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A masterpiece is not merely created, through the artist it is born
A work that will stand the test of time and survive all forms of scorn
Made in the image of its creator, like a new born baby child
Anything less than the perfection dreamed, the artist will go wild
With these people its always the case, than the artist is in glee
For theres nothing less than being the best if youre in TDD
Many people far and wide, look for the secret of what we do
But our secret, well protected, is something that is not new
True, always better than all the rest, theres something always unique
This something lacked by other groups is the abscence of harmful critique
For nothing released is shameful, and nothing less than grand
All the packs spread far and wide, distributed across the land
The true genius is in conception, but you must cross the line
To be like us, the cream of the crop, it all comes from design
- ls.tdd.wkd -
A masterpiece is not merely created, through the artist it is born
A work that will stand the test of time and survive all forms of scorn
Made in the image of its creator, like a new born baby child
Anything less than the perfection dreamed, the artist will go wild
With these people its always the case, than the artist is in glee
For theres nothing less than being the best if youre in TDD
Many people far and wide, look for the secret of what we do
But our secret, well protected, is something that is not new
True, always better than all the rest, theres something always unique
This something lacked by other groups is the abscence of harmful critique
For nothing released is shameful, and nothing less than grand
All the packs spread far and wide, distributed across the land
The true genius is in conception, but you must cross the line
To be like us, the cream of the crop, it all comes from design
- ls.tdd.wkd -
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