this image contains text
it says Teklordz, i swear it. super duper pooper phu
nky crazy ansi wildstyle...
You May Already Be A Winner...
...but probably not. You ARE the proud owner of the Tekl
ordz Artiphaks, March
96 edition, however. So the month hasnt been a complete wast
e, has it? It
hasnt been for the Teklordz crew. I write this a few mere hou
rs before the
pack goes off to the printers at our secret bomb-shelter-turned
-studio under
a haystack somewhere in South Dakota. Damn, I gave it away...a
I havent seen all the submissions for this month yet, but what
I have seen
is impressive stuff. My co-conspirator in this fiendish attemp
t at global
annihilation, ts, has been subjected to cruel tests and
interrogation, tales
too ticklish to tell. But by some twist of fate, he is most li
kely putting
together the pack as I type.
Either that, or he and Smooth are playing nude Frisbee
TM with a bunch of
buxom hula dancers.
There is no point to my ramblings, other than to introduce this
, another fine
example of Teklordz vision and inspiration. Presidential candi
dates may offer
tax reform and good jobs at good wages, but we give you somethi
ng you can
really use! Really!! Take it away, ts...
teklordz art coordinator
O-Tron is crazy, I swear it. I saw his picture too, he
looks like one of those
guys that start off killing rodents, then move on to bigger and
better things
g. But anyway what Mr. Loon here is trying to say is that we
is good stuff
this months, that we ares. With the exception of Extremes She
rman ansi, we areperhaps, the only group that doesnt co
mic rip on a monthly basis. Ok, so some
of them arent the best, but hell, how can you not respect an a
rtist that does
original shit and tries hard. Thats the Teklordz way of life.
So contrary to what O-Tron thinks, Im still sittin
g at school, and writing thisinfofile. I got like 0
sleep last nite studying for a chinese midterm, only to
bomb it thoroughly a few hours ago. Whee. Its been an intere
sting day, to
say the least, I got some pretty nifty joint ansis from our ver
y own Extreme andiCEs Magnetic M and Extreme and Hex, a
nd some asshole haole hawaiian for
foreigner but it implies whites started yelling at me just h
e fucked up
his own print job and wasted 50 pages. hah. good for that SOB
. Not that all
haoles are bad, its just that a disproportionate amount of the
ones in Hawaii
suck horse dicks.
But on a more positive note, we just got ourselves a new ar
tist! Yay yay yay
yay yay! Lysene, who was in Union for a month back in 0495, wh
ich if you all
recall was the month Union feigned death for a month or two, th
en died a really
nasty horrible death a few months later. Lysene is goot artist
guy, i really
dig his fonts, and in the spirit of Teklordz hell be tryin so
me original pix.
Coders, new coders, we have them new coders. Shadow Im
age, recruited by
Amnesia is our new coder and he codes us a Teklordz promo loade
r, hopefully it
will be just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.
This month we say alohas to a few artists. Spear when
left for Fire He thoughtTeklordz when go kaput Eh, br
ah, no problems Fire is da kine good kine group.
Lucky dem. But more sad kine, we lost Mojo. He never like do
ansi no more, andhe says he no more time for contribute
to Teklordz. To him, we wish our brah
da bests of luck in whatevah he goin do. :
TekLordz Head Member Guy
it says Teklordz, i swear it. super duper pooper phu
nky crazy ansi wildstyle...
You May Already Be A Winner...
...but probably not. You ARE the proud owner of the Tekl
ordz Artiphaks, March
96 edition, however. So the month hasnt been a complete wast
e, has it? It
hasnt been for the Teklordz crew. I write this a few mere hou
rs before the
pack goes off to the printers at our secret bomb-shelter-turned
-studio under
a haystack somewhere in South Dakota. Damn, I gave it away...a
I havent seen all the submissions for this month yet, but what
I have seen
is impressive stuff. My co-conspirator in this fiendish attemp
t at global
annihilation, ts, has been subjected to cruel tests and
interrogation, tales
too ticklish to tell. But by some twist of fate, he is most li
kely putting
together the pack as I type.
Either that, or he and Smooth are playing nude Frisbee
TM with a bunch of
buxom hula dancers.
There is no point to my ramblings, other than to introduce this
, another fine
example of Teklordz vision and inspiration. Presidential candi
dates may offer
tax reform and good jobs at good wages, but we give you somethi
ng you can
really use! Really!! Take it away, ts...
teklordz art coordinator
O-Tron is crazy, I swear it. I saw his picture too, he
looks like one of those
guys that start off killing rodents, then move on to bigger and
better things
g. But anyway what Mr. Loon here is trying to say is that we
is good stuff
this months, that we ares. With the exception of Extremes She
rman ansi, we areperhaps, the only group that doesnt co
mic rip on a monthly basis. Ok, so some
of them arent the best, but hell, how can you not respect an a
rtist that does
original shit and tries hard. Thats the Teklordz way of life.
So contrary to what O-Tron thinks, Im still sittin
g at school, and writing thisinfofile. I got like 0
sleep last nite studying for a chinese midterm, only to
bomb it thoroughly a few hours ago. Whee. Its been an intere
sting day, to
say the least, I got some pretty nifty joint ansis from our ver
y own Extreme andiCEs Magnetic M and Extreme and Hex, a
nd some asshole haole hawaiian for
foreigner but it implies whites started yelling at me just h
e fucked up
his own print job and wasted 50 pages. hah. good for that SOB
. Not that all
haoles are bad, its just that a disproportionate amount of the
ones in Hawaii
suck horse dicks.
But on a more positive note, we just got ourselves a new ar
tist! Yay yay yay
yay yay! Lysene, who was in Union for a month back in 0495, wh
ich if you all
recall was the month Union feigned death for a month or two, th
en died a really
nasty horrible death a few months later. Lysene is goot artist
guy, i really
dig his fonts, and in the spirit of Teklordz hell be tryin so
me original pix.
Coders, new coders, we have them new coders. Shadow Im
age, recruited by
Amnesia is our new coder and he codes us a Teklordz promo loade
r, hopefully it
will be just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.
This month we say alohas to a few artists. Spear when
left for Fire He thoughtTeklordz when go kaput Eh, br
ah, no problems Fire is da kine good kine group.
Lucky dem. But more sad kine, we lost Mojo. He never like do
ansi no more, andhe says he no more time for contribute
to Teklordz. To him, we wish our brah
da bests of luck in whatevah he goin do. :
TekLordz Head Member Guy
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