this image contains text
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Notes: Welp this is the quickest I have ever done an ansi in, whole thing
took a little over 6 hours in one sittingalmost I scrapped my or- iginal ansi and then started this one the day before the pack goes
out. I am the worlds biggest procrastonater :
Greets: ts: for getting me involved in Teklordz..
syntax: for being one of the few honest guys in the scene yes
this ansi is still screwed but I tried damn hard
jae magneticm thrasher: for giving me pointers and help as usual
ice spiff: There are a few cool people on irc :
Tempo: for being my brother P
My current request/trade list, in order
Requests: cataclysm, fiend, ananda, firelord, magnetic rage, holocaust,
boa, white raven, blackadder . . .
if I forgot you email me
Contact: Im currently only taking trades or paying requests. I do
all types of ansi and vga. Mail your requests to
8---snip snip----------------------------------------------------------------
Notes: Welp this is the quickest I have ever done an ansi in, whole thing
took a little over 6 hours in one sittingalmost I scrapped my or- iginal ansi and then started this one the day before the pack goes
out. I am the worlds biggest procrastonater :
Greets: ts: for getting me involved in Teklordz..
syntax: for being one of the few honest guys in the scene yes
this ansi is still screwed but I tried damn hard
jae magneticm thrasher: for giving me pointers and help as usual
ice spiff: There are a few cool people on irc :
Tempo: for being my brother P
My current request/trade list, in order
Requests: cataclysm, fiend, ananda, firelord, magnetic rage, holocaust,
boa, white raven, blackadder . . .
if I forgot you email me
Contact: Im currently only taking trades or paying requests. I do
all types of ansi and vga. Mail your requests to
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