this image contains text
Synthetic Digital Artpack 19
synthetic pack nineteen
synthetic back on its feat . . .
welcome to synthetic artpack no.19! were starting to keep in touch with one
another once again, thanks to the internet to bring you this fine fine pack.
we hope you enjoy the viewing.
whq down / use email
if you have art to release, please email me at trippah@neoncrayon.ml.org and
even if you dont, write to me anyway to tell me how your going!
our channel synthetic on efnet is currently open. its pretty damn dull there
now so why dont ya give us a visit on ya next call.
Soap emagazine!!!
yes, soap three is on its way, i say during mid october .. so hurry in if you
can help us out with an article or something! we need more contents to make
it a great mag worthwhile! call phycho rev, or email trippah.
synth member changes
weve finally cleaned up the members list, well actually i just took the off
the people who i havnt spoken/mailed to for over a few months.
if you think your still alive with your imaginative artwork, mail me and ill
chuck you back on immediatly :
welcome to disjoint who i gather is a great vga artist. ill have to get some
of his work from warp one day . . . he also supposedly codes in asm. mabe
another brand new viewer? :
Oh, and DisJoint didnt draw the chick in DJ-3RDI.JPG.
Its a picture of Kari Wuhrer from Sliders. He asked me to say that.
in the news it would be great.
the asylum, our former belgium hq is now officially offline, so i have heard
from one of the co-ops. can we get another one there in the scene?
lately, we have got a hq site in the states called flip. hyper is the boss
and is currently located in the southwest. hopefully, the packs are for free
of downloads.
also helping distro synth artpacks is ecstazia, located in sydney. i know
this one has free of downloads! bezerk sage? runs it.
synth music departmnt
from what i hear, i think its highly likely that the music department has
crashed, just like w98 at that congress meeting. if you mod music, esp.
jungle tracks : and want to begin this department again, and even mod soap
some tracks, email me, trippah@neoncrayon.ml.org
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic.
email via the net -- trippah@neoncrayon.ml.org
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
-- warpdude@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- *SOON* http://neoncrayon.ml.org/synth *SOON*
ftp site on the net -- notresponding@synthetic.ml.org
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to . . .
- all the ozzy art crews
- odb, wackey, krl, fk, flax
- itone, vejita, stanna, rz
- and everyone, yo peace!
News written/layout by Trippah
synthetic pack nineteen
synthetic back on its feat . . .
welcome to synthetic artpack no.19! were starting to keep in touch with one
another once again, thanks to the internet to bring you this fine fine pack.
we hope you enjoy the viewing.
whq down / use email
if you have art to release, please email me at trippah@neoncrayon.ml.org and
even if you dont, write to me anyway to tell me how your going!
our channel synthetic on efnet is currently open. its pretty damn dull there
now so why dont ya give us a visit on ya next call.
Soap emagazine!!!
yes, soap three is on its way, i say during mid october .. so hurry in if you
can help us out with an article or something! we need more contents to make
it a great mag worthwhile! call phycho rev, or email trippah.
synth member changes
weve finally cleaned up the members list, well actually i just took the off
the people who i havnt spoken/mailed to for over a few months.
if you think your still alive with your imaginative artwork, mail me and ill
chuck you back on immediatly :
welcome to disjoint who i gather is a great vga artist. ill have to get some
of his work from warp one day . . . he also supposedly codes in asm. mabe
another brand new viewer? :
Oh, and DisJoint didnt draw the chick in DJ-3RDI.JPG.
Its a picture of Kari Wuhrer from Sliders. He asked me to say that.
in the news it would be great.
the asylum, our former belgium hq is now officially offline, so i have heard
from one of the co-ops. can we get another one there in the scene?
lately, we have got a hq site in the states called flip. hyper is the boss
and is currently located in the southwest. hopefully, the packs are for free
of downloads.
also helping distro synth artpacks is ecstazia, located in sydney. i know
this one has free of downloads! bezerk sage? runs it.
synth music departmnt
from what i hear, i think its highly likely that the music department has
crashed, just like w98 at that congress meeting. if you mod music, esp.
jungle tracks : and want to begin this department again, and even mod soap
some tracks, email me, trippah@neoncrayon.ml.org
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic.
email via the net -- trippah@neoncrayon.ml.org
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
-- warpdude@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- *SOON* http://neoncrayon.ml.org/synth *SOON*
ftp site on the net -- notresponding@synthetic.ml.org
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to . . .
- all the ozzy art crews
- odb, wackey, krl, fk, flax
- itone, vejita, stanna, rz
- and everyone, yo peace!
News written/layout by Trippah
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