this image contains text
-----------------+hey clavicle, here is the requested logo
for your board - i promised to draw
a new one because the first one really sukked g
-----------------+this is my only contribution for this pa
q because i have joined tl only 26
hours ago - not too much time to draw something big, eh? theres al
so no nice
header or something like that because i heard 5 minutes ago that ts w
to use this ansi for the upcoming paq that is going to be released in
a couple
of minutes - i hope it is not released, yet!
some credits for this logo have to go to potixpress who didnt like t
he very
small font of the first version and forced me to draw a bigger one.
if you have any comments or just want to chat with me drop an email t
riensche@metronet.de or reach me on teklordz on irc efnet.
-----------------+finally i like to greet the following fr
iends of mine:
ambient moveamable assignrr the avatar avengerbm
bisounoursfire busterblood caynancia clavicleopium
cobaltSendai dark invader deltaptm demoralizedestiny
dwarf extremetl faxe jeyblood jrookld Junk?
keimel kypbm leonardobm mysteriocpd potixpress
raidenphat screamagerrr shadesendai tarjantgl
trcphat vaderphat z!x all A-readers all members of Te
everybody i have forgotten
special thanx are flying to tstl for inviting me into his group alth
ough i
am a total newcomer in the art-scene!
-----------------+hey clavicle, here is the requested logo
for your board - i promised to draw
a new one because the first one really sukked g
-----------------+this is my only contribution for this pa
q because i have joined tl only 26
hours ago - not too much time to draw something big, eh? theres al
so no nice
header or something like that because i heard 5 minutes ago that ts w
to use this ansi for the upcoming paq that is going to be released in
a couple
of minutes - i hope it is not released, yet!
some credits for this logo have to go to potixpress who didnt like t
he very
small font of the first version and forced me to draw a bigger one.
if you have any comments or just want to chat with me drop an email t
riensche@metronet.de or reach me on teklordz on irc efnet.
-----------------+finally i like to greet the following fr
iends of mine:
ambient moveamable assignrr the avatar avengerbm
bisounoursfire busterblood caynancia clavicleopium
cobaltSendai dark invader deltaptm demoralizedestiny
dwarf extremetl faxe jeyblood jrookld Junk?
keimel kypbm leonardobm mysteriocpd potixpress
raidenphat screamagerrr shadesendai tarjantgl
trcphat vaderphat z!x all A-readers all members of Te
everybody i have forgotten
special thanx are flying to tstl for inviting me into his group alth
ough i
am a total newcomer in the art-scene!
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