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TekLordZ Official NewsLetter - March 1995
Written by Smooth
Headline News:
SLiCE PreZ, Shadow frequented
Dungeon 2 for the last couple
of weeks prior to this packs
release to work out details of
a great merger with TekLordZ
Productions. With many nights
SLicE merges with TekLordZ Productions. and days of work, we were able
to put together a great pack
for this month March 1995. Many great artists ANSi/ASCii/VGA have come
from this group and TekLordZ is bigger and better then ever. Hope this
March pack exceeded the expectations of all who have seen our past releases.
We are currently workin out the details as far as Headquarters/Distros being
that our two groups had different ones and will be makin a compromise on
them so everyone will be happy. Thanks for the many long chats with Shadow
and other new members this pack has turned out better than expected.
New Artists:
Welcome to all the
new artists who
who have just
just joined onto
TekLordZ Prod.
I would like to
commend Frosty
and Xeryrus for
their awesome
productivity for
this months
artiphaks. They Xeryrus comes to close to the camera as Frosty
were two of the says Wazzup in the background.
main contributors
to this months pack. Special thanks to Dr. Radiaki who has just left
VOiD to join up with us. We will be commending certain members in
future newsletters to highlight their artistic skills and accomplishments.
LiT DiViSiON Revamped:
Well, we finally got our Literary Division
revamped and have gotten great submissions
in that area of art. Flood has been
appointed as a Senior for that division.
Currently releasing in his group Angst he
also submits all his works to TekLordZ
Flood heading The SLiCE merger also was a Literary gain
you way! for TekLordZ including the former SLiCE
president and now co-prez on TekLordZ Prod.
EMiGRE Issue 4
For all those whove been
waiting for its release. E M i G R E
We apologize for its
lateness. Though weve taken
about a month and a half to EMiGRE 4 will rockya !!!
almost two months to complete
it, I think it was a good thing for us to take our time. For one, it
allowed us to acquire a lot of great articles and art submissions for
the mag lots have commented on previous issues lacking in content.
Another factor is that it gave us enuf time to work on the interface
to make it better or at least different from previous issues making it
one of the most unique emagz on the scene. We will be voicing our
inate views about whats goin on in the scene in this issue and about
other emagz. Everyone has been quite blunt with their feelings in
art packs / and previous emag releases and its about time we did it
ourselves. hehe EMiGRE 4 is an emag for all. In the scene or outta
the scene. Either you like it or you dont. We dont really much
care but would appreciate it more for those that do LIKE IT. So be
on the look out for it. Itll be out soon and released March 1995
for sure this time! hehe
Well, thats about it for this Months March 1995 Newsletter. Till
the next pack! Latez.
Written by Smooth
Headline News:
SLiCE PreZ, Shadow frequented
Dungeon 2 for the last couple
of weeks prior to this packs
release to work out details of
a great merger with TekLordZ
Productions. With many nights
SLicE merges with TekLordZ Productions. and days of work, we were able
to put together a great pack
for this month March 1995. Many great artists ANSi/ASCii/VGA have come
from this group and TekLordZ is bigger and better then ever. Hope this
March pack exceeded the expectations of all who have seen our past releases.
We are currently workin out the details as far as Headquarters/Distros being
that our two groups had different ones and will be makin a compromise on
them so everyone will be happy. Thanks for the many long chats with Shadow
and other new members this pack has turned out better than expected.
New Artists:
Welcome to all the
new artists who
who have just
just joined onto
TekLordZ Prod.
I would like to
commend Frosty
and Xeryrus for
their awesome
productivity for
this months
artiphaks. They Xeryrus comes to close to the camera as Frosty
were two of the says Wazzup in the background.
main contributors
to this months pack. Special thanks to Dr. Radiaki who has just left
VOiD to join up with us. We will be commending certain members in
future newsletters to highlight their artistic skills and accomplishments.
LiT DiViSiON Revamped:
Well, we finally got our Literary Division
revamped and have gotten great submissions
in that area of art. Flood has been
appointed as a Senior for that division.
Currently releasing in his group Angst he
also submits all his works to TekLordZ
Flood heading The SLiCE merger also was a Literary gain
you way! for TekLordZ including the former SLiCE
president and now co-prez on TekLordZ Prod.
EMiGRE Issue 4
For all those whove been
waiting for its release. E M i G R E
We apologize for its
lateness. Though weve taken
about a month and a half to EMiGRE 4 will rockya !!!
almost two months to complete
it, I think it was a good thing for us to take our time. For one, it
allowed us to acquire a lot of great articles and art submissions for
the mag lots have commented on previous issues lacking in content.
Another factor is that it gave us enuf time to work on the interface
to make it better or at least different from previous issues making it
one of the most unique emagz on the scene. We will be voicing our
inate views about whats goin on in the scene in this issue and about
other emagz. Everyone has been quite blunt with their feelings in
art packs / and previous emag releases and its about time we did it
ourselves. hehe EMiGRE 4 is an emag for all. In the scene or outta
the scene. Either you like it or you dont. We dont really much
care but would appreciate it more for those that do LIKE IT. So be
on the look out for it. Itll be out soon and released March 1995
for sure this time! hehe
Well, thats about it for this Months March 1995 Newsletter. Till
the next pack! Latez.
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