this image contains text
t e e a h h h r
if you would like to grab an ansi from me, you can now only email me through
trippah@midian.apana.org.au, or any respected melbourne boards.
i would just like to also mention that starbursts are wiked! 12-15 hours of
fun and confusion!!
also, the whq of soap has moved to psychotic revolution bbs! if you have an
article or whatever you would like to place into the next soap zine, upload
them to the soap conference as prepared.
3 cheers for organic for their influences to my begining of vga drawing.
enjoy - !
s age is alive i
s f or flax/sick
sage is alive ..
c factory i
s f or fluff/av
Cheese Factory BBS
3 networked nodes of art/music
madnet hub / avsynth distro
your operator is fluff
s ecurity i
s f or p0lyesta
s peed, the rush i
s f or free2all
if you like speed, you can use this ansi for free.
g en-gen feaver i
s f or arkenstone
a rctic winds i
s f or fat-cat/aw
- arctic winds bbs
i hope you like my new ansis.. i think ive improved alot lately.. mabe it
was because of the little break i had from them, odb :
anyway these ansis are dedicated to the requestor, and to the people who makes
drawing them fun, including ol dirty bastard, warp, rippa, wolverine, vej,
whoeverelse i couldnt think of.
also to the net users, check out my homepage corresponding at
if you would like to grab an ansi from me, you can now only email me through
trippah@midian.apana.org.au, or any respected melbourne boards.
i would just like to also mention that starbursts are wiked! 12-15 hours of
fun and confusion!!
also, the whq of soap has moved to psychotic revolution bbs! if you have an
article or whatever you would like to place into the next soap zine, upload
them to the soap conference as prepared.
3 cheers for organic for their influences to my begining of vga drawing.
enjoy - !
s age is alive i
s f or flax/sick
sage is alive ..
c factory i
s f or fluff/av
Cheese Factory BBS
3 networked nodes of art/music
madnet hub / avsynth distro
your operator is fluff
s ecurity i
s f or p0lyesta
s peed, the rush i
s f or free2all
if you like speed, you can use this ansi for free.
g en-gen feaver i
s f or arkenstone
a rctic winds i
s f or fat-cat/aw
- arctic winds bbs
i hope you like my new ansis.. i think ive improved alot lately.. mabe it
was because of the little break i had from them, odb :
anyway these ansis are dedicated to the requestor, and to the people who makes
drawing them fun, including ol dirty bastard, warp, rippa, wolverine, vej,
whoeverelse i couldnt think of.
also to the net users, check out my homepage corresponding at
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