this image contains text
.,S .,S .,S .,S .,S . Ss,. .,sSs,. .,sSs,. .,sSs,. .,sS,. .,s .. :S,. . S u p e r i o r H i g h A r t D e s i g n . .,SSs. SS .sS . .
. . ...askee by pHLARE!SHADe
this is my last ascii for telepathy ss .,sss
i am leaving ascii for ansi, so watch s,.s
out for the group sHADE and their
upcoming art packages.. if you wanna
apply as an ansi/ascii/vga artist or .
coder, /msg me on IRC .
..pHLARE , out,. .
. . ...askee by pHLARE!SHADe
this is my last ascii for telepathy ss .,sss
i am leaving ascii for ansi, so watch s,.s
out for the group sHADE and their
upcoming art packages.. if you wanna
apply as an ansi/ascii/vga artist or .
coder, /msg me on IRC .
..pHLARE , out,. .
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