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Hi Mom. Hi Chrissy. Hi Mitch. if yOu want an ansi doodled by little ol me, send me e-mail at thrust@primenet.com, make sure it says its for trip. I dont ask for money, but paying for my services guarentees an ansi --- - - --- by me by the first of the next month. If u dont wanna pay, I might still do you one, although I would prefer a trade insteadof a freebie. If you want 1 completely free, you may not get 1. greetz: sw,ky,ev, niv. hal!@
--Da Glowb--
Syz: Clorox Cowboy
so many leet affilz, i forgot em
--Da Glowb--
Syz: Clorox Cowboy
so many leet affilz, i forgot em
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