this image contains text
onefuckingyearonefuckingyearonefuckingyearonefuckingyearonefuckingyearonefucki onefuckingyearonefuckngyearonefuckingyearonefuckingyeeuckingyearonefuckin onefuckingyearonefucyearonefuckronefuckingonefuckingyearonefuc onefuckingyearonefucaronefineaefuckionefuckingyearonefuc onefuckingyearonefuonefuckingyearonefucnefuckingyearonefuc efkinearefnef
onefuckingyearonefucneone onefuckingyearonefuc onefuckingyearonefuckingyuckngyeon onefuckingyearonefuc onefuckingyearonefuckingyearonefuckingye onefuckingyearonefuc
S ynthetic Organization 12
Synthetic pack number 12! thus meaning a special thing! . . . 12 packs, 1 pack
per month 1 year! yeeep! synth is now one years old! and an amazing start it
is for us newbies! with heaps of artists doing their shit to entertain you all!
i hope you enjoy the pack!
- mmm chocolat
thanks for
da cake, wrp!
synthetic... now one year old!
S ynthetic WHQ change!!
Decaying BBS, is now officialy the whq for synth! where
all australian made products are free of downloads! if you havnt called, dial
now on 61-3-9816-9771! all synthetic packs are sure to be on here, and ive
had it open for a few weeks now, and it seems to be going sweet, cept for the
lack of disk space! well, it aint always good is it.
Internet issues, www/ftp
After all the bullshite with changing the web page and deciding on one, my
account has died on aXs connection and now we have jack shit.
All i have is my email account from midian, where i cant send large amounts of
files. I will try my best to upload the synthetic packs to cdrom.com however,
it may take some time after the release for all you fast art crazed citizens.
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as much
as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do any
amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap
Members stuff!
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
New members joining the crew in alphabetical order are:
-- Rippa : Great new ansi artist in the scene, also check out his great ppes!
-- Ripped: Havnt actually checked out his vgas as of yet, but i hear hes
damn good!
-- Odb : Also known as ol dirty bastard had done heaps of ansis which
proves his amazing ability to draw that good
we welcome all new members with warmth and a bunch of banannas.
cmon ozzie artists! we need all the help we can get to kick ACiDs ass! join
in all the funny funs, and contact synthetic today! we will be awaiting for u!
S ynthetic tshirts!
we were going to release it in this pack, but we have held it off until our
next pack! stay tuned for the ultimate funky t-shirts!
you might see more synthetic accesseries collection in the future packs!
A little from our members!
WaRP!: Yes, im going to have a good ol winge... My alias appears to be Warp
everywhere when its actually WaRP! --- notice the !... thats whats unique
bout my nick. The reason why im complaining is becoz there is sum dumb cunt
out there with his nick as Warp.... please please please call me WaRP!, so this
other dickhead doesnt get the credit for shit i do!
Isotone: although Im just a newbie to the scene, Im glad to be apart of such a kick ass group...and hope to still be apart of synthetic come the next yearly
keep up the good work!
Contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- currently not responding
ftp site on the net -- currently not responding
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
gggggn Na.
.agggggggn j n
j j
l n
nl gg
8gg 8gg
august 1997, synthetic issue 12
onefuckingyearonefucneone onefuckingyearonefuc onefuckingyearonefuckingyuckngyeon onefuckingyearonefuc onefuckingyearonefuckingyearonefuckingye onefuckingyearonefuc
S ynthetic Organization 12
Synthetic pack number 12! thus meaning a special thing! . . . 12 packs, 1 pack
per month 1 year! yeeep! synth is now one years old! and an amazing start it
is for us newbies! with heaps of artists doing their shit to entertain you all!
i hope you enjoy the pack!
- mmm chocolat
thanks for
da cake, wrp!
synthetic... now one year old!
S ynthetic WHQ change!!
Decaying BBS, is now officialy the whq for synth! where
all australian made products are free of downloads! if you havnt called, dial
now on 61-3-9816-9771! all synthetic packs are sure to be on here, and ive
had it open for a few weeks now, and it seems to be going sweet, cept for the
lack of disk space! well, it aint always good is it.
Internet issues, www/ftp
After all the bullshite with changing the web page and deciding on one, my
account has died on aXs connection and now we have jack shit.
All i have is my email account from midian, where i cant send large amounts of
files. I will try my best to upload the synthetic packs to cdrom.com however,
it may take some time after the release for all you fast art crazed citizens.
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as much
as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do any
amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap
Members stuff!
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
New members joining the crew in alphabetical order are:
-- Rippa : Great new ansi artist in the scene, also check out his great ppes!
-- Ripped: Havnt actually checked out his vgas as of yet, but i hear hes
damn good!
-- Odb : Also known as ol dirty bastard had done heaps of ansis which
proves his amazing ability to draw that good
we welcome all new members with warmth and a bunch of banannas.
cmon ozzie artists! we need all the help we can get to kick ACiDs ass! join
in all the funny funs, and contact synthetic today! