this image contains text
req? - warpdude@hotmail.com
As you should have seen now, I have an e-mail address. this means that you pplcan now send requests to me no matter where the hell you are. i will be acceptinascii, ansi and of course vga requests. No ansi menu sets yet if you want anascii one, that kewl though. ok dudes and dudettes, on with the show!...
My Tamagotchi!
/ / / / dont think / / // / the group / / / / is around // any more,but / its a kewl / / word! WRP
Synthetic Organization...
this Countrys Cream of the Crop Organization
I dunno... may be a mutated Tie Fighter?SSPYP 7PYT T T TT TC JT TL Jk jL JL JLs, ,s4L J SS. ,SS P YY 7I IY TP YT TP Y P YT TT TL Js ss ss sL JL JLs, ,s4I ILs, ,s4L J SS SS P YP TP YT T T TT TC JT TL Jk jL JL JLs,. .,s4L JssSSssWRP
Techno Shitnjnjnjnj hjhjhjhjh kjkjkjkjkj dounk dounk YEAH YEAH! ounka ounka ounka! njnjnjnjounci ounci dounci dounci pounci pounci YEAH! YEAH! ounka ounka ounka njnjnjnjnjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj dounka dounka shk! shk! arroouunndd tthhee woorrlldd... arroouundtthhee woorrlld arroouunndd tthhee woorrlldd... arroouunndd tthhee woorrlldd.!SNiP!too much techno shit around these days...sheesh!... bloody njnjnjnjn hjhjhjhjhj!!UN-SNiP!
www.synth.org ,ssssss,.. . .
!. ,! ! !S. !. ,! WRP
req? - warpdude@hotmail.com
As you should have seen now, I have an e-mail address. this means that you pplcan now send requests to me no matter where the hell you are. i will be acceptinascii, ansi and of course vga requests. No ansi menu sets yet if you want anascii one, that kewl though. ok dudes and dudettes, on with the show!...
My Tamagotchi!
/ / / / dont think / / // / the group / / / / is around // any more,but / its a kewl / / word! WRP
Synthetic Organization...
this Countrys Cream of the Crop Organization
I dunno... may be a mutated Tie Fighter?SSPYP 7PYT T T TT TC JT TL Jk jL JL JLs, ,s4L J SS. ,SS P YY 7I IY TP YT TP Y P YT TT TL Js ss ss sL JL JLs, ,s4I ILs, ,s4L J SS SS P YP TP YT T T TT TC JT TL Jk jL JL JLs,. .,s4L JssSSssWRP
Techno Shitnjnjnjnj hjhjhjhjh kjkjkjkjkj dounk dounk YEAH YEAH! ounka ounka ounka! njnjnjnjounci ounci dounci dounci pounci pounci YEAH! YEAH! ounka ounka ounka njnjnjnjnjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj dounka dounka shk! shk! arroouunndd tthhee woorrlldd... arroouundtthhee woorrlld arroouunndd tthhee woorrlldd... arroouunndd tthhee woorrlldd.!SNiP!too much techno shit around these days...sheesh!... bloody njnjnjnjn hjhjhjhjhj!!UN-SNiP!
www.synth.org ,ssssss,.. . .
!. ,! ! !S. !. ,! WRP
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