this image contains text
: ::: :::::::::::. T I T A N
/ /::::: / / / / / tRAShaWD
: / :::::::: : F R U I T F A G S /
: .: :::..: . S I N C E 2 0 0 4 . //
..:::::::::::... :: * P R E S E N T S * /
. Titan Artdivision Artpack 3 : /
. Released on 08 / 01 / 17 . /
: Release Info :: :
a long time ago, in a
galaxy far, far away
it is a period of the uncertain
political drama queens
dirty media wars
everyone wants to be followed
everyone is a producer
everyone wants to matter
will we disappear?
become of no value?
reign our world?
but see...
in the distance...
a new star is rising
a new hope!
t i t a n
presenting a rare commodity
from an era thought lost
a delicious selection of fine arts
finally released after about 12 years
the titan artpackage number three
: Personnal words :: :
Titan artpack 3, here we go. /
12 years in the making. We first decided that it should
have an interface around it. Like, multiplatforms stuff.
Plenty of Titan members started something in the past,
Nothing we really pushed to its end. And now, after
a globe travel, were getting back with the not so
famous anymore titan art package 3. Without interface.
Were done with it. This would have been too much work
to get this release entirely done as it should have been.
And finally, the artscene way, we give it out.
This has been a real awesome experience, all along.
We even gathered the pieces weve released at parties.
Too much memories. Too much travels. Too much hip-hop.
We even went the graffiti way, too. Some pieces of us,
painted on random walls in the world are present in this
pack as well.
Titan is soon to be 13 years old.
Infinity minus 13 years left to keep making what we love.
I love you.
iks of Titan.
Dang its 2017 already :D! I dug up some old and unreleased
bits and pieces from my HD to add to this artpack, hope you
like it :D
Love and kisses, alk.
Hello friends and scene members,
finally its time for our group to release our third
artpack. As someone who has grown up in the artscene with
groups like cRo and SAC Im very proud to see something
like that happen again. 15 years ago I was responsible to
release and code for artpacks and diskmags in cRo. We were
working on cracktros, keygens, chiptunes, graphics used in
releases and, of course, ascii and ansi.
Unfortunately this part of the scene is mostly dead and to
me it always emitted a special feeling which is not the
same as in the demoscene. While both scenes are a lot
about glory and prestige, the artscene always felt more
important, especially to the outer world with the normal
computer users, with a rather less technical nature, and
you always had to hide in the dark quite a bit because we
worked hard for groups who made games, software and media
public and free.
But the artscene is not only about making art for the
illegality, but also for everyone who is creative,
making graphics, painting graffiti, composing music and
placing char by char to finally finish an ascii.
I always admired pixel artists and ascii painters for
their patience.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this artpack. Finally
its done, we always wanted to make a full-featured
release of it, with viewer, background music and
everything else, but we decided to wander the oldschool
way and selected the best stuff from the last 10 years of
We hope you enjoy a lot of fine arts.
Happy new year.
12 years have gone by.. 12 years.. The world is on fire.
Everybody is fighting. Were all going to hell. We only
care for ourself, and our likes on facebook. We talk, but
dont say anything... we hear, but dont listen.. We pretend
we care, but we dont. We dont even care for ourselves
anymore. We are ruining ourselves and our species, our
existence is in danger. So today is a pretty good day to
release artpack 3000!
Hope u guys enjoy it!
Hello girls and boys.
Feel warmly welcomed to this long awaited TITAN Art Pack.
I wish to thank the following dudes for making it happen:
- Irokos merci mec, sans toi cela naurait t pas
- NeoMan vielen danke fr alles, Neo....
- All Titan past and present members. Thank you for your
time, dedication.
- DonAdan, Sachy, Mccnex, Asman, Liv, Mch dzieki za
Wanted Team experience
- Lamers, Resistance, TheLoop dudes!
- all closes souls I forgot here at this moment...
I am sorry.
And last but by all means not least my family and friends.
Those who helped me and who were and are part of my life.
I wish you, dear reader ALL THE BEST. Be happy and PLEASE,
spread the happiness, respect and love arond you.
Yours truly
We freak the funk!
Yo! Enjoy this artpack which I had no participation in
whatsoever :P !
The funny thing about AP3 is that it was already vaporware
when I joined 4 years ago.
Nice to see people rid themselves off old burdens.
Cya in the next prod
Hello Demoscene! Please continue to be awesome in 2017
and keep those amazing releases coming! Cheers!
Fuck fascism. Fuck rascism. Fuck elitism. We are family.
