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req? - warpdude@hotmail.com
If im lucky this colly will end up being 100 ascii since i odd on ansi lastcolly. Ive just joined Shaolins Finest, another Oz digital art group. Theseguys are all asian, and so am i sort of. To celebrate me joining and all asiangroup, heres some asian related asciis. For Shao i will be doing VGA and ansciijust like i am for Synth. OK, rock on!
du ma may! .
s j l j l
. j l j l
Golden Triangle
asian boyz insane yeah simple, but to
req? - warpdude@hotmail.com
If im lucky this colly will end up being 100 ascii since i odd on ansi lastcolly. Ive just joined Shaolins Finest, another Oz digital art group. Theseguys are all asian, and so am i sort of. To celebrate me joining and all asiangroup, heres some asian related asciis. For Shao i will be doing VGA and ansciijust like i am for Synth. OK, rock on!
du ma may! .
s j l j l
. j l j l
Golden Triangle
asian boyz insane yeah simple, but to
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