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December Nineteen Ninety Five...
Wow what a semester it has been for everyone.And what a strange month
it has been for the scene. First off as always I want to express my thanks
and appreciation to all the members who have contributed to pack number 11
for tDD. By the time this pack is released we will all be on vacation.Hope
everyone will have a safe an enjoyable holiday.
This month I have seen another great group go.. and that is SAGA. All
of us thought from their last pack that they would make it to the top soon
,but to our surprise... They killed the SAGA name and merged with ACiD. So
Im thinking the next ACiD pack whenever itll be out should really be top
quality. iCE released a 3 disk release this month and once again proves to
me that they are the best all around group right now. In my opinion though
the best ansi group out there right now, can you take a guess? LEGEND Ansi
as there motto goes.. where ansi is made. Hope to see more from my mentors
iodine, somms, and noot. Im also hoping that Maestro comes back into the
scene soon.
Now for whats been going on with tDD.Its been a busy month for most
of us. Yet we all fit in what we could to put together another pack.I took
netmans advice and instead of doing like 10 logos every pack, I did about
2 pics. I know they are not the best ansis ever made, but im still trying
to learn shading. You will see from this latest pack that were trying all we can to raise the quality of our paks. They size of the packs will still
be around a meg each release, but much more art will be cut when I screen
them. I know I have said that I want to run a no pressure fun group, but
I think that we can have a fun group, yet still raise the quality a little
bit. So if your artwork was cut from the pak this month,just hope you guys
understand. So from now on I dont want to set too many deadlines. You can
spend 2 months on a single pic that really rocks... Lets just try to give
it our best shot.
We are still looking for more people to help out. If you have seen a
tDD sixpak and you feel that you can contribute something to our group.All
you have to do is send me e-mail. Not everyone is a Lord Jazz, Somms or a
Tempus, but I do believe that they all started somewhere. So if you think
your serious about graphic design and want to work with a friendly decent
group trying to do some good for the scene. Then dont hesitate to send me
an e-mail at d69cc@cunyvm.cuny.edu. Now on with the rest of the news.
W H A T S N E W ?
New Members This Month Are.....
P-chan, Comes to us from Saga, He is still in ACiD, but is also helping us!
Crimson Tide, Does some rocking logos,Im hoping to see more pics from him.
Myvay, Our newest Musician. Helping to define what quality music is.
Hasty, Our newest coder, he does some awesome coding. Our new head coder.
Cool T, Also comming from Saga is our newest advisor Cool T. An all around
veteran on the scene. His help will be most valued in our growing group.
Luke Skywalker, The best literature dude that I know.Hes our lone lit guy!
Pirate Box, A good musician and ansi artist, he comes to us from platoon.
Hasty is now our new Head Coder for his great job on our new viewer Pd2.exe
Hopefully all the bugs will be fixed in time for the New Year.
Hopefully we will be able to have our homepage setup soon. We already
have a ftp site up. All of our packs can be picked up from arrpegio. To get
there just ftp to and goto the othersupport directory. Im also
currently looking for more sites outside of the US. I will not be accepting
anymore sites in the US. And also our new viewer is done, we hope that all
of the bugs will be out of it by the time our January pack is out. Hope you
all will enjoy your holidays. Remember what the celebration is really about
not about some fat guy who comes to bring presents for good kids, but its
a holiday about the birth of Jesus Christ. Member of the month.....
There are no one specific person who did anything great, but in fact each
and everyone who contributed to this last pack was a member of the month.
Thought of the month.....
Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name
Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,he
gave the right to become children of God.
Please spend the time to read my file tT-hap.txt, it contains my sharing.
Until the next sixpak.. God Bless,
the dirty dozen newsletter!
D E C 1 9 9 5
December Nineteen Ninety Five...
Wow what a semester it has been for everyone.And what a strange month
it has been for the scene. First off as always I want to express my thanks
and appreciation to all the members who have contributed to pack number 11
for tDD. By the time this pack is released we will all be on vacation.Hope
everyone will have a safe an enjoyable holiday.
This month I have seen another great group go.. and that is SAGA. All
of us thought from their last pack that they would make it to the top soon
,but to our surprise... They killed the SAGA name and merged with ACiD. So
Im thinking the next ACiD pack whenever itll be out should really be top
quality. iCE released a 3 disk release this month and once again proves to
me that they are the best all around group right now. In my opinion though
the best ansi group out there right now, can you take a guess? LEGEND Ansi
as there motto goes.. where ansi is made. Hope to see more from my mentors
iodine, somms, and noot. Im also hoping that Maestro comes back into the
scene soon.
Now for whats been going on with tDD.Its been a busy month for most
of us. Yet we all fit in what we could to put together another pack.I took
netmans advice and instead of doing like 10 logos every pack, I did about
2 pics. I know they are not the best ansis ever made, but im still trying
to learn shading. You will see from this latest pack that were trying all we can to raise the quality of our paks. They size of the packs will still
be around a meg each release, but much more art will be cut when I screen
them. I know I have said that I want to run a no pressure fun group, but
I think that we can have a fun group, yet still raise the quality a little
bit. So if your artwork was cut from the pak this month,just hope you guys
understand. So from now on I dont want to set too many deadlines. You can
spend 2 months on a single pic that really rocks... Lets just try to give
it our best shot.
We are still looking for more people to help out. If you have seen a
tDD sixpak and you feel that you can contribute something to our group.All
you have to do is send me e-mail. Not everyone is a Lord Jazz, Somms or a
Tempus, but I do believe that they all started somewhere. So if you think
your serious about graphic design and want to work with a friendly decent
group trying to do some good for the scene. Then dont hesitate to send me
an e-mail at d69cc@cunyvm.cuny.edu. Now on with the rest of the news.
W H A T S N E W ?
New Members This Month Are.....
P-chan, Comes to us from Saga, He is still in ACiD, but is also helping us!
Crimson Tide, Does some rocking logos,Im hoping to see more pics from him.
Myvay, Our newest Musician. Helping to define what quality music is.
Hasty, Our newest coder, he does some awesome coding. Our new head coder.
Cool T, Also comming from Saga is our newest advisor Cool T. An all around
veteran on the scene. His help will be most valued in our growing group.
Luke Skywalker, The best literature dude that I know.Hes our lone lit guy!
Pirate Box, A good musician and ansi artist, he comes to us from platoon.
Hasty is now our new Head Coder for his great job on our new viewer Pd2.exe
Hopefully all the bugs will be fixed in time for the New Year.
Hopefully we will be able to have our homepage setup soon. We already
have a ftp site up. All of our packs can be picked up from arrpegio. To get
there just ftp to and goto the othersupport directory. Im also
currently looking for more sites outside of the US. I will not be accepting
anymore sites in the US. And also our new viewer is done, we hope that all
of the bugs will be out of it by the time our January pack is out. Hope you
all will enjoy your holidays. Remember what the celebration is really about
not about some fat guy who comes to bring presents for good kids, but its
a holiday about the birth of Jesus Christ. Member of the month.....
There are no one specific person who did anything great, but in fact each
and everyone who contributed to this last pack was a member of the month.
Thought of the month.....
Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name
Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,he
gave the right to become children of God.
Please spend the time to read my file tT-hap.txt, it contains my sharing.
Until the next sixpak.. God Bless,
the dirty dozen newsletter!
D E C 1 9 9 5
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