I cant believe this is finally happening! Art pack 3,
fuck yeah! Looking back at the past decade I surely had a
lot of fun with this gals and guys, at demo parties, at
brbtitan 1 2 and on IRC. brbcig forever!
Greetings dear TiTAN fans. Wow ARTPACK 3. y0 wtf?!
Enjoy some fine Amiga Ascii Art by zNr/dS!+TiTAN and never
Ive added a few productions from the past year or so,
maybe you have seen some of them in traffic
others are still waiting to be spotted.
Today you get a chance to view them all in this wonderful
Cheers to another decade full of ascii, ansi, pixel,
graffiti, music, and mad coding skills.
one luv - stay free, zANEr! - See you around 3
OK, Zalza - The Titan art pack 3 is freakin amazing and
utterly massive - its simply a gift to the mankind. Titan
rules the scene as always - smiles! - Im so proud
to be a part of and to have had the chance to contribute
with music to this awesome group and bunch of talented
: Group News :: :
Well surely and certainly be present at Revision 2017
for some awesomeness.
Titan is: . /
Alien, Alk, Arvenius, Blasty, Gencha, Jix, Kabuto
Eviljoker, Sergeon, Pikzel, Svenzzon, Raina, StrObe,
Cerror, Xylo, Red, iks, Lilibox, LiraNuna, Mdx,
Medo, Moqui, Mueslee, Neoman, Oerg866, Phunck, Sik,
Sim1, SunSpire, Zaner, Saxxonpike, Isha, Fizzer,
Side, Jorge, crazyQ, zalza, scattle, icedragon,
ik00r, Kettch, Laeila.
Alltime Titans:
aka-l0, las, Thenikon, Blueflame, barium, eleric,
raziir, unseen fate, reef, zlorfik, kruze, viruz666,
dbrn, 2late, 2EA3, jallabert, moh, ogge, idiana,
meat, bull, I8U, Hobbit, Nap, Yogin, psypuls, crcx,
funkyfish, saberoth, vouck, tristan, vils, deathr0w,
feraillus, spotter, kryps, gkmotu, dionysos, algar,
xerxes, lafarge, whoopee, auld, ipe, mindo, paledeth,
kmuland, saida, crype, stv, moonlord, vigo, shazz,
mczonk, 71M, pailes, snkorea, dr3amz, dot, rebb,
kenet, drskull, deathstar, nebulah, brainbox, frank2,
myr, strager, vigo, rouquemoute, ampli, pest, seffren.
: Greetings to :: :
Greets to our friends in :: Fairlight, Scoopex, Neural,. /
Conspiracy, Equinox, Hoodlum, Tristar,Razor1911,Deviance, /
Ultralame, UltralameLovers, Rebels, Slengpung, Pouet.net,
Scienide, TRSI, Skim, Umlaut Design, Mattcurrent,Plastic,
AWD, Rituel, VRL, ACiD, Paradox, Zombie Boys, Shice, CPH,
Pain, Farbrausch, Deviance, Orion, Osmium,OoK,BRONX,Galm,
Tristar, Reloaded, Cocoon, Danish Gold, TPOLM, Class,SAC,
Totalkaos.de, Mups, Vitality, Fanaion, Madwizards, CRO,
Excess, Melon, Skidrow, River, TDU Jam, Bronx, Marshalls,
MFX, Neural, Paradise,the deviants,Kewlers,They, Newcoma,
TRSI , SynRJ, Triad, TJC, Noxfire, Brain Control, Myth,
Team Emergency Exit, Rabenauge, Bitfellas,The Dominators,
Jumalauta, Umlaut Design, Mandarine,Surprise Productions,
IRIS, Accession, Defacto2.net, Darklite, Blocktronics,
Break, Skomp,Poo Brain, DSS,TRBL, Wanted Team,Aeroholics,
Divine Stylers
Deep, deep thank you to the guest artists of this pack:
8bitbubsy, bw, caterva, crome, dipswitch, dMG, funkyfish,
h2O, michu, haggeman, ghidora, jeroen tel, korma, maali,
maktone, malmen, moks,zeus, mypalgoo, ne7, p01, plur,
pook, rainoa, ra, rebb, scorpi, scour, sal-one, enzO,
virgill, vouck, wade, wiibe, zefyros, zemra, musicman,
suddendeath, mattmathew, radman.
Shitload of love to La grande triple alliance internation
ale de lest.
Massive love to the graffiti scene. MACIA, Bandits, BYE 3
Titan and Red Sector, Inc.
Wiggles to Mysfyt.
Contact us ::
titandemo EFNET : /
: http://titandemo.org .
. . titanatuntergrunddotnet :
: .. revision.evoke.world .: :
. ASCII DONE BY tRAShaWD .: .......
