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S+SP : RMRS . :
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TiTAN Artdivision presents
Some words of irokos, leader :
Nearly 6 months after TiTAN artdivision creation, were proud
to release our 1st artpack. Some non-finnished stuff in it, but it
wont be finnished anyway, so instead of hiding it, lets show it to the
public. No more to say, except a big THANKS to
Hoodlum 3 i love you all, Myth, TRSI, BRONX, Genesis, Backlash,
Class, Razor1911, Galm, Osmium, Artc0re, Orion, CPH, Paradox, nGen,
Fanaion, SynRj, Tristar, Cocoon, Skim, Shice, Scoopex, Mooncell,
They, Ocn, Madwizards, Mandarine, Lobstarrs, Dreamdealers, Equinox,
Conspiracy, Excess, Fairlight, Remorse.
And a BIG thanks to Scour 3...erm and Spinsane for that guest ASCII.
TiTAN is always looking for coders/ASCII/GFX artists, Apply!
titandemo EFNET
TiTAN Artgroup/Demogroup
*for the whole group :
Founders : irokos and Alien.
Leaders : Alien, Bull, irokos.
Co-Leaders : idiana, vils.
Demodivision Leader : Stv.
Artdivision Leader : Bull.
*for the Artdivision :
Code Section leaders : Gencha, Aka-l0.
GFX Section leaders : Alien.
ASCII Section leaders : barium, irokos.
Music Section leaders : cerror, Gkmotu, Xerxes.
Oldschool Section leader : vigo.
Function :
*ASCII : eleric, barium, idiana, irokos.
*GFX : Alien, Bull, gkmotu, I8U.
*Music : cerror, moh, Paledeth, SNKorea, Xerxes, gkmotu, Dot.
*Code : gencha, crype, moonlord, aka-l0, Stv, vils, irokos, vigo.
*Public Relations, Host provider and so on : SkyHawk.
A warm good luck in real life to Thenikon, 2late who left scene.
Goodbye to zlorfik, Beef and 2EA3 who got fired because of
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S+SP : RMRS . :
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TiTAN Artdivision presents
Some words of irokos, leader :
Nearly 6 months after TiTAN artdivision creation, were proud
to release our 1st artpack. Some non-finnished stuff in it, but it
wont be finnished anyway, so instead of hiding it, lets show it to the
public. No more to say, except a big THANKS to
Hoodlum 3 i love you all, Myth, TRSI, BRONX, Genesis, Backlash,
Class, Razor1911, Galm, Osmium, Artc0re, Orion, CPH, Paradox, nGen,
Fanaion, SynRj, Tristar, Cocoon, Skim, Shice, Scoopex, Mooncell,
They, Ocn, Madwizards, Mandarine, Lobstarrs, Dreamdealers, Equinox,
Conspiracy, Excess, Fairlight, Remorse.
And a BIG thanks to Scour 3...erm and Spinsane for that guest ASCII.
TiTAN is always looking for coders/ASCII/GFX artists, Apply!
titandemo EFNET
TiTAN Artgroup/Demogroup
*for the whole group :
Founders : irokos and Alien.
Leaders : Alien, Bull, irokos.
Co-Leaders : idiana, vils.
Demodivision Leader : Stv.
Artdivision Leader : Bull.
*for the Artdivision :
Code Section leaders : Gencha, Aka-l0.
GFX Section leaders : Alien.
ASCII Section leaders : barium, irokos.
Music Section leaders : cerror, Gkmotu, Xerxes.
Oldschool Section leader : vigo.
Function :
*ASCII : eleric, barium, idiana, irokos.
*GFX : Alien, Bull, gkmotu, I8U.
*Music : cerror, moh, Paledeth, SNKorea, Xerxes, gkmotu, Dot.
*Code : gencha, crype, moonlord, aka-l0, Stv, vils, irokos, vigo.
*Public Relations, Host provider and so on : SkyHawk.
A warm good luck in real life to Thenikon, 2late who left scene.
Goodbye to zlorfik, Beef and 2EA3 who got fired because of
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