this image contains text
a axx
a a Q
a .axxs. a
db db .
dP Pb a d
.sx a. .s.
: dbdb
dP Pb
, aaU.a
b axxs .
askee by watOr b a. a
its my first a aU .
. axxxs .
... : toons town... ...905.475.
2987 ...
: op: watOrtoon/dark co: tribedark dark m
ember and toon whq :
a a Q
a .axxs. a
db db .
dP Pb a d
.sx a. .s.
: dbdb
dP Pb
, aaU.a
b axxs .
askee by watOr b a. a
its my first a aU .
. axxxs .
... : toons town... ...905.475.
2987 ...
: op: watOrtoon/dark co: tribedark dark m
ember and toon whq :
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