this image contains text
t0xiC information file
Welcome to our first pack. We hope youll like it.
First of all the history of creation. One day we found that we drawn so
much stuff that gonna be never released, so we decided to start a new group
to spread our art over the world. But it was damn hard to invent the name
for it. So after two weeks of thinking we made a list of names and together
with LKJ chosen word tOXiC. So, here we go !
Its the first try
to draw our logo..
So, as you can guess our group is art oriented.We make ansi and ascii art
and also do bbs modding. And you can request not only cool art but also a
ppe for your board. Just contact us somewhere and leave a message.
And about joining us. If you feel you are a good artist you can try to
be a part of our tOxic family. Simply send to us a message with examples
of your work. Make some pictures or logos for house of pain and sendem to
painLess. All we want from you is to be able to draw more or less nice
stuff and produce at least 3-5 pictures in month.
Now about our member list at this moment it consist of
two members only they are:
...painLess....founder,.idea generator...
...Magneto.....artist,.code master.......
Our outposts where you can find our packs or contact us to make a request
or maybe for some other reasons are:
...house of pain.....pL.....7.095.470.6807...
...angels castle....Mag....
NOTE our board works at NIGHT TIME ONLY
Unfortunately our internet site is under construction now , so for
more information aboutout ftp/www site wait till next pack.
About distro sites. Sorry guys there are NO tOxic distros and please do
not bother us with it. Only member board. Sorry.
And now... heh... greetings!
We wanna greet everyone on the scene especially
art dudes. Keep up the good work!
Also our big hi goes to all art groups and
everyone we know.
No personal greets this time.
info done by pLtOX
tOXiC productions 1997
t0xiC information file
Welcome to our first pack. We hope youll like it.
First of all the history of creation. One day we found that we drawn so
much stuff that gonna be never released, so we decided to start a new group
to spread our art over the world. But it was damn hard to invent the name
for it. So after two weeks of thinking we made a list of names and together
with LKJ chosen word tOXiC. So, here we go !
Its the first try
to draw our logo..
So, as you can guess our group is art oriented.We make ansi and ascii art
and also do bbs modding. And you can request not only cool art but also a
ppe for your board. Just contact us somewhere and leave a message.
And about joining us. If you feel you are a good artist you can try to
be a part of our tOxic family. Simply send to us a message with examples
of your work. Make some pictures or logos for house of pain and sendem to
painLess. All we want from you is to be able to draw more or less nice
stuff and produce at least 3-5 pictures in month.
Now about our member list at this moment it consist of
two members only they are:
...painLess....founder,.idea generator...
...Magneto.....artist,.code master.......
Our outposts where you can find our packs or contact us to make a request
or maybe for some other reasons are:
...house of pain.....pL.....7.095.470.6807...
...angels castle....Mag....
NOTE our board works at NIGHT TIME ONLY
Unfortunately our internet site is under construction now , so for
more information aboutout ftp/www site wait till next pack.
About distro sites. Sorry guys there are NO tOxic distros and please do
not bother us with it. Only member board. Sorry.
And now... heh... greetings!
We wanna greet everyone on the scene especially
art dudes. Keep up the good work!
Also our big hi goes to all art groups and
everyone we know.
No personal greets this time.
info done by pLtOX
tOXiC productions 1997
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