this image contains text
Februrary Nineteen Ninety Six....
Welcome to another edition of the dirty dozen monthly/bi-monthly art-
pak. We are happy to see that you have taken the time to download and view
the artwork. Always keep in mind that we are a quality artgroup out to not
only improve the scene in doing nice art, but also I am here to also help
people to get a different perspective about life.
First off.. I wish everyone a happy V day.. I hope your all spending
the quality time with your significant other. I know I am. Ok.. so now
down to business. This pak is a little late, but it includes a lot of top
quality works which I know all of our members have worked hard on. So keep
that in mind while you are seeing them. They all look nice, but there is a
lot of work involved also.
I think that weve made somewhat of an impact on the scene so far. I
see that the response is good and the demand for quality free artwork is a
lot higher than I expected. We will do our best to get to all requests as
the saying goes first come first serve. Well I would like to take the time
now to extend an invitation to any artists who would like to contribute or
help our group in anyway. If you think you can draw decent than dont just
sit there, drop us a note.
We also have a new ftp site up run by orpheus. Heres the ftp address logon:tDD pw:sixpack. All artists in our group can also get better access to drop off work. Now on with the news!
W H A T S N E W ?
New Members This Month Are.....
Sirius, Who used to be talamius, he just changed his handle thats all
Mighty Mouse, All those awesome asciis you saw.. Comes to us from WKD.
Cool T, Also comming from Saga is our newest advisor Cool T. An all around
veteran on the scene. His help will be most valued in our growing group.
Crimson Tide and Xenix, are regretfully leaving tDD because they have no
time to draw. We wish them good luck in all they do..
Hopefully we will be able to have our homepage setup soon. We already
have a ftp site up. All of our packs can be picked up from arrpegio. To get
there just ftp to and goto the othersupport directory. Im also
currently looking for more sites outside of the US. I will not be accepting
anymore sites in the US. And also our new viewer is done, we hope that all
of the bugs will be out of it by the time our April pack is out. Hope you
all will enjoy your V Day. Remember that if you still havent read one
of my sharings. Just read the file tt-hap.txt. If you have any questions I
am at your reach at d69cc@cunyvm.cuny.edu Member of the month.....
Well again.. its too hard to pick a member of the month.. everyone worked
so hard to get the pak out.. Thanx again dudes! .
Thought of the month.....
Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name
Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,he
gave the right to become children of God.
Please spend the time to read my file tT-hap.txt, it contains my sharing.
Until the next sixpak.. God Bless,
the dirty dozen newsletter!
F E B 1 9 9 6
Februrary Nineteen Ninety Six....
Welcome to another edition of the dirty dozen monthly/bi-monthly art-
pak. We are happy to see that you have taken the time to download and view
the artwork. Always keep in mind that we are a quality artgroup out to not
only improve the scene in doing nice art, but also I am here to also help
people to get a different perspective about life.
First off.. I wish everyone a happy V day.. I hope your all spending
the quality time with your significant other. I know I am. Ok.. so now
down to business. This pak is a little late, but it includes a lot of top
quality works which I know all of our members have worked hard on. So keep
that in mind while you are seeing them. They all look nice, but there is a
lot of work involved also.
I think that weve made somewhat of an impact on the scene so far. I
see that the response is good and the demand for quality free artwork is a
lot higher than I expected. We will do our best to get to all requests as
the saying goes first come first serve. Well I would like to take the time
now to extend an invitation to any artists who would like to contribute or
help our group in anyway. If you think you can draw decent than dont just
sit there, drop us a note.
We also have a new ftp site up run by orpheus. Heres the ftp address logon:tDD pw:sixpack. All artists in our group can also get better access to drop off work. Now on with the news!
W H A T S N E W ?
New Members This Month Are.....
Sirius, Who used to be talamius, he just changed his handle thats all
Mighty Mouse, All those awesome asciis you saw.. Comes to us from WKD.
Cool T, Also comming from Saga is our newest advisor Cool T. An all around
veteran on the scene. His help will be most valued in our growing group.
Crimson Tide and Xenix, are regretfully leaving tDD because they have no
time to draw. We wish them good luck in all they do..
Hopefully we will be able to have our homepage setup soon. We already
have a ftp site up. All of our packs can be picked up from arrpegio. To get
there just ftp to and goto the othersupport directory. Im also
currently looking for more sites outside of the US. I will not be accepting
anymore sites in the US. And also our new viewer is done, we hope that all
of the bugs will be out of it by the time our April pack is out. Hope you
all will enjoy your V Day. Remember that if you still havent read one
of my sharings. Just read the file tt-hap.txt. If you have any questions I
am at your reach at d69cc@cunyvm.cuny.edu Member of the month.....
Well again.. its too hard to pick a member of the month.. everyone worked
so hard to get the pak out.. Thanx again dudes! .
Thought of the month.....
Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name
Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
John 1:12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name,he
gave the right to become children of God.
Please spend the time to read my file tT-hap.txt, it contains my sharing.
Until the next sixpak.. God Bless,
the dirty dozen newsletter!
F E B 1 9 9 6
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