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P r o d u c t i o n s
space for a logo
tnx to TS for great face tutorial!
ambient move assign the avatar avenger bisounours blackbull b
lade buster
caynan cobalt crusader dark invader delta dwarf extreme f
axe jey jrook Junkee
keimel kyp leonardo maf mindflow mysterio nail poti raide
n screamager shade
shaitan sike tarjan tempo trc ts vader voice z!x all A-
readers all members
of Teklordz ansi europe
for any comments write a mail to riensche@metronet.de/Scope@2
or reach me on irc efnet in teklordz.
space for a logo
tnx to TS for great face tutorial!
ambient move assign the avatar avenger bisounours blackbull b
lade buster
caynan cobalt crusader dark invader delta dwarf extreme f
axe jey jrook Junkee
keimel kyp leonardo maf mindflow mysterio nail poti raide
n screamager shade
shaitan sike tarjan tempo trc ts vader voice z!x all A-
readers all members
of Teklordz ansi europe
for any comments write a mail to riensche@metronet.de/Scope@2
or reach me on irc efnet in teklordz.
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