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Tales From The Crypt - ichi
Welcome to the Fifth element of Testament Ansi. This has
been a very struggling month for the group, even looked
as if the group had reached its end, but like those darn
muslim terrorists we just needed sometime to regroup and
plan our next assault. So here it is, our latest pack of
terror and destruction which began exactly 5 months ago,
and will continue until Bush declares us a threat to all
mankind and sends his military to kill us.
The Obituaries - ni
We have few NEW members to introduce this month, but 1st
wed like to talk about that backstabbing bastard we all
love to hate, Textorcist. I am sure everyone is aware he
joined Sense, and made promises of releasable ansi subs
for their recently released pack. It wasnt a big shock
to us that he failed to deliver the goods, as he failed
TNT four times. Now for the record, Textorcist is not in
Testament, and never was in Testament. Alright, now unto
our new members. Joining us all the way from Finland is
everyones favorite communist Unseen Fate ex-cia, tone
blind and bafh. Also joining us this month, is Fusion. A
new artist hoping to expand his skills in our group. We
are very happy to have you with us.
Last Words - san
Id like to take this time to dedicate TNT Chapter 5 to
my friend Benny The Korean Cardone, who was murdered
by society with a 12-gauge shotgun, leaving him without
a face. I am completly heartbroken because my last words
to him were not of friendship and love, but that of hate
and anger. For this my friend I am sorry, and I hope you
heard my tears where ever you are, for they were my last
to shed for you.
- Ministar
For comments, questions, requests and submissions please
contact us at - tnt@downmix.com. Enjoy the pack, and see
you next month.
zeroVsion we are teh man!
Tales From The Crypt - ichi
Welcome to the Fifth element of Testament Ansi. This has
been a very struggling month for the group, even looked
as if the group had reached its end, but like those darn
muslim terrorists we just needed sometime to regroup and
plan our next assault. So here it is, our latest pack of
terror and destruction which began exactly 5 months ago,
and will continue until Bush declares us a threat to all
mankind and sends his military to kill us.
The Obituaries - ni
We have few NEW members to introduce this month, but 1st
wed like to talk about that backstabbing bastard we all
love to hate, Textorcist. I am sure everyone is aware he
joined Sense, and made promises of releasable ansi subs
for their recently released pack. It wasnt a big shock
to us that he failed to deliver the goods, as he failed
TNT four times. Now for the record, Textorcist is not in
Testament, and never was in Testament. Alright, now unto
our new members. Joining us all the way from Finland is
everyones favorite communist Unseen Fate ex-cia, tone
blind and bafh. Also joining us this month, is Fusion. A
new artist hoping to expand his skills in our group. We
are very happy to have you with us.
Last Words - san
Id like to take this time to dedicate TNT Chapter 5 to
my friend Benny The Korean Cardone, who was murdered
by society with a 12-gauge shotgun, leaving him without
a face. I am completly heartbroken because my last words
to him were not of friendship and love, but that of hate
and anger. For this my friend I am sorry, and I hope you
heard my tears where ever you are, for they were my last
to shed for you.
- Ministar
For comments, questions, requests and submissions please
contact us at - tnt@downmix.com. Enjoy the pack, and see
you next month.
zeroVsion we are teh man!
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