this image contains text
: February 1996 Edition
What happened to the January Pack? It was a Smooth foul-up and
I admit to it.
I took too many things on at once: school, business, work, fami
ly! Enough to
drive anyone kukoo. The February pack will consist of a compil
ation of sub-
mitted artwork for the January pack as well as February. My ap
ologies once
again to everyone bout the delay.
Another delay has been the TL Tees. During December-February I
have created
and registered copyrights to my own design firm. Through numer
ous nights of
constant design work Ive done for Design Asylum and Ortego Stu
dio Gallery,
I was influenced to start up my own business and work on my own
. One of the
main objectives of my business was to provide online publishing
web pages
and have been workin hard to gain a 56k relay to a webserver t
hat my business-
associates and I have been building the last few months. This
webserver will
allow better support and communications for everyone in TL or a
ssociated with
us. It will also allow us no limitations for web space.
I have been and always will be here to promote TL productions,
but can no
longer accomodate time to compile the packs and prospect new ar
tists for the
group. I have given full authorization for Ts and O-Tron to us
e their good
judgement in deciding who shall be allowed into TekLordZ Produc
tions and who
to keep on hold. Artwork shall also be reviewed by both of them
before they
are compiled into the pack. A composite print of the t-shirts w
ill be available
as a vga image by the release of the March Pack.
smooth@tl.com hehe
Whoa, full authorization. I like the sound of that. g Anyw
ay, some new
stuff we may have overlooked over the past two months...
First, this months artiphaks is a compilation of work over the
past two months.Its not a great deal, I admit it. Iv
e been basically grounded off the puter
unless its necessary for my homework, and the only chance I re
ally get to
fuck around for more than an hour is during work... but alas, I
seem to get lotsof dum dums that keep asking me the sam
e damn question over and over again, so
Im often on, but not really ON. As for the bits and pieces of
work, I think
its been a busy month for all. O-tron, I know has not had muc
h time to draw
because of work and all that, and neither have I. But I think
weve compensatedwith the addition of a few members with
in the past two months that Id like to
Hex, Extremes brother I might have mentioned before. What I d
idnt mention,
or really know for that matter, is that hes got lots of potent
ial as a pic
artist, as well as a font artist. check out his pictures and f
onts in this
release, not really polished but it shows mucho potential, I th
PhazeOne, brings his graffiti talents to Teklordz as a RIP arti
st. This month
he has shown that he can draw other things other than just bubb
ly, arrow-
infected fonts and mini-gs... Some artists just cant seem to
break out of
that, but PhazeOne doesnt seem to have that problem.
Spear, who has submitted some very nice ascii fonts. Its rare
these days to
find good, unaffiliated ascii artists. Bah. Im hoping he
decides to
stick around, we have some good months ahead, if all goes well.
.. apologies to
spear for the delay in releasing the jan pack...
Synthetic Destroyer, an ascii artist recruited by Smooth that h
as a very nice,
clean ascii style. Now, if we only knew how to get in contact
with him! Hey,
if you read this, email me your email address either on Ink! 80
8-674-1673,,,11 or you may mail me direct at myee@hawai
i.edu ...
Thermal Crew THC, a coding group, has merged into Teklordz.
Amnesia, the
senior coder for THC is now the Teklordz coding coordinator. O
ver the past
month Amnesia has been very helpful in coordinating coding proj
ects for TL.
Their first official release with Teklordz is in this months r
elease-- TekPlay,a command line S3M/MOD/MTM player. Wit
h the Thermal Crew merge into Teklordz,
we have gained the following people:
Amnesia, of course. Hydrocephalus, author of TekPlay. Lion, a
n ansi artist
whose works show much promise. He also codes too, talk about a
double bonus. Bleys, an ascii artist, whose works iv
e yet to see... Hey Amnesia, mail me
some of his work, Id like to see it.. Couriers Bomber and
DimeBag not the
Emigre one, and musicians Mordacai X and Lord Pegasus of Kosmi
c. Ah I almost
forgot about Digital Apocalypse, a coder.
Sites, sites, and more sites?
Ill make this pretty short. Weve decided to trash all our si
tes. EMF had
the right idea when they decided on this too-- the internet is
a pretty
efficient vehicle for distributing our releases, and the packs
seem to get
around. So what will the couriers be for then? Well, what we
have in mind
is for the couriers to help us get artwork, submissions, or pro
ject betas to
other members, especially members that dont really have access
to the internet or long distance calling...
Were currently working on trying to raise some moola to set up
an ftp site
to release Teklordz Monthly Artiphaks on, and to provide member
s with a place
to upload their submissions without any problems.
I talk too damn much. Well I hope you enjoy this release. Que
stions, comments
or suggestions, send it to me myee@hawaii.edu or O-Tron xris
or Amnesia amnesia@ix.netcom.com...
