this image contains text
July 1996 Teklordz P
roductions Artiphaks
Hello, and welco
me to the July 1996 Teklordz
Artiphakts! This month is a special month for
the group, because it marks the groups 2nd
rsary. 2 years to this month, Teklordz
was conceived by
Lawrence Manuel Smooth and
Russell Sasaok
a Tekbandit.
Back then, Teklordz was primarily a Hawaii-
only group, but since that time weve expanded in
to a worldwide organiz-
ation, dedicated to releasing quality art, music,
and code.
Changes to the Dualing Policy...
I am quite sure many heard rumors about O-T
rons unexpected decision to
join ACiD. These rumors were true. O-Tron decided
to join ACiD, and in
lieu of our old no dualing policy, was ready to leave Tek
lordz. But I
compromised the dualing policy, not just because of O
-Trons departure
but it was suggested to me that the no dualing policy mig
ht be hurting
us, recruitment-wise. With Teklordz far more st
able than it was a year
ago, I decided to nuke the no dualing rule. How
ever despite this, wed
still prefer those few dedicated souls.
New Senior Staff...
O-Tron decided to stay on with Teklordz,
but he also decided to step
down from his Art Coordinator position. The vacant spot
was given to
Extreme, who since being chosen, has performed an a
wesome job coordinat-
ing artists and the recruitment of members. :
Due to lack of time, Inner Vision decide
d to step down as Music Coordin-
ator. Ionian Mode has decided to coordinate in his
place. Nothing like
a bit o home-grown nepotism g.
Welcome New Members...
Nafarious, who was initially invited to
join Fire, decided to join
Teklordz instead. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, i don
t believe, to
date, that anyone has ever done that. Except, perhaps,
Extreme. hehe.
Night Hunter, from Israel, has joined Teklo
rdz as an ansi artist. Altho
hes only been drawing ansi for about 3 months, his works
show lots of
Loki, whose ansi work you will be seeing
in this months pack, is a
relatively new newcomer to the ansi scene. His work, too,
shows lots of
potential. : Thanks to Extreme for recruiting th
is dude. :
Gedge, a vga graphics coder from Scotland.
First Teklordz dude to do
some really fast code! hah, just kidding, Amnesia Gedge
is also
capable of doing demo effects, and im really not sure how
we managed
to pick this guy up. hehe. Actually, thanks to Amnesi
a for recruiting
this dude.
Sulphuric, our new text coder, recruited al
so for Amnesia. Well have
some projects for him the in the future.
Hellbeast, one of our coders, decided to
leave Teklordz because of some
personal conflicts within the group.
Hydrocephalus, who leaves Teklordz for mOp!
because of mOps no dualing-
Good luck to those who left.
Final Words...
On a lighter note, Smooth returned to Te
klordz to help me out with some
of the administrative stuff for Teklordz. : Yay!
Also, special thanks to Mojo one of our members
from a year ago for the
nifty 3D guest art. Be sure also, to check out the Teklord
z Birthday
s3m by our Music Coordinator, Ionian Mode.
We hope you enjoy this months Artipha
ts, Teklordz Member Coordinator,
July 13, 1996.
Words from Extreme...
When ts asked me to write a few words I
couldnt really think of anything
to say. Then while on irc the same day someone came up t
o me and asked
what group I was in. I said Teklordz, he said Teklordz,
arnt they
dead? This didnt really shock me as it happens quite of
ten. What does
shock me is why people ask this question. Weve released a
lmost every
month this year except for one to my knowledge. Come on pe
ople take
notice! No Teklordz is not dead yet, this great 2 year ani
versary pack
proves that. We may not be that biggest group bu
t we try hard to put
out the best stuff we can. If your interested in
joining a small
group with great atmosphere that isnt going to d
ie, drop us a line :
Extreme, Teklordz Art Coordinator
July 14, 1996.
roductions Artiphaks
Hello, and welco
me to the July 1996 Teklordz
Artiphakts! This month is a special month for
the group, because it marks the groups 2nd
rsary. 2 years to this month, Teklordz
was conceived by
Lawrence Manuel Smooth and
Russell Sasaok
a Tekbandit.
Back then, Teklordz was primarily a Hawaii-
only group, but since that time weve expanded in
to a worldwide organiz-
ation, dedicated to releasing quality art, music,
and code.
Changes to the Dualing Policy...
I am quite sure many heard rumors about O-T
rons unexpected decision to
join ACiD. These rumors were true. O-Tron decided
to join ACiD, and in
lieu of our old no dualing policy, was ready to leave Tek
lordz. But I
compromised the dualing policy, not just because of O
-Trons departure
but it was suggested to me that the no dualing policy mig
ht be hurting
us, recruitment-wise. With Teklordz far more st
able than it was a year
ago, I decided to nuke the no dualing rule. How
ever despite this, wed
still prefer those few dedicated souls.
New Senior Staff...
O-Tron decided to stay on with Teklordz,
but he also decided to step
down from his Art Coordinator position. The vacant spot
was given to
Extreme, who since being chosen, has performed an a
wesome job coordinat-
ing artists and the recruitment of members. :
Due to lack of time, Inner Vision decide
d to step down as Music Coordin-
ator. Ionian Mode has decided to coordinate in his
place. Nothing like
a bit o home-grown nepotism g.
Welcome New Members...
Nafarious, who was initially invited to
join Fire, decided to join
Teklordz instead. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, i don
t believe, to
date, that anyone has ever done that. Except, perhaps,
Extreme. hehe.
Night Hunter, from Israel, has joined Teklo
rdz as an ansi artist. Altho
hes only been drawing ansi for about 3 months, his works
show lots of
Loki, whose ansi work you will be seeing
in this months pack, is a
relatively new newcomer to the ansi scene. His work, too,
shows lots of
potential. : Thanks to Extreme for recruiting th
is dude. :
Gedge, a vga graphics coder from Scotland.
First Teklordz dude to do
some really fast code! hah, just kidding, Amnesia Gedge
is also
capable of doing demo effects, and im really not sure how
we managed
to pick this guy up. hehe. Actually, thanks to Amnesi
a for recruiting
this dude.
Sulphuric, our new text coder, recruited al
so for Amnesia. Well have
some projects for him the in the future.
Hellbeast, one of our coders, decided to
leave Teklordz because of some
personal conflicts within the group.
Hydrocephalus, who leaves Teklordz for mOp!
because of mOps no dualing-
Good luck to those who left.
Final Words...
On a lighter note, Smooth returned to Te
klordz to help me out with some
of the administrative stuff for Teklordz. : Yay!
Also, special thanks to Mojo one of our members
from a year ago for the
nifty 3D guest art. Be sure also, to check out the Teklord
z Birthday
s3m by our Music Coordinator, Ionian Mode.
We hope you enjoy this months Artipha
ts, Teklordz Member Coordinator,
July 13, 1996.
Words from Extreme...
When ts asked me to write a few words I
couldnt really think of anything
to say. Then while on irc the same day someone came up t
o me and asked
what group I was in. I said Teklordz, he said Teklordz,
arnt they
dead? This didnt really shock me as it happens quite of
ten. What does
shock me is why people ask this question. Weve released a
lmost every
month this year except for one to my knowledge. Come on pe
ople take
notice! No Teklordz is not dead yet, this great 2 year ani
versary pack
proves that. We may not be that biggest group bu
t we try hard to put
out the best stuff we can. If your interested in
joining a small
group with great atmosphere that isnt going to d
ie, drop us a line :
Extreme, Teklordz Art Coordinator
July 14, 1996.
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