ulici
budi sam ----------------
--- pusti oci da vide jos ovaj put
pusti usi da cuju jos ovaj put ----
/ zZ!
----------- samo jedan je put koji dotice nebo -----------
/ / / zZ!
- ako si video sve
sve sto sam video ja
moraces sklopiti oci
pozeleti da budu mrtve ------------
l / / / /
l / l l l /
l/ / l
. zZ!
/ l /
l l / /
/ l l / l /
l /
---- da li je kraj ... da li je kraj ...
meni je dosta ---------------
- u proslim danima izgubili smo sve ------------------
- probudi se pokreni se ... probudi se pokreni se -------
- fazi lodzik phuzzy logik napisao je jednom mudro
poruku kako meni tako i celoj nasoj yu sceni u vezi
ovakvog nacina izrazavanja ... -------
few wise words from phuzzy logik
Bullshit never lead anywhere but to more bullshit, or insanely wild
trips while puffin on a blunt. I know it, Ive tried it, way too
many times, as Ive come to see now. So give it up, Green Tooth. It
aint gonna work...
Yeah, people dont do ascii any more for the Amiga unless it is for
sum compo or some shit like that. But people dont do anything else
for Amiga any more, unless it is for a compo. There are, at this
moment, three active groups in Serbia Mad Virgin, Nevermind, and of
course, the unkillable CoRRoSioN posse. The others just bullshit a
lot and do nothing. Unless theres a party coming up, of course. So
shut the fuck up, chico man, and keep on working if you want to, if
not, just give it up. Ya aint gonna be the first, and you aint
gonna be the last, but most people myself included are sick and
tired of forcing others to work. Scene Strike was an attempt to get
something moving, and it worked... to a certain extent. But while
being a genuinely strong push toward activity, at the same time it
stopped people from doing anything outside SS/YALP. Save the few
three bright exceptions I mentioned above. Oh, yeah, and Pas
Maters, who keep pushing along in their own wicked stylee.
Yes, everyone is doing iff2asc or drawing shit, but hey, thats what
impresses the masses, and thats what people want to do at parties
impress the dumbfuck masses. The spirit didnt disappear with this -
it was never there to begin with. There was only a handfull of
people who published ascii collections in YU. Fuck, Ill name them
N0pe Dope, who published one colly and quit doing it, for reasons
known only to him - so he was never realy an active aski man,
although I consider him the best. Pain, who also published one
collection, and quit/hybernated/whatever. I think he is a dickhead,
but he had quite a lot of nice asciis, however he was, again, never
an extremely active artist, and I see no reason for bepuzzlement as
to the reasons why he quit/dissapeared. Then there were Spider and
Nick, who both did little, and got nowhere, and stopped after their
first attempts. Impact would still be working if he had a computer,
and as I hear, he probably will, but he is buying a pantium to play
Quake/Blood/Bullshit so hex-lala.txt was probably the last of him we
are going to see. Spey Bonden/Wizard of War is still alive and
kicking, and still working with the same stylez he started with,
whereas Infusion, who only had two or three fonts he played around
with quit after a hard drive crash that took with it all his basic
layouts. Carlos quit working on ascii after he bought a pantium to
earn a living through photoshopping and web dezign. I did a lot, but
got sick of it after a while and I said nice and clear in one of my
last collections that I quit because I am sick of everything. That
leaves you, finaly, the last one to quit up to now after claiming
to be sick of it all. And *that* is our ASCII scene. It never was
much, was it, now?
But my point is, we did/do what we want and we did it with style, a
style of our own, and we enjoyed it for one reason or another, and
we had fun with it. And now if everyone wants to quit, so be it.
Fuck life if we have to force people to do what they dont want. And
if everyone wants to do only drawings/iff2asc, and do it only for
compos, then so be it. So long as people are being themselves.
Yes, Ive quit logoing, and started fooling around with drawings,
because I felt like it. I felt like drawing a layout on paper and
then having to struggle with these 255 characters of the ISO charset
to fuck the drawing into the machine and make it displayable. It
poses far more of a challenge than just simply making up new ways to
warp letters around. For the same reason I have pretty much stopped
making bup-bup-bup-bup hardcore modules and started doing more of a
breakbeat/triphop/jazzy thang it poses a far bigger challenge to my
creativity. And its what I like, and when I do what I like, I enjoy
working, and that is the only thing that matters to me to enjoy
what I do.
Oh, yeah, and Im sticking to English simply because I am just way
too 31337 and my collections are being spread all over the world and
I am a world famous this and that and I have to be understood all
over the whole wide world... the fuckfaces who cant see the
sarcasm can fuck off and go to hell.
...poruka za sve ljude sa adn.asciiansi ili kako vec...
isto vazhi i za nvm.comp.art.ascii
zhivi bili sto godina ali nabijte si konferenciju u DUPE kad u njoj
asciija nema.zhiveli!
Oh, yeah, and with this I agree... institutionalising the scene
through shit like conferences on BBSs never did any good... so fuck
it all...
Sorry if you feel insulted or hurt or dissapointed or anything I
wrote all this with the best of intentions, even if I used harsh
words here and there. Its me, and I cant stop myself from speaking
my mind.
Now word, Im outta here...
--- glad mi otima dodir , glad mi uzima dusu --------
/ /zZ!
-- i kao da sam umoran ... ----
. / ! / T / / . /
/ / / zZ!
! - nevermind! - : :
----- i kao da sam star ... ---------------------
- kraj -------
pozdrav ljudima koji me znaju . oni koji su me zaboravili
neka me se vise nikada ne sete ...
hvala faziju za prva dva askija .
hvala Milanu na recima . hvala Bogu na putu .
ziveli ! greentnevermind! / greent@eunet.yu
. j .
. . T
lj /jllzZ!
zemlja Y greents asc2 collection
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