this image contains text
// / / l
well, it took a while, but tow pack 2 is finally out!@ i
after our first release, it seems that we all took a little time :
i off from modding and drawing. but schools out and the summer has
l started, so we should start putting out more stuff than before.
quite a bit has happened since the last pack. many new versions
of bbs softwares have been released. pogue has started modding :
mystic bbs grin, and the new woe web site www.wasted.nu got :
finally set up! :
: as you probably found out by now, this is a pack by the members of
: Think productions and wOE!mODDING and it has only one goal and that
l is to spread new and usefull bbsmods/utils to the users out there. i
i We have also included some music and art in the pack, but the art l
and music will lack a lil since we mainly do bbsmodding....
: some new members has also joined Think and wOE, and to mention them
: i will write their names hm in no particular order too
: say hi to:
tribe, lord mistical, azrael, think, virusii, lord saben :
Yepp www.wasted.nu is finally up took some time uhh!? and have
: been so for some months now and you will find everything from news
: on TOW, WOE, THINK and to news on whats happening in the bbs scene, /
l new bbs software releases and more.. be sure to checkby the www. i
we hope you enjoy this pack, which is divided into a music pack and
a bbsmodding/art pack...
i Enjoy!!! l
i l
i :
l :
l--tOw members------------- :
: dephdood ----------- :: ---- chrisnjhc@cyberjunky.net
: full duplex ----------- :: ---- fduplex@internetcoders.net :
l azrael ----------- :: ---- azrael@darktech.org l
l think ----------- :: ---- thinklogitech@my-dejanews.com l
l virusii ----------- :: ---- vtec@darktech.org l
: cheba ----------- :: ---- cheba@bytespeed.com :
: zoob ----------- :: ---- zoob@telebot.net :
adolfo ----------- :: ---- philmccracken@hotmail.com :
lord saben ----------- :: ---- lordsaben@netlane.com :
arcanez ----------- :: ---- arcanez@ductape.net :
liquid ----------- :: ---- liquid@darktech.org :
pogue ----------- :: ---- pogue@thuglife.org :
i chaos ----------- :: ---- not@available i
l phiber optik ----------- :: ---- not@available i
l mordrid ----------- :: ---- asianz@ix.netcom.com l
l lord mistical ----------- :: ---- not@available l
l tribe ----------- :: ---- not@available l
l deeflash ----------- :: ---- flash@csnet.net l
: dextile ----------- :: ---- josh@kwic.com
: the director ----------- :: ---- not@available /
l zubfatal ----------- :: ---- zubfatal@purg.com i
i xzip ----------- :: ---- not@available l
i l
i :
l :
l--tOw boards-------------- :
i i
sector 001 ---- :: - 905 839 0747 - :: - picman ----- :: - hq l
: absolute zero - :: - 615 599 2464 - :: - lord nikon - :: - distro
: ego zone ------ :: - 643 337 6539 - :: - noble gas -- :: - distro
: tabs ---------- :: - 905 478 2235 - :: - think ------ :: - distro :
paradise lost - :: - +47 xxx xxxx - :: - pO!@ ------- :: - euro hq :
dune ---------- :: - +33 xxx xxxx - :: - mik0 ------- :: - frenchhq :
secret avenue - :: - +46 14010121 - :: - skywalker -- :: - swedenhq
suicidal facts- :: - 541 2948 897 - :: - fugitivo --- :: - argentin
deep space ---- :: - 7095 1268170 - :: - litil divil- :: - russiahq
pez!? --------- :: - 413 496 9308 - :: - booberry --- :: - eastamhq
euphoric ill. - :: - +45 58522273 - :: - zubfatal --- :: - danishhq
milan --------- :: - :: - kayozz ----- :: - telnet hq
currnts of spc- :: - 905 xxx xxxx - :: - zoob ------- :: - member
area 51 ------- :: - +46 31918096 - :: - xzip ------- :: - member
i inso ---------- :: - 905 690 0394 - :: - silica ----- :: - member :
l no carrier ---- :: - 905 318 3311 - :: - kryptkeeper- :: - member :
l sleepwalker --- :: - +46 xxx xxxx - :: - progressive- :: - member
l universal drms- :: - +47 xxx xxxx - :: - jolly ------ :: - member /
: utter blasphemy :: - +35898558813 - :: - befeater --- :: - member i
i l
i i
l :
l--contacting us----------- :
l :
: there are several ways to contact us, some are: :
: ---- :: ---- www ---- www.wasted.nu/thinkofwoe
: ---- :: ---- ftp ---- woe.dhs.org port:54545 - anno login i
i ---- :: -- email ---- tow@wasted.nu l
i ---- :: -- email ---- zoob@telebot.net l
---- :: ---- irc ---- woe efnet l
---- :: ---- irc ---- think efnet
---- :: ---- irc ---- bbs bbswarez efnet :
artworks by pogue / c 1999 TOW
// / / l
well, it took a while, but tow pack 2 is finally out!@ i
after our first release, it seems that we all took a little time :
i off from modding and drawing. but schools out and the summer has
l started, so we should start putting out more stuff than before.
quite a bit has happened since the last pack. many new versions
of bbs softwares have been released. pogue has started modding :
mystic bbs grin, and the new woe web site www.wasted.nu got :
finally set up! :
: as you probably found out by now, this is a pack by the members of
: Think productions and wOE!mODDING and it has only one goal and that
l is to spread new and usefull bbsmods/utils to the users out there. i
i We have also included some music and art in the pack, but the art l
and music will lack a lil since we mainly do bbsmodding....