/ /::::: / / / / / tRAShaWD
: / :::::::: : F R U I T F A G S /
: .: :::..: . S I N C E 2 0 0 4 . //
..:::::::::::... :: * P R E S E N T S * /
. Titan Artdivision Artpack 3 : /
. Released on 08 / 01 / 17 . /
: Release Info :: :
a long time ago, in a
galaxy far, far away
it is a period of the uncertain
political drama queens
dirty media wars
everyone wants to be followed
everyone is a producer
everyone wants to matter
will we disappear?
become of no value?
reign our world?
but see...
in the distance...
a new star is rising
a new hope!
t i t a n
presenting a rare commodity
from an era thought lost
a delicious selection of fine arts
finally released after about 12 years
the titan artpackage number three
: Personnal words :: :
Titan artpack 3, here we go. /
12 years in the making. We first decided that it should
have an interface around it. Like, multiplatforms stuff.
Plenty of Titan members started something in the past,
Nothing we really pushed to its end. And now, after
a globe travel, were getting back with the not so
famous anymore titan art package 3. Without interface.
Were done with it. This would have been too much work
to get this release entirely done as it should have been.
And finally, the artscene way, we give it out.
This has been a real awesome experience, all along.
We even gathered the pieces weve released at parties.
Too much memories. Too much travels. Too much hip-hop.
We even went the graffiti way, too. Some pieces of us,
painted on random walls in the world are present in this
pack as well.
Titan is soon to be 13 years old.
Infinity minus 13 years left to keep making what we love.
I love you.
iks of Titan.
Dang its 2017 already :D! I dug up some old and unreleased
bits and pieces from my HD to add to this artpack, hope you
like it :D
Love and kisses, alk.
Hello friends and scene members,
finally its time for our group to release our third
artpack. As someone who has grown up in the artscene with
groups like cRo and SAC Im very proud to see something
like that happen again. 15 years ago I was responsible to
release and code for artpacks and diskmags in cRo. We were
working on cracktros, keygens, chiptunes, graphics used in
releases and, of course, ascii and ansi.
Unfortunately this part of the scene is mostly dead and to
me it always emitted a special feeling which is not the
same as in the demoscene. While both scenes are a lot
about glory and prestige, the artscene always felt more
important, especially to the outer world with the normal
computer users, with a rather less technical nature, and
you always had to hide in the dark quite a bit because we
worked hard for groups who made games, software and media
public and free.
But the artscene is not only about making art for the
illegality, but also for everyone who is creative,
making graphics, painting graffiti, composing music and
placing char by char to finally finish an ascii.
I always admired pixel artists and ascii painters for
their patience.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this artpack. Finally
its done, we always wanted to make a full-featured
release of it, with viewer, background music and
everything else, but we decided to wander the oldschool
way and selected the best stuff from the last 10 years of
We hope you enjoy a lot of fine arts.
Happy new year.
12 years have gone by.. 12 years.. The world is on fire.
Everybody is fighting. Were all going to hell. We only
care for ourself, and our likes on facebook. We talk, but
dont say anything... we hear, but dont listen.. We pretend
we care, but we dont. We dont even care for ourselves
anymore. We are ruining ourselves and our species, our
existence is in danger. So today is a pretty good day to
release artpack 3000!
Hope u guys enjoy it!
Hello girls and boys.
Feel warmly welcomed to this long awaited TITAN Art Pack.
I wish to thank the following dudes for making it happen:
- Irokos merci mec, sans toi cela naurait t pas
- NeoMan vielen danke fr alles, Neo....
- All Titan past and present members. Thank you for your
time, dedication.
- DonAdan, Sachy, Mccnex, Asman, Liv, Mch dzieki za
Wanted Team experience
- Lamers, Resistance, TheLoop dudes!
- all closes souls I forgot here at this moment...
I am sorry.
And last but by all means not least my family and friends.
Those who helped me and who were and are part of my life.
I wish you, dear reader ALL THE BEST. Be happy and PLEASE,
spread the happiness, respect and love arond you.
Yours truly
We freak the funk!
Yo! Enjoy this artpack which I had no participation in
whatsoever :P !
The funny thing about AP3 is that it was already vaporware
when I joined 4 years ago.
Nice to see people rid themselves off old burdens.
Cya in the next prod
Hello Demoscene! Please continue to be awesome in 2017
and keep those amazing releases coming! Cheers!
Fuck fascism. Fuck rascism. Fuck elitism. We are family.
I cant believe this is finally happening! Art pack 3,
fuck yeah! Looking back at the past decade I surely had a
lot of fun with this gals and guys, at demo parties, at
brbtitan 1 2 and on IRC. brbcig forever!
