this image contains text
n e u r o s i s o f
t i d e
t i d e m e m b e r p r o f i l e u p d
a t e d a p r i l 1 9 9 6
neurosis position : president/ansi artist im a former a
cid/union ansi
artist, known for my fonts. i became involved with tide because
epis drafted me. he loved me so much, he made me the president
im not only an ansi artist. im also the president.
epistasis position : founder/ansi artist well... it all
started when i
was a young man. my father used to beat me, and sexually molest
me. i found my homage among the sheep. as the years progressed
i felt a bond to my fluffy friends. Anyway... im an ansi artist
and in my spare time i make a practice of sodomy. especially
with sheep.
just a second, i got a beep
joe camel position : founder/coder hi. im a coder.
You know what we oughtta do?!?!@ oh. nevermind. thats shitty
flood position : occasional ansi artist i was the un-o
fficial vice
president of relic, and i was also in union. phear the k0w!
when im not doodling, i like to take long walks on the beach,
watch anime, and eat kosher pork. i also enjoy listening to abba
disco, and 80s music.
leaving hope position : artist no information submitted
jinx position : artist no information submitted I hav
e been in
and out of groups so much its not funny. now i have decided to
stick with TiDE.
astrocreep position : artist been matrix, been in gel,
now Im in TiDE.
I broke my thumb, thats why im not in this month
phaserx position : artist no information submitted
kurdtis position : VGAist no information submitted
Im fucking gone!
t i d e n e w s l e t t e r c o m p i l e d b y n e u r
o s i s
here we are with the first ever release of tide! i believe ill s
with a little history.tide was created by epistasi and joe camel with
the hopes
of spawning a revolution in our lost 404/770 scene. Our area code ha
s brought
forth tribe, relic, fire, and numerous other groups. we hope to cont
inue this
this tradition.
if you are interested in joining tide, you can contact me, joe ca
epistasis at joecamel@netcom.com. we will evaluate your artistic qual
ities and
notify you as to whether you are admitted. our standards arent as hi
gh as you
would think. if you have talent, and we can see improvement in you, mo
st likely
well give you chance.
in closing, i would like to thank you for taking the time to ch
out our work. look forward to next month!
t i d e a f f i l i a t e s c o m p i l e d b y n e u r
o s i s
world headquarters brain taco, sysop: epistasis 7
70 928-9228
member board brain freeze, sysop: joe camel 770
member board the spiral graveyard sysop: grave digger
770 ???-????
* no distro sites are being taken as of now.
t i d e
t i d e m e m b e r p r o f i l e u p d
a t e d a p r i l 1 9 9 6
neurosis position : president/ansi artist im a former a
cid/union ansi
artist, known for my fonts. i became involved with tide because
epis drafted me. he loved me so much, he made me the president
im not only an ansi artist. im also the president.
epistasis position : founder/ansi artist well... it all
started when i
was a young man. my father used to beat me, and sexually molest
me. i found my homage among the sheep. as the years progressed
i felt a bond to my fluffy friends. Anyway... im an ansi artist
and in my spare time i make a practice of sodomy. especially
with sheep.
just a second, i got a beep
joe camel position : founder/coder hi. im a coder.
You know what we oughtta do?!?!@ oh. nevermind. thats shitty
flood position : occasional ansi artist i was the un-o
fficial vice
president of relic, and i was also in union. phear the k0w!
when im not doodling, i like to take long walks on the beach,
watch anime, and eat kosher pork. i also enjoy listening to abba
disco, and 80s music.
leaving hope position : artist no information submitted
jinx position : artist no information submitted I hav
e been in
and out of groups so much its not funny. now i have decided to
stick with TiDE.
astrocreep position : artist been matrix, been in gel,
now Im in TiDE.
I broke my thumb, thats why im not in this month
phaserx position : artist no information submitted
kurdtis position : VGAist no information submitted
Im fucking gone!
t i d e n e w s l e t t e r c o m p i l e d b y n e u r
o s i s
here we are with the first ever release of tide! i believe ill s
with a little history.tide was created by epistasi and joe camel with
the hopes
of spawning a revolution in our lost 404/770 scene. Our area code ha
s brought
forth tribe, relic, fire, and numerous other groups. we hope to cont
inue this
this tradition.
if you are interested in joining tide, you can contact me, joe ca
epistasis at joecamel@netcom.com. we will evaluate your artistic qual
ities and
notify you as to whether you are admitted. our standards arent as hi
gh as you
would think. if you have talent, and we can see improvement in you, mo
st likely
well give you chance.
in closing, i would like to thank you for taking the time to ch
out our work. look forward to next month!
t i d e a f f i l i a t e s c o m p i l e d b y n e u r
o s i s
world headquarters brain taco, sysop: epistasis 7
70 928-9228
member board brain freeze, sysop: joe camel 770
member board the spiral graveyard sysop: grave digger
770 ???-????
* no distro sites are being taken as of now.
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