this image contains text
TekLordZ Produ
ctionZ 1995 / PHreSh iNSpiRaTiON by MCA iCE
Funky Ph0nT StYLe by Smooth TL
Hello folks, ts here writing the Teklordz news column this mon
th. A few thingshave happened since the 0795 pack. Ju
ly was a good month for Teklordz Aftera month of reo
rganizing the group and purging the dead weight on th
e member-list after the somewhat shitty May Artiphaks,
we bounced back in July and re-leased a fairly decent
More reorganization followed, and I decided to add a new subdiv
ision to TL-- theTeklordz trial. I am not sure of what
the real difference between trial membersand regular mem
bers is in other groups, but my main intention in crea
ting thissubdivision was to help artists who have the po
tential but whose works need lotsof work. The main diff
erence between the trial artists and the regular artists
is pretty clear-cut. Regular artists get to more or less d
etermine themselveswhich of their works is fit to be r
eleased in the monthly Artiphaks, whereastrial members
works have not only quality control performed on the
m by eitherSmooth or me, but if the work is not releas
ed they will get constructive feed-back on their work i
n the hope that the advice will help them to improve. I
have moved a few of our current artists into this categ
ory-- Anselmo andWolverine with apolo
gies to Anselmo, i would have liked to explain
this to youbut unfortunately i have not seen you on IRC
in awhile, so send me some mail .
We have also picked up two new artists, Shroom and
Youthanasia, both of whichare in our new Teklor
dz Trial division.
This month, Knight*time returned from
the dead and submitted a kickass set ofansis.
A new artist, Seize, has joined our ra
nks this month as well. Thanksto Bad Sector fo
r bringing this guy in.
tho by the time this pack is released i think Knight*time le
ft us for anothergroup. BIG doh, folks... Come back to
us, we miss yoooo...
Speaking of Bad Sector, the senior staff has decided to
trash the ascii divisiontemporarily. Currently, with
all the new ascii groups popping up, we realizedthat t
here was probably no one left that did quality ascii th
at wasnt in anyother groups. Sorry Bad Sector,
but looks like the ascii thing is dead for now.
In case you Teklordz members havent been reading your mail
which you shouldbecause it is currently our best way t
o reach ya folks, i decided to step downfrom being ove
rall Member Coordinator because it was a bit too much
for me tohandle. However, I will continue on as Art Coo
rdinator. D
Ill prolly be emailing more info to you Teklordz folks la
ter on this... socheck them mailboxes.
Anyway, for you Teklordz artists, feel free to e-mail your un
finished stuff toeither me or any other Teklordz artist
if you want some tips on how to finish itup... I will gl
adly oblige...
Anywho, a bit of other Teklordz news. Teklordz is currently wo
rking on a music-disk. We are accumulating qui
te a bit of songs from various artists-- Kx
Mode,Choo Choo, Jell0, Inner Vis
ion yeah, the acid guy, whee , and Qyv.
So far wehave quite a number of songs,
but we need to contact our coders to see if theycan com
e up with a music disk player
with either an ansi/vga interface... SoGrat
h, Stimpy, or Vyking,
if you dudes know how to code s3m
s/mods/vgas, giveSmoothio a call so ya folks can
toss round some ideas. shit, i almost forgotTra
nx! sorry!
If youre looking to pick up a net, check out the iFXnet appli
cation generator.iFXnet is the support net for Teklordz.
In addition, it has pretty good mail-
flow and overall spiffy people on... check it out if this inter
ests you... D
Well I thought Id also explain a little about Teklordz. A few
people have beenbugging me on IRC of late asking me to
kick out a few of our artists they deemas shitty... My
response to them was that everyone should be given
a chance,and perhaps the reason that they have been lo
usy for so long is because no onehas given them that ch
ance, and just called them LAME. Its not as if these
artists do not show potential-- all of them, in my opinion, s
how that the talentis there, but perhaps it needs a bit
more coaxing to bring out the brighter sideof themselves
. If you think its bullshit, check out Mojos art this
month. Inmy opinion, it is some pretty kickass stuff,
and when you think about how longhes been doing this,
it is FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Just a couple months ago, I
found Mojo on IRC offering the first Pulse pack in ansi.
Most of the ansitypes flamed him on the spot, calling
the group lame and shit, so I took a lookmyself. Ok,
ok, so the first Pulse pack did indeed suck, but inst
ead of justdismissing Mojo as the wannabe artist lam
er, I gave him some tips on how toimprove his art, and
wham, a few weeks later he shows me an ansi he did it was
in 0795 that was kickass as hell.
We could, I suppose, get good artists that have been in 10 mill
ion different bigart groups previously, but if theyve b
een in so many groups, why should I thinktheyll stay in
Teklordz and not use it as a stepping stone to get t
o anothergroup? Anyway, I like to think that the stu
ff im doing as art coord and notrunning off to join a
big art group will incline our members to stay... :D
I think Ill cut this short, I wanna go watch Beauty and the Be
ast, Smooth stillneeds to give me a call, I still have t
o compile the pack, and Soul Train is onin two hours.
.. man that show has THE hottest asian chicks around
fuck theGrind-- but shit, i think im digressing a bit
too much...
