this image contains text
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*88 *.*888 A il,Q*,d8888888888*
**8888QQ : :A q@A88***
q@ .@q
sup, zs here, looks like were at the start of another system pack. seems like
i always write the NFO once, then it sits on my hd, gets outdated and i end up
rewriting it, oh well, who gives a fuck. Once again, the pack is 80 my art,
and if it wasnt for rippas two oldschools, 4 joints and 2 guests than it would
be a solo release im proud to say that although the pack is 2 months late,
everything in it by me was done in the last month. the only reason for the two
month gap is because i came to europe, and for a long time i just didnt fuck
with it all, lucky this isnt a real group or i would have totally dissed all
the members, kinda like another group i know *coughrmrs*. sorry to abstrakt for
leaving his tag out of my remix of his incredible KEXICAL ascii.
i was going to include my gkrellm theme Jupiter with this release but unfortune-ately its on my HD 2000 miles away, along with about 10 more asciis from awhileback.
i probably wont stick with system another month. its great but im growing
growing bored of the solo venture. not to mention its WAAYYY egotistical
word up to the bbs scene recently which seems to be doing better - either that
or i just discovered that there actually IS a telnet bbs scene bbses are
great and although dead in reality will always be alive in the eyes of the
scenes that came from it. yeah, dont forget, if it wasnt for bbses than ansi
and ascii would have never become what they are now or were before.
i put a few penciled logos in here this month, they are in .png format and if
you cant view png you can contact or email me and ill send you jpg versions.
oh yeah - check it - another thing thats always bothered me about the scene is
the way alot of people treat newbies. yeah, these people are lame and make you
want to beat your keyboard sometimes with there obnoxious questions, but every
one was the same way at one time so chill and help them out. i wouldnt give a
fuck and would just pass this off as part of the scene in general, and the only
reason im saying something about it now is because the scene NEEDS newbies
right now. rather its dying or not i dont know, but i do know it has definitely
gotten smaller recently.
zerostar zs@fakehalo.org
**. 88888888888 ::l *.,q 888 ,Q*.d88 .7.,q@888 88888888888 , .8b. l * 888 88b,q@88888b.7 :888888888 88888888888 88888888L Y : ,q@8888 888888888888888b. 7 jl888888888 8888888888l 888888888 li Y: 88888888 88888888888888888b.,d88:88888888b.8888888: 888888888 ll li 88888888 8888888888888888888888: *8QQ88888b.*888 Q88888888 il ll 8888888P 88888888888888888*
*88 *.*888 A il,Q*,d8888888888*
**8888QQ : :A q@A88***
q@ .@q
sup, zs here, looks like were at the start of another system pack. seems like
i always write the NFO once, then it sits on my hd, gets outdated and i end up
rewriting it, oh well, who gives a fuck. Once again, the pack is 80 my art,
and if it wasnt for rippas two oldschools, 4 joints and 2 guests than it would
be a solo release im proud to say that although the pack is 2 months late,
everything in it by me was done in the last month. the only reason for the two
month gap is because i came to europe, and for a long time i just didnt fuck
with it all, lucky this isnt a real group or i would have totally dissed all
the members, kinda like another group i know *coughrmrs*. sorry to abstrakt for
leaving his tag out of my remix of his incredible KEXICAL ascii.
i was going to include my gkrellm theme Jupiter with this release but unfortune-ately its on my HD 2000 miles away, along with about 10 more asciis from awhileback.
i probably wont stick with system another month. its great but im growing
growing bored of the solo venture. not to mention its WAAYYY egotistical
word up to the bbs scene recently which seems to be doing better - either that
or i just discovered that there actually IS a telnet bbs scene bbses are
great and although dead in reality will always be alive in the eyes of the
scenes that came from it. yeah, dont forget, if it wasnt for bbses than ansi
and ascii would have never become what they are now or were before.
i put a few penciled logos in here this month, they are in .png format and if
you cant view png you can contact or email me and ill send you jpg versions.
oh yeah - check it - another thing thats always bothered me about the scene is
the way alot of people treat newbies. yeah, these people are lame and make you
want to beat your keyboard sometimes with there obnoxious questions, but every
one was the same way at one time so chill and help them out. i wouldnt give a
fuck and would just pass this off as part of the scene in general, and the only
reason im saying something about it now is because the scene NEEDS newbies
right now. rather its dying or not i dont know, but i do know it has definitely
gotten smaller recently.
zerostar zs@fakehalo.org
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