Greetings dear TiTAN fans. Wow ARTPACK 3. y0 wtf?!
Enjoy some fine Amiga Ascii Art by zNr/dS!+TiTAN and never
Ive added a few productions from the past year or so,
maybe you have seen some of them in traffic
others are still waiting to be spotted.
Today you get a chance to view them all in this wonderful
Cheers to another decade full of ascii, ansi, pixel,
graffiti, music, and mad coding skills.
one luv - stay free, zANEr! - See you around 3
OK, Zalza - The Titan art pack 3 is freakin amazing and
utterly massive - its simply a gift to the mankind. Titan
rules the scene as always - smiles! - Im so proud
to be a part of and to have had the chance to contribute
with music to this awesome group and bunch of talented
: Group News :: :
Well surely and certainly be present at Revision 2017
for some awesomeness.
Titan is: . /
Alien, Alk, Arvenius, Blasty, Gencha, Jix, Kabuto
Eviljoker, Sergeon, Pikzel, Svenzzon, Raina, StrObe,
Cerror, Xylo, Red, iks, Lilibox, LiraNuna, Mdx,
Medo, Moqui, Mueslee, Neoman, Oerg866, Phunck, Sik,
Sim1, SunSpire, Zaner, Saxxonpike, Isha, Fizzer,
Side, Jorge, crazyQ, zalza, scattle, icedragon,
ik00r, Kettch, Laeila.
Alltime Titans:
aka-l0, las, Thenikon, Blueflame, barium, eleric,
raziir, unseen fate, reef, zlorfik, kruze, viruz666,
dbrn, 2late, 2EA3, jallabert, moh, ogge, idiana,
meat, bull, I8U, Hobbit, Nap, Yogin, psypuls, crcx,
funkyfish, saberoth, vouck, tristan, vils, deathr0w,
feraillus, spotter, kryps, gkmotu, dionysos, algar,
xerxes, lafarge, whoopee, auld, ipe, mindo, paledeth,
kmuland, saida, crype, stv, moonlord, vigo, shazz,
mczonk, 71M, pailes, snkorea, dr3amz, dot, rebb,
kenet, drskull, deathstar, nebulah, brainbox, frank2,
myr, strager, vigo, rouquemoute, ampli, pest, seffren.
: Greetings to :: :
Greets to our friends in :: Fairlight, Scoopex, Neural,. /
Conspiracy, Equinox, Hoodlum, Tristar,Razor1911,Deviance, /
Ultralame, UltralameLovers, Rebels, Slengpung, Pouet.net,
Scienide, TRSI, Skim, Umlaut Design, Mattcurrent,Plastic,
AWD, Rituel, VRL, ACiD, Paradox, Zombie Boys, Shice, CPH,
Pain, Farbrausch, Deviance, Orion, Osmium,OoK,BRONX,Galm,
Tristar, Reloaded, Cocoon, Danish Gold, TPOLM, Class,SAC,
Totalkaos.de, Mups, Vitality, Fanaion, Madwizards, CRO,
Excess, Melon, Skidrow, River, TDU Jam, Bronx, Marshalls,
MFX, Neural, Paradise,the deviants,Kewlers,They, Newcoma,
TRSI , SynRJ, Triad, TJC, Noxfire, Brain Control, Myth,
Team Emergency Exit, Rabenauge, Bitfellas,The Dominators,
Jumalauta, Umlaut Design, Mandarine,Surprise Productions,
IRIS, Accession, Defacto2.net, Darklite, Blocktronics,
Break, Skomp,Poo Brain, DSS,TRBL, Wanted Team,Aeroholics,
Divine Stylers
Deep, deep thank you to the guest artists of this pack:
8bitbubsy, bw, caterva, crome, dipswitch, dMG, funkyfish,
h2O, michu, haggeman, ghidora, jeroen tel, korma, maali,
maktone, malmen, moks,zeus, mypalgoo, ne7, p01, plur,
pook, rainoa, ra, rebb, scorpi, scour, sal-one, enzO,
virgill, vouck, wade, wiibe, zefyros, zemra, musicman,
suddendeath, mattmathew, radman.
Shitload of love to La grande triple alliance internation
ale de lest.
Massive love to the graffiti scene. MACIA, Bandits, BYE 3
Titan and Red Sector, Inc.
Wiggles to Mysfyt.
Contact us ::
titandemo EFNET : /
: http://titandemo.org .
. . titanatuntergrunddotnet :
: .. revision.evoke.world .: :
. ASCII DONE BY tRAShaWD .: .......
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