this image contains text
/ / / / / ascii
: /-hEL
+ telepathyascii proudly presents next phucking ascii pack + / 1996!
tpy------ -- ----- ---- --- --- ------ --/--tpy
- release name..... telepathy august 96 ascii pack! -
- packager......... zarkof -
- size of arts..... dont you know the dir command? -
- ratio............ phucking.great -
art--- ------ --- ----- --- -------- ------ --- ---art
- release information -
- newskoolartists list -
- zarkof xzf tpyasciifounder -
- bisounours xbiz tpyasciimemba -
- bizzach xbz tpyasciimemba -
- brain xbr tpyasciimemba -
- hitech xh! tpyasciimemba -
- sike x?? tpyasciimemba -
- jail.bird xjb tpyasciimemba -
- killer xkr tpyasciimemba -
- mr.splif xms tpyasciimemba -
- painless xpl tpyasciimemba -
- rotting.christ xrc tpyasciimemba -
- speed.freak xsf tpyasciimemba -
- tre.cool xtc tpyasciimemba -
- whitesnake xws tpyasciimemba -
- oldskoolartist list -
- acidflash xacf tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- epitaphic xic tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- mutant.leader xmtl tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- natch xnat tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- helios creed x-hel tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- yop... goa!party r00lz i love oldddieskool aSSkEYz -
goa--- - - - ----- - - - - ------ - - - -- ----- - - - -goa
- tpyascii boards list -
- world hq north.euro.hq south.euro.hq -
- mental overdose incredible machine the legend -
- russian.hq north.usa.hq south.usa.hq -
- house of pain holistic society legacy of distrust -
- polish.hq swiss.hq german.hq -
- crism! the neutral zone shelter base -
- croatian.hq french.hq swedish.hq -
- the pound bad taste freebase -
- belgian.site swedish.site usa.site -
- astralasia lime house of the holy -
- memberboards -
- alien nation -+- sacred grounds -+- system overload -+- dune -
ftp--- --- - - ----- --- -- -- ------- - - - - - - ------ --- --------irc
- all our releases you can leech if you wanna join us call to any -
- from our ftp.site : our headquarter/distro site, or -
- /ansi/telepathy join on irc tpy irc.mo.net -
- -
- login: mental -
- psw : overdose -
bye------- - ------ -- -- --- --------- ---- - ---------- - - - - -----bye
!!-+tpy!!+!!oldsk00l nfo made by -hEL c 1996 +
: /-hEL
+ telepathyascii proudly presents next phucking ascii pack + / 1996!
tpy------ -- ----- ---- --- --- ------ --/--tpy
- release name..... telepathy august 96 ascii pack! -
- packager......... zarkof -
- size of arts..... dont you know the dir command? -
- ratio............ phucking.great -
art--- ------ --- ----- --- -------- ------ --- ---art
- release information -
- newskoolartists list -
- zarkof xzf tpyasciifounder -
- bisounours xbiz tpyasciimemba -
- bizzach xbz tpyasciimemba -
- brain xbr tpyasciimemba -
- hitech xh! tpyasciimemba -
- sike x?? tpyasciimemba -
- jail.bird xjb tpyasciimemba -
- killer xkr tpyasciimemba -
- mr.splif xms tpyasciimemba -
- painless xpl tpyasciimemba -
- rotting.christ xrc tpyasciimemba -
- speed.freak xsf tpyasciimemba -
- tre.cool xtc tpyasciimemba -
- whitesnake xws tpyasciimemba -
- oldskoolartist list -
- acidflash xacf tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- epitaphic xic tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- mutant.leader xmtl tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- natch xnat tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- helios creed x-hel tpyasciiaSSkEY -
- yop... goa!party r00lz i love oldddieskool aSSkEYz -
goa--- - - - ----- - - - - ------ - - - -- ----- - - - -goa
- tpyascii boards list -
- world hq north.euro.hq south.euro.hq -
- mental overdose incredible machine the legend -
- russian.hq north.usa.hq south.usa.hq -
- house of pain holistic society legacy of distrust -
- polish.hq swiss.hq german.hq -
- crism! the neutral zone shelter base -
- croatian.hq french.hq swedish.hq -
- the pound bad taste freebase -
- belgian.site swedish.site usa.site -
- astralasia lime house of the holy -
- memberboards -
- alien nation -+- sacred grounds -+- system overload -+- dune -
ftp--- --- - - ----- --- -- -- ------- - - - - - - ------ --- --------irc
- all our releases you can leech if you wanna join us call to any -
- from our ftp.site : our headquarter/distro site, or -
- /ansi/telepathy join on irc tpy irc.mo.net -
- -
- login: mental -
- psw : overdose -
bye------- - ------ -- -- --- --------- ---- - ---------- - - - - -----bye
!!-+tpy!!+!!oldsk00l nfo made by -hEL c 1996 +
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