this image contains text
t e k l o r d z !
9 6
white raventek
teklordz october ninetysix artiphakts news ... .
Where the hell was the september pack?
Good question. I wonder about that one myself. Well, it all
has to do with
that little thing called school, and how coincidentally most
of us all went
back to school at all about the same time. Whee. Lifes a fun
ny thing, when
you finally get some free time after so much work, all you
want to do is
sleep. Sooo... we decided not to release. There just wasnt
enough to make
a pack, and weve all got a bit more pride in our work than to
release some-
thing shitty. Its not a big deal, really ...
Something I got out of an old Boynton birthday card some time
ago ...
Hippo birdie two ewe
Hippo birdie two ewe
Hippo birdie deer mARko
Hippo birdie two ewe.
Teklordz celebrates mARkos aka Holocaust birthday t
his month. I delayed
release of this months Artiphakts to the 20th, per mARkos re
quest that we
release on his birthday. This ones fer you, dood.
Bleah. Departures from the group always suck. Anyway heres
a list of all
those that scampered off since August:
Loki, who left because of school taking up lots of his
time ...
Nafarious, who left because he was going to college an
d would not have any
more time for the scene.
Sandy Chidester, who left because she realized she cou
ldnt handle the work-
load between Teklordz and what she does usually. Hehe. Way t
o be vague.
Anyway, thanks go to her for even considering it...
White Insanity, who departed because of school reaso
ns. Im starting to
think that school is some sort of diabolical creation of soci
ety. Yuck.
Then, we have a bunch of people that Im cutting just because
theyre those
non-contributing types. We need to make room for those that a
re gonna help
out. Big groups are too much of a pain to manage.
Lysene, Night Hunter, and Tsits
were cut because of inactivity. If you want
back in, you know where to reach me. Tsits just sorta faded
away ... dunno
where he disappeared off to ...
The state of Teklordz seems kinda dismal, eh? Well its not
all that bad.
Weve trimmed the fat, and gotten and re-gotten some new tal
ent as well:
Arthur Leigh, an unaffiliated newschool ascii artist.
Right now hes having
some transition difficulties, with moving in with his roommat
e and all, and
not having access to a DOS-based PC ... The asciis he submi
tted for this
month were all done in a linux pico text editor ...
PhazeOne, who returns to Teklordz, not as an artist, b
ut a musician. Phaze-
One enjoys writing trance and also djs for some club wherev
er the hell he
lives up in Canada. g
Prince, a demogfx coder, recruited by Gedge. Prin
ce is also a competent
3D modeler. Youll see some of his work in this months pack
Scope, a beginning ansi artist from Germany. Hes onl
y been drawing for not
even a month, but he shows great potential. Keeping with the
Teklordz trad-
ition, we will continue to cultivate those with potential, bu
t lacking the
technical ability ...
Valacar, a graphics coder, also recruited by Gedge.
Valacar, like Prince,
works in the 3D medium, and has collaborated with Prince to c
reate the mech
rendering youll see in this months Artiphakts.
Web Shit
Ive put up my personal page for everyone to check out. Its
not done yet,
I still need to add some thumbnails and do some new headers,
but I figured
Id put it up and let everyone take a lookie:
Fusion Arts ts: http://www2.hawaii.edu/myee
Last Words?
So like, dude and dudettes ... enjoy the pack.
Teklordz Big Cheese
Oct 20, 1996
9 6
white raventek
teklordz october ninetysix artiphakts news ... .
Where the hell was the september pack?
Good question. I wonder about that one myself. Well, it all
has to do with
that little thing called school, and how coincidentally most
of us all went
back to school at all about the same time. Whee. Lifes a fun
ny thing, when
you finally get some free time after so much work, all you
want to do is
sleep. Sooo... we decided not to release. There just wasnt
enough to make
a pack, and weve all got a bit more pride in our work than to
release some-
thing shitty. Its not a big deal, really ...
Something I got out of an old Boynton birthday card some time
ago ...
Hippo birdie two ewe
Hippo birdie two ewe
Hippo birdie deer mARko
Hippo birdie two ewe.
Teklordz celebrates mARkos aka Holocaust birthday t
his month. I delayed
release of this months Artiphakts to the 20th, per mARkos re
quest that we
release on his birthday. This ones fer you, dood.
Bleah. Departures from the group always suck. Anyway heres
a list of all
those that scampered off since August:
Loki, who left because of school taking up lots of his
time ...
Nafarious, who left because he was going to college an
d would not have any
more time for the scene.
Sandy Chidester, who left because she realized she cou
ldnt handle the work-
load between Teklordz and what she does usually. Hehe. Way t
o be vague.
Anyway, thanks go to her for even considering it...
White Insanity, who departed because of school reaso
ns. Im starting to
think that school is some sort of diabolical creation of soci
ety. Yuck.
Then, we have a bunch of people that Im cutting just because
theyre those
non-contributing types. We need to make room for those that a
re gonna help
out. Big groups are too much of a pain to manage.
Lysene, Night Hunter, and Tsits
were cut because of inactivity. If you want
back in, you know where to reach me. Tsits just sorta faded
away ... dunno
where he disappeared off to ...
The state of Teklordz seems kinda dismal, eh? Well its not
all that bad.
Weve trimmed the fat, and gotten and re-gotten some new tal
ent as well:
Arthur Leigh, an unaffiliated newschool ascii artist.
Right now hes having
some transition difficulties, with moving in with his roommat
e and all, and
not having access to a DOS-based PC ... The asciis he submi
tted for this
month were all done in a linux pico text editor ...
PhazeOne, who returns to Teklordz, not as an artist, b
ut a musician. Phaze-
One enjoys writing trance and also djs for some club wherev
er the hell he
lives up in Canada. g
Prince, a demogfx coder, recruited by Gedge. Prin
ce is also a competent
3D modeler. Youll see some of his work in this months pack
Scope, a beginning ansi artist from Germany. Hes onl
y been drawing for not
even a month, but he shows great potential. Keeping with the
Teklordz trad-
ition, we will continue to cultivate those with potential, bu
t lacking the
technical ability ...
Valacar, a graphics coder, also recruited by Gedge.
Valacar, like Prince,
works in the 3D medium, and has collaborated with Prince to c
reate the mech
rendering youll see in this months Artiphakts.
Web Shit
Ive put up my personal page for everyone to check out. Its
not done yet,
I still need to add some thumbnails and do some new headers,
but I figured
Id put it up and let everyone take a lookie:
Fusion Arts ts: http://www2.hawaii.edu/myee
Last Words?
So like, dude and dudettes ... enjoy the pack.
Teklordz Big Cheese
Oct 20, 1996
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