this image contains text
Ok, Hey ppl. Well I would just like to notify youse that Synthetic is
realeasing a game Yes a GAME!. The release date is unknown at the
moment, becuase it is still in its very starting stage of production. At
the moment We have one other 3D/Logo artist other then myself working on
it and this is no way near enuf.
Also if any other art groups want to get involved you are welcome, you
just have to contribute like the rest of us, so if this is wanted we can
make a joint production. But if we find the work not up to scratch or
not at all, we wont hesitate to flick the switch on the joint pro.
What Iam looking for and the qualifications are not REALLY needed but
are fairly common in developement of gfx and other departments so if u
have ne other good qaulifications just email me Ataxia or Syd Waters
3D artists capable of high quality 3d art. Must have experience in 3D
art and be able to produce a fair amount of gfx in a certain timewe
will have dead lines. Also would be good if artist could animate
realistic anims, but not neccesary
If you want a doc on how to model and animate realistic humans
Email Me Ataxia on Mur Systems or Decay
Logo artists must have exp in high end programs, such as ps4 and
painter/sketcher programs to produce intro screens and still images
throughout the game.
Coders in various formats such as pascal, asm, c++ or any other format
is acceptable, must be fairly experienced in coding, as you know making
a game is not childs play. Also we will need to have some coders with
axs to jpeg decompression routines as well as .midi, .wav, .mpeg, .voc,
.mods3m etc. and some 3d routines. Also picture changing routines
like fade, merge, fadeinto and other vga changing routines.
Sound Artists:
No quals really neccesary just being able to produce stereo 44 khz
sounds that are preety realistic and good, also special effects and
Music Artist:
No quals really neccesary just being able to produce good mods that are
good and playwell . Techno/Fast PUMPING STEREO and GRUNGEick : but
mostly FAST HITTING TECHNO and scary eery stereo channeling songs.
Game Designers:
Nothing much really, maybe some doom wads or nukem wads but other than
that just maybe some vgaz of level/game/character designs. It doesnt need
any qualifications just imagination. The vgaz dont have to be very good,
just explanitive pictures and good ideas.
Email Me Ataxia Syd Waters at either Mur Systems or Decay BBS and also
upload 2 examples of your work such as 2 pictures/.exes/mods/sounds/designs
and specify the name of the files and in what conf you upped in the
email and nething u find neccesary.
So far I have some vgaz, and so does Syd. As for the game layout we
think Huh so developers do have a brain : that is should be a layout
as such. You use the mouse to aim and the controls to move, or you use
mbutton one and hold on to aim and mbutton2 to shoot and nothing just
mouse to move ?? ne ideas it will be like thta alien game umm ill think
of it l8r I think its havoc. The game could change completely if YOU have
a better idea/layout that is workable.
Also i have a few name ideas:
Nightmare City
Nightmare Creature : Hellspawn
Techno City
Demonic Target
Syd might have some too I dont know
I will keep youse posted on the progress of the game and the people involved
will also get there say. AND HUGE GREETS AND NAMES IN THE GAME :.
How it will be realesed
It will be released as shareware first on the net and bbss and then for 30
or so bux not much maybe more if we feel neccesary, like if the game
REALLY rocks we might charge 50-60 bux and it will be on CD i hope.
We will need some ppl to pour money into the idea prolly becuase otherwise
we would have to make the discs on demand not all at once :
Also ppl involved will get thier share of the PROFITS can u hear that
Also if i did not specify a catagory that you are involved in and you
feel it could contribute to the game email me on the details of them.
Application Form:
Name: Age: Alias:
Phone Number Optional :
Email Address :
Contactable Where BBS :
Alias on BBS :
Catagorey involved in eg. 3d art :
If so what groups have you been in?
If so what groups are you in at the moment?
How long have you been involved in art/mods/designing/coding/soundart?
Do you run a bbs?
If so phone number Optional?
Ok, Hey ppl. Well I would just like to notify youse that Synthetic is
realeasing a game Yes a GAME!. The release date is unknown at the
moment, becuase it is still in its very starting stage of production. At
the moment We have one other 3D/Logo artist other then myself working on
it and this is no way near enuf.
Also if any other art groups want to get involved you are welcome, you
just have to contribute like the rest of us, so if this is wanted we can
make a joint production. But if we find the work not up to scratch or
not at all, we wont hesitate to flick the switch on the joint pro.
What Iam looking for and the qualifications are not REALLY needed but
are fairly common in developement of gfx and other departments so if u
have ne other good qaulifications just email me Ataxia or Syd Waters
3D artists capable of high quality 3d art. Must have experience in 3D
art and be able to produce a fair amount of gfx in a certain timewe
will have dead lines. Also would be good if artist could animate
realistic anims, but not neccesary
If you want a doc on how to model and animate realistic humans
Email Me Ataxia on Mur Systems or Decay
Logo artists must have exp in high end programs, such as ps4 and
painter/sketcher programs to produce intro screens and still images
throughout the game.
Coders in various formats such as pascal, asm, c++ or any other format
is acceptable, must be fairly experienced in coding, as you know making
a game is not childs play. Also we will need to have some coders with
axs to jpeg decompression routines as well as .midi, .wav, .mpeg, .voc,
.mods3m etc. and some 3d routines. Also picture changing routines
like fade, merge, fadeinto and other vga changing routines.
Sound Artists:
No quals really neccesary just being able to produce stereo 44 khz
sounds that are preety realistic and good, also special effects and
Music Artist:
No quals really neccesary just being able to produce good mods that are
good and playwell . Techno/Fast PUMPING STEREO and GRUNGEick : but
mostly FAST HITTING TECHNO and scary eery stereo channeling songs.
Game Designers:
Nothing much really, maybe some doom wads or nukem wads but other than
that just maybe some vgaz of level/game/character designs. It doesnt need
any qualifications just imagination. The vgaz dont have to be very good,
just explanitive pictures and good ideas.
Email Me Ataxia Syd Waters at either Mur Systems or Decay BBS and also
upload 2 examples of your work such as 2 pictures/.exes/mods/sounds/designs
and specify the name of the files and in what conf you upped in the
email and nething u find neccesary.
So far I have some vgaz, and so does Syd. As for the game layout we
think Huh so developers do have a brain : that is should be a layout
as such. You use the mouse to aim and the controls to move, or you use
mbutton one and hold on to aim and mbutton2 to shoot and nothing just
mouse to move ?? ne ideas it will be like thta alien game umm ill think
of it l8r I think its havoc. The game could change completely if YOU have
a better idea/layout that is workable.
Also i have a few name ideas:
Nightmare City
Nightmare Creature : Hellspawn
Techno City
Demonic Target
Syd might have some too I dont know
I will keep youse posted on the progress of the game and the people involved
will also get there say. AND HUGE GREETS AND NAMES IN THE GAME :.
How it will be realesed
It will be released as shareware first on the net and bbss and then for 30
or so bux not much maybe more if we feel neccesary, like if the game
REALLY rocks we might charge 50-60 bux and it will be on CD i hope.
We will need some ppl to pour money into the idea prolly becuase otherwise
we would have to make the discs on demand not all at once :
Also ppl involved will get thier share of the PROFITS can u hear that
Also if i did not specify a catagory that you are involved in and you
feel it could contribute to the game email me on the details of them.
Application Form:
Name: Age: Alias:
Phone Number Optional :
Email Address :
Contactable Where BBS :
Alias on BBS :
Catagorey involved in eg. 3d art :
If so what groups have you been in?
If so what groups are you in at the moment?
How long have you been involved in art/mods/designing/coding/soundart?
Do you run a bbs?
If so phone number Optional?
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