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KK thrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthruthrustthrustthrust-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- eL iNFoRo FiLo 8/96 THRuSt Pre-release Pack ------------------ Ok all you swif nigz and stoney doodz.. listen up.. WE are THRuSt, and we plan on releasing a bunch of stoney phat ass ansi for a while. We may not be the greatest, but try we do.. and I can smoke more budz than you without ralphin, so nyah. : I guess this our pre release pack... We dont have 37 members, mostly cuz ppl wont join a group without a pack released, unless they are the dopest nigz in town.. Which, btw, we are not and arent trying to be.. We just wanna have phun, dammit! And its been a trip so far.. Just hope we can keep the shiznit up. So instead of rambling on about stealing Jack N Tha Box drive thru menuz, ill let you go check out the pack if you havnt, So, all you badass doodz, drink lotsa Kool-Aidtm, Say no to fruit, and take big bonghits.... : -TRiP -- THe aPP GEn ----------------------------------------------------- Because of time constraints and the fact that Lord Cracker was killed by the government... Maxwell from Spectre Coding did our app gen. We would like to give max a mega huge greet for that. He did it in under an hour! Thanx max!@ If you would like to apply for an ascii arrtist, just use the ansi form. We foolz at THRuSt totally forgot to include it in the appgen. Duh! -- GReeTz -------------------------------------------------------- TRiP: Kid Krylon yer such a stud!@@, Nightfire yer loadahs make me dizzy, Slothy the 0795 iCE pack bogged down irc, thanx for releasing it, Obsid, Enigga, KK, and all the DoobleBoy Central tm - KidKrylon foolz on iRC.. KamiKaze: Crypter TMS is da shit!@!, dARKcream Thanx fer the werking shuttle lightbar!!.., Alphie Jer pretty leet . thrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrust ------------------------------------------------------------------------
KK thrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthruthrustthrustthrust-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- eL iNFoRo FiLo 8/96 THRuSt Pre-release Pack ------------------ Ok all you swif nigz and stoney doodz.. listen up.. WE are THRuSt, and we plan on releasing a bunch of stoney phat ass ansi for a while. We may not be the greatest, but try we do.. and I can smoke more budz than you without ralphin, so nyah. : I guess this our pre release pack... We dont have 37 members, mostly cuz ppl wont join a group without a pack released, unless they are the dopest nigz in town.. Which, btw, we are not and arent trying to be.. We just wanna have phun, dammit! And its been a trip so far.. Just hope we can keep the shiznit up. So instead of rambling on about stealing Jack N Tha Box drive thru menuz, ill let you go check out the pack if you havnt, So, all you badass doodz, drink lotsa Kool-Aidtm, Say no to fruit, and take big bonghits.... : -TRiP -- THe aPP GEn ----------------------------------------------------- Because of time constraints and the fact that Lord Cracker was killed by the government... Maxwell from Spectre Coding did our app gen. We would like to give max a mega huge greet for that. He did it in under an hour! Thanx max!@ If you would like to apply for an ascii arrtist, just use the ansi form. We foolz at THRuSt totally forgot to include it in the appgen. Duh! -- GReeTz -------------------------------------------------------- TRiP: Kid Krylon yer such a stud!@@, Nightfire yer loadahs make me dizzy, Slothy the 0795 iCE pack bogged down irc, thanx for releasing it, Obsid, Enigga, KK, and all the DoobleBoy Central tm - KidKrylon foolz on iRC.. KamiKaze: Crypter TMS is da shit!@!, dARKcream Thanx fer the werking shuttle lightbar!!.., Alphie Jer pretty leet . thrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrustthrust ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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