Well, toodaloo folkses... D
--Teklordz Art Coordinator type guy
bah, enuff of this guys ranting and raving... go home,
cook rice.
ctionZ 1995 / PHreSh iNSpiRaTiON by MCA iCE
Funky Ph0nT StYLe by Smooth TL
Hello folks, ts here writing the Teklordz news column this mon
th. A few thingshave happened since the 0795 pack. Ju
ly was a good month for Teklordz Aftera month of reo
rganizing the group and purging the dead weight on th
e member-list after the somewhat shitty May Artiphaks,
we bounced back in July and re-leased a fairly decent
More reorganization followed, and I decided to add a new subdiv
ision to TL-- theTeklordz trial. I am not sure of what
the real difference between trial membersand regular mem
bers is in other groups, but my main intention in crea
ting thissubdivision was to help artists who have the po
tential but whose works need lotsof work. The main diff
erence between the trial artists and the regular artists
is pretty clear-cut. Regular artists get to more or less d
etermine themselveswhich of their works is fit to be r
eleased in the monthly Artiphaks, whereastrial members
works have not only quality control performed on the
m by eitherSmooth or me, but if the work is not releas
ed they will get constructive feed-back on their work i
n the hope that the advice will help them to improve. I
have moved a few of our current artists into this categ
ory-- Anselmo andWolverine with apolo
gies to Anselmo, i would have liked to explain
this to youbut unfortunately i have not seen you on IRC
in awhile, so send me some mail .
We have also picked up two new artists, Shroom and
Youthanasia, both of whichare in our new Teklor
dz Trial division.
This month, Knight*time returned from
the dead and submitted a kickass set ofansis.
A new artist, Seize, has joined our ra
nks this month as well. Thanksto Bad Sector fo
r bringing this guy in.
tho by the time this pack is released i think Knight*time le
ft us for anothergroup. BIG doh, folks... Come back to
us, we miss yoooo...
Speaking of Bad Sector, the senior staff has decided to
trash the ascii divisiontemporarily. Currently, with
all the new ascii groups popping up, we realizedthat t
here was probably no one left that did quality ascii th
at wasnt in anyother groups. Sorry Bad Sector,
but looks like the ascii thing is dead for now.
In case you Teklordz members havent been reading your mail
which you shouldbecause it is currently our best way t
o reach ya folks, i decided to step downfrom being ove
rall Member Coordinator because it was a bit too much
for me tohandle. However, I will continue on as Art Coo
rdinator. D
Ill prolly be emailing more info to you Teklordz folks la
ter on this... socheck them mailboxes.
Anyway, for you Teklordz artists, feel free to e-mail your un
finished stuff toeither me or any other Teklordz artist
if you want some tips on how to finish itup... I will gl
adly oblige...
Anywho, a bit of other Teklordz news. Teklordz is currently wo
rking on a music-disk. We are accumulating qui
te a bit of songs from various artists-- Kx
Mode,Choo Choo, Jell0, Inner Vis
ion yeah, the acid guy, whee , and Qyv.
So far wehave quite a number of songs,
but we need to contact our coders to see if theycan com
e up with a music disk player
with either an ansi/vga interface... SoGrat
h, Stimpy, or Vyking,
if you dudes know how to code s3m
s/mods/vgas, giveSmoothio a call so ya folks can
toss round some ideas. shit, i almost forgotTra
nx! sorry!
If youre looking to pick up a net, check out the iFXnet appli
cation generator.iFXnet is the support net for Teklordz.
In addition, it has pretty good mail-
flow and overall spiffy people on... check it out if this inter
ests you... D
Well I thought Id also explain a little about Teklordz. A few
people have beenbugging me on IRC of late asking me to
kick out a few of our artists they deemas shitty... My
response to them was that everyone should be given
a chance,and perhaps the reason that they have been lo
usy for so long is because no onehas given them that ch
ance, and just called them LAME. Its not as if these
artists do not show potential-- all of them, in my opinion, s
how that the talentis there, but perhaps it needs a bit
more coaxing to bring out the brighter sideof themselves
. If you think its bullshit, check out Mojos art this
month. Inmy opinion, it is some pretty kickass stuff,
and when you think about how longhes been doing this,
it is FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Just a couple months ago, I
found Mojo on IRC offering the first Pulse pack in ansi.
Most of the ansitypes flamed him on the spot, calling
the group lame and shit, so I took a lookmyself. Ok,
ok, so the first Pulse pack did indeed suck, but inst
ead of justdismissing Mojo as the wannabe artist lam
er, I gave him some tips on how toimprove his art, and
wham, a few weeks later he shows me an ansi he did it was
in 0795 that was kickass as hell.
We could, I suppose, get good artists that have been in 10 mill
ion different bigart groups previously, but if theyve b
een in so many groups, why should I thinktheyll stay in
Teklordz and not use it as a stepping stone to get t
o anothergroup? Anyway, I like to think that the stu
ff im doing as art coord and notrunning off to join a
big art group will incline our members to stay... :D
I think Ill cut this short, I wanna go watch Beauty and the Be
ast, Smooth stillneeds to give me a call, I still have t
o compile the pack, and Soul Train is onin two hours.
.. man that show has THE hottest asian chicks around
fuck theGrind-- but shit, i think im digressing a bit
too much...
Well, toodaloo folkses... D
--Teklordz Art Coordinator type guy
bah, enuff of this guys ranting and raving... go home,
cook rice.
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