: some new members has also joined Think and wOE, and to mention them
: i will write their names hm in no particular order too
: say hi to:
tribe, lord mistical, azrael, think, virusii, lord saben :
Yepp www.wasted.nu is finally up took some time uhh!? and have
: been so for some months now and you will find everything from news
: on TOW, WOE, THINK and to news on whats happening in the bbs scene, /
l new bbs software releases and more.. be sure to checkby the www. i
we hope you enjoy this pack, which is divided into a music pack and
a bbsmodding/art pack...
i Enjoy!!! l
i l
i :
l :
l--tOw members------------- :
: dephdood ----------- :: ---- chrisnjhc@cyberjunky.net
: full duplex ----------- :: ---- fduplex@internetcoders.net :
l azrael ----------- :: ---- azrael@darktech.org l
l think ----------- :: ---- thinklogitech@my-dejanews.com l
l virusii ----------- :: ---- vtec@darktech.org l
: cheba ----------- :: ---- cheba@bytespeed.com :
: zoob ----------- :: ---- zoob@telebot.net :
adolfo ----------- :: ---- philmccracken@hotmail.com :
lord saben ----------- :: ---- lordsaben@netlane.com :
arcanez ----------- :: ---- arcanez@ductape.net :
liquid ----------- :: ---- liquid@darktech.org :
pogue ----------- :: ---- pogue@thuglife.org :
i chaos ----------- :: ---- not@available i
l phiber optik ----------- :: ---- not@available i
l mordrid ----------- :: ---- asianz@ix.netcom.com l
l lord mistical ----------- :: ---- not@available l
l tribe ----------- :: ---- not@available l
l deeflash ----------- :: ---- flash@csnet.net l
: dextile ----------- :: ---- josh@kwic.com
: the director ----------- :: ---- not@available /
l zubfatal ----------- :: ---- zubfatal@purg.com i
i xzip ----------- :: ---- not@available l
i l
i :
l :
l--tOw boards-------------- :
i i
sector 001 ---- :: - 905 839 0747 - :: - picman ----- :: - hq l
: absolute zero - :: - 615 599 2464 - :: - lord nikon - :: - distro
: ego zone ------ :: - 643 337 6539 - :: - noble gas -- :: - distro
: tabs ---------- :: - 905 478 2235 - :: - think ------ :: - distro :
paradise lost - :: - +47 xxx xxxx - :: - pO!@ ------- :: - euro hq :
dune ---------- :: - +33 xxx xxxx - :: - mik0 ------- :: - frenchhq :
secret avenue - :: - +46 14010121 - :: - skywalker -- :: - swedenhq
suicidal facts- :: - 541 2948 897 - :: - fugitivo --- :: - argentin
deep space ---- :: - 7095 1268170 - :: - litil divil- :: - russiahq
pez!? --------- :: - 413 496 9308 - :: - booberry --- :: - eastamhq
euphoric ill. - :: - +45 58522273 - :: - zubfatal --- :: - danishhq
milan --------- :: - :: - kayozz ----- :: - telnet hq
currnts of spc- :: - 905 xxx xxxx - :: - zoob ------- :: - member
area 51 ------- :: - +46 31918096 - :: - xzip ------- :: - member
i inso ---------- :: - 905 690 0394 - :: - silica ----- :: - member :
l no carrier ---- :: - 905 318 3311 - :: - kryptkeeper- :: - member :
l sleepwalker --- :: - +46 xxx xxxx - :: - progressive- :: - member
l universal drms- :: - +47 xxx xxxx - :: - jolly ------ :: - member /
: utter blasphemy :: - +35898558813 - :: - befeater --- :: - member i
i l
i i
l :
l--contacting us----------- :
l :
: there are several ways to contact us, some are: :
: ---- :: ---- www ---- www.wasted.nu/thinkofwoe
: ---- :: ---- ftp ---- woe.dhs.org port:54545 - anno login i
i ---- :: -- email ---- tow@wasted.nu l
i ---- :: -- email ---- zoob@telebot.net l
---- :: ---- irc ---- woe efnet l
---- :: ---- irc ---- think efnet
---- :: ---- irc ---- bbs bbswarez efnet :
artworks by pogue / c 1999 TOW
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