this image contains text
e y o o
one on
synthetic pack fourteen
audiences, welcome to the strongest living australian artgroup, artpack, synth
pack 14! including some awsome digital art from the usual, syd, ataxia, warp,
and ol dirty bastard, to the not so usual, ripped and mez52.
weve finally made the music department happen this month, with mr.d. and dev
currently tracking some fantastic modules for our ears, while the eyes are on
the art, now all you need is a mind alternation. thats what i call multitaskin
thanks to all, whos send in response to the synth packs, you just encourage
us to do more wiked art!
bulletin boards/distros
you must admit, having your board displayed as a distrobution site for a group
and not have any/only a few releases of theirs online is pretty damn useless.
what im getting at here is, ive noticed alot of our vic distro sites, if any,
have only a few synth packs online. i will be deleting the boards off the memb
list whos board does not have any/only some packs online. so, sysops! if your
interested in still being a distro. site, please download all the synth packs
from decay or mur systems asap! i will try to upload, and encourage others,
but only my job is useless.
internet problems
After all the bullshite with changing the web page and deciding on one, my
account has died on aXs connection and now we have jack shit.
All i have is my email account from midian, where i cant send large amounts of
files. I will try my best to upload the synthetic packs to cdrom.com however,
it may take some time after the release for all you fast art crazed citizens.
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do any
amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap
synth member changes
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
assigned in our boards site comes ride the lightning, 2 nodes, situated in vic
files to leech.
we also cant forget to mention our new department in synthetic, music. i have
been meaning to add one on for a few months now, and here it is melbourne!
we are thinking of placing mr.d to this possition, due to his superior know-
ledge towards the music industry, more than i, so if you want to know more,
please do so to mr.d himself! Also in the music department, is dev.
synth game developnt
ataxia, a fine vga artist, is planning his way on developing a new, totally
3d graphical game, called war games! this production is open to anyone who is
interested on the idea, and should read the file GAMEDEV.TXT which should be
contained with this pack.
If you are still interested on the idea, please consult to Ataxia on either
Decay BBS, Mur Systems, Fatal Toxins or on any good art board in victoria.
synth music department
as your probably aware, synthetic have now opened a music section, and we will
not be defeated on the quality of our sound! we were thinking of placing them
along with the pack, but as you know, synth art packs are big enough as they
already are. therefore, we will disk them up for release, and do upload them
as a music pack, separate from the art.
this way should fall fine to those who like to listen to other peoples tracks
and for those, who dont give a fuck about music, and just wANNA zEE sOME 1EET
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- currently not responding
ftp site on the net -- currently not responding
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to sf, mdn, frc, av,
odb, ph, gen, syd, rp.
and to any other ozzy crews!
News written/layout by Trippah
one on
synthetic pack fourteen
audiences, welcome to the strongest living australian artgroup, artpack, synth
pack 14! including some awsome digital art from the usual, syd, ataxia, warp,
and ol dirty bastard, to the not so usual, ripped and mez52.
weve finally made the music department happen this month, with mr.d. and dev
currently tracking some fantastic modules for our ears, while the eyes are on
the art, now all you need is a mind alternation. thats what i call multitaskin
thanks to all, whos send in response to the synth packs, you just encourage
us to do more wiked art!
bulletin boards/distros
you must admit, having your board displayed as a distrobution site for a group
and not have any/only a few releases of theirs online is pretty damn useless.
what im getting at here is, ive noticed alot of our vic distro sites, if any,
have only a few synth packs online. i will be deleting the boards off the memb
list whos board does not have any/only some packs online. so, sysops! if your
interested in still being a distro. site, please download all the synth packs
from decay or mur systems asap! i will try to upload, and encourage others,
but only my job is useless.
internet problems
After all the bullshite with changing the web page and deciding on one, my
account has died on aXs connection and now we have jack shit.
All i have is my email account from midian, where i cant send large amounts of
files. I will try my best to upload the synthetic packs to cdrom.com however,
it may take some time after the release for all you fast art crazed citizens.
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do any
amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap
synth member changes
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
assigned in our boards site comes ride the lightning, 2 nodes, situated in vic
files to leech.
we also cant forget to mention our new department in synthetic, music. i have
been meaning to add one on for a few months now, and here it is melbourne!
we are thinking of placing mr.d to this possition, due to his superior know-
ledge towards the music industry, more than i, so if you want to know more,
please do so to mr.d himself! Also in the music department, is dev.
synth game developnt
ataxia, a fine vga artist, is planning his way on developing a new, totally
3d graphical game, called war games! this production is open to anyone who is
interested on the idea, and should read the file GAMEDEV.TXT which should be
contained with this pack.
If you are still interested on the idea, please consult to Ataxia on either
Decay BBS, Mur Systems, Fatal Toxins or on any good art board in victoria.
synth music department
as your probably aware, synthetic have now opened a music section, and we will
not be defeated on the quality of our sound! we were thinking of placing them
along with the pack, but as you know, synth art packs are big enough as they
already are. therefore, we will disk them up for release, and do upload them
as a music pack, separate from the art.
this way should fall fine to those who like to listen to other peoples tracks
and for those, who dont give a fuck about music, and just wANNA zEE sOME 1EET
contacting synthetic
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- currently not responding
ftp site on the net -- currently not responding
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
Synthetic Organization,
digital artists, australia.
shout outs to sf, mdn, frc, av,
odb, ph, gen, syd, rp.
and to any other ozzy crews!
News written/layout by Trippah
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