this image contains text
triloxy asciipack
asciiz by: cable!tly
use page down when going down
.xX lets start the rumble Xx.
/ /cl!tly
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
..................: my first colly ..
. . .. called the ascii mob!
for triloxy
cl!tly / / / /
: i n d e x / / :
: ascii to whom .
. oo1. triloxy .... 4 triloxy members
. oo2. download .... sQuish .
oo3. nature .... anyone .. .
. oo4. scene .... anyone ,
oo5. the time .... anyone
. . oo6. sacred grounds .... speed freak ? what ya like about it
oo7. their law .... anyone .,. .
oo8. curse of.. .... anyone
oo9. crushed fuck .... paav!
o1o. beyond reach .... anyone
o11. skyline .... anyone
o12. magnetic zone .... co-caine
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / download
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
oo2. . /.
/ // cl!tly
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / nature
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
oo3. :
: / / cl!tly
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / scene
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
// cl!tly
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / the time
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
.....: /cl!tly/ ...:
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / sacred
. / / . grounds
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
/ cl!tly
/ +o: speed freak
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / their law
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
oo7. ..
cl!tly :
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / curse of
. / / . the
/ / / neighbor-
.... ascii mob! / / / / / hood.
cl!tly . / // . / /
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / crushed
. / / . fuck
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / beyond
. / / . reach
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / skyline
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
nogood! youre no good for me, i dont need nobody. cl!tly//
dont need no-one, thats no good for me .
. youre no good for me, i dont need nobody. .
-+- dont need no-one, thats no good for me . +
youre no good for me, i dont need nobody.
: dont need no-one, thats no good for me . :
. youre no good for me, i dont need nobody. .
. dont need no-one, thats no good for me . .
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / magnetic
. / / . zone
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
: .. / cl!tly . / // : .
the end
final words :
to speed freak - yeap, backgrounds?
to co-caine - yeap, thanx for making the name to this colly.
my contacts : email - cable@kareltek.fi
bbs - shock wave - +358-5-4761434
irc - irc.cris.com / triloxy
or - irc.stealth.net / triloxy
asciiz by: cable!tly
use page down when going down
.xX lets start the rumble Xx.
/ /cl!tly
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
..................: my first colly ..
. . .. called the ascii mob!
for triloxy
cl!tly / / / /
: i n d e x / / :
: ascii to whom .
. oo1. triloxy .... 4 triloxy members
. oo2. download .... sQuish .
oo3. nature .... anyone .. .
. oo4. scene .... anyone ,
oo5. the time .... anyone
. . oo6. sacred grounds .... speed freak ? what ya like about it
oo7. their law .... anyone .,. .
oo8. curse of.. .... anyone
oo9. crushed fuck .... paav!
o1o. beyond reach .... anyone
o11. skyline .... anyone
o12. magnetic zone .... co-caine
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / download
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
oo2. . /.
/ // cl!tly
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / nature
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
oo3. :
: / / cl!tly
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / scene
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
// cl!tly
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / the time
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
.....: /cl!tly/ ...:
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / sacred
. / / . grounds
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
/ cl!tly
/ +o: speed freak
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / their law
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
oo7. ..
cl!tly :
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / curse of
. / / . the
/ / / neighbor-
.... ascii mob! / / / / / hood.
cl!tly . / // . / /
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / crushed
. / / . fuck
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / beyond
. / / . reach
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / skyline
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
nogood! youre no good for me, i dont need nobody. cl!tly//
dont need no-one, thats no good for me .
. youre no good for me, i dont need nobody. .
-+- dont need no-one, thats no good for me . +
youre no good for me, i dont need nobody.
: dont need no-one, thats no good for me . :
. youre no good for me, i dont need nobody. .
. dont need no-one, thats no good for me . .
/ /cl!tly
next cumming up :
/ / / / / magnetic
. / / . zone
.... ascii mob! / / / / /
: .. / cl!tly . / // : .
the end
final words :
to speed freak - yeap, backgrounds?
to co-caine - yeap, thanx for making the name to this colly.
my contacts : email - cable@kareltek.fi
bbs - shock wave - +358-5-4761434
irc - irc.cris.com / triloxy
or - irc.stealth.net / triloxy
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