See ya.
What happened to the January Pack? It was a Smooth foul-up and
I admit to it.
I took too many things on at once: school, business, work, fami
ly! Enough to
drive anyone kukoo. The February pack will consist of a compil
ation of sub-
mitted artwork for the January pack as well as February. My ap
ologies once
again to everyone bout the delay.
Another delay has been the TL Tees. During December-February I
have created
and registered copyrights to my own design firm. Through numer
ous nights of
constant design work Ive done for Design Asylum and Ortego Stu
dio Gallery,
I was influenced to start up my own business and work on my own
. One of the
main objectives of my business was to provide online publishing
web pages
and have been workin hard to gain a 56k relay to a webserver t
hat my business-
associates and I have been building the last few months. This
webserver will
allow better support and communications for everyone in TL or a
ssociated with
us. It will also allow us no limitations for web space.
I have been and always will be here to promote TL productions,
but can no
longer accomodate time to compile the packs and prospect new ar
tists for the
group. I have given full authorization for Ts and O-Tron to us
e their good
judgement in deciding who shall be allowed into TekLordZ Produc
tions and who
to keep on hold. Artwork shall also be reviewed by both of them
before they
are compiled into the pack. A composite print of the t-shirts w
ill be available
as a vga image by the release of the March Pack.
smooth@tl.com hehe
Whoa, full authorization. I like the sound of that. g Anyw
ay, some new
stuff we may have overlooked over the past two months...
First, this months artiphaks is a compilation of work over the
past two months.Its not a great deal, I admit it. Iv
e been basically grounded off the puter
unless its necessary for my homework, and the only chance I re
ally get to
fuck around for more than an hour is during work... but alas, I
seem to get lotsof dum dums that keep asking me the sam
e damn question over and over again, so
Im often on, but not really ON. As for the bits and pieces of
work, I think
its been a busy month for all. O-tron, I know has not had muc
h time to draw
because of work and all that, and neither have I. But I think
weve compensatedwith the addition of a few members with
in the past two months that Id like to
Hex, Extremes brother I might have mentioned before. What I d
idnt mention,
or really know for that matter, is that hes got lots of potent
ial as a pic
artist, as well as a font artist. check out his pictures and f
onts in this
release, not really polished but it shows mucho potential, I th
PhazeOne, brings his graffiti talents to Teklordz as a RIP arti
st. This month
he has shown that he can draw other things other than just bubb
ly, arrow-
infected fonts and mini-gs... Some artists just cant seem to
break out of
that, but PhazeOne doesnt seem to have that problem.
Spear, who has submitted some very nice ascii fonts. Its rare
these days to
find good, unaffiliated ascii artists. Bah. Im hoping he
decides to
stick around, we have some good months ahead, if all goes well.
.. apologies to
spear for the delay in releasing the jan pack...
Synthetic Destroyer, an ascii artist recruited by Smooth that h
as a very nice,
clean ascii style. Now, if we only knew how to get in contact
with him! Hey,
if you read this, email me your email address either on Ink! 80
8-674-1673,,,11 or you may mail me direct at myee@hawai
i.edu ...
Thermal Crew THC, a coding group, has merged into Teklordz.
Amnesia, the
senior coder for THC is now the Teklordz coding coordinator. O
ver the past
month Amnesia has been very helpful in coordinating coding proj
ects for TL.
Their first official release with Teklordz is in this months r
elease-- TekPlay,a command line S3M/MOD/MTM player. Wit
h the Thermal Crew merge into Teklordz,
we have gained the following people:
Amnesia, of course. Hydrocephalus, author of TekPlay. Lion, a
n ansi artist
whose works show much promise. He also codes too, talk about a
double bonus. Bleys, an ascii artist, whose works iv
e yet to see... Hey Amnesia, mail me
some of his work, Id like to see it.. Couriers Bomber and
DimeBag not the
Emigre one, and musicians Mordacai X and Lord Pegasus of Kosmi
c. Ah I almost
forgot about Digital Apocalypse, a coder.
Sites, sites, and more sites?
Ill make this pretty short. Weve decided to trash all our si
tes. EMF had
the right idea when they decided on this too-- the internet is
a pretty
efficient vehicle for distributing our releases, and the packs
seem to get
around. So what will the couriers be for then? Well, what we
have in mind
is for the couriers to help us get artwork, submissions, or pro
ject betas to
other members, especially members that dont really have access
to the internet or long distance calling...
Were currently working on trying to raise some moola to set up
an ftp site
to release Teklordz Monthly Artiphaks on, and to provide member
s with a place
to upload their submissions without any problems.
I talk too damn much. Well I hope you enjoy this release. Que
stions, comments
or suggestions, send it to me myee@hawaii.edu or O-Tron xris
or Amnesia amnesia@ix.netcom.com...
See ya.
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