this image contains text
bh aa
a aaa aaaa aaaa aaa
aaaa a a a a aaa
a a
a aaa aa a
a aaa
d i s c o
--CUT-HERE------------------------------------------------------------CUT-HERE-- I got the idea for this disco promo that I saw on a board...
! I liked the phont so much I tried to repeat it...I think it
* looks pretty kewl...if you want a ascii from me contact me on
one of the 6O2 distros or impact net.
Greetz: Trip, Kamikaze, Alphie, Woolf, all of the THRuSt members,
and anyone in a group.
a aaa aaaa aaaa aaa
aaaa a a a a aaa
a a
a aaa aa a
a aaa
d i s c o
--CUT-HERE------------------------------------------------------------CUT-HERE-- I got the idea for this disco promo that I saw on a board...
! I liked the phont so much I tried to repeat it...I think it
* looks pretty kewl...if you want a ascii from me contact me on
one of the 6O2 distros or impact net.
Greetz: Trip, Kamikaze, Alphie, Woolf, all of the THRuSt members,
and anyone in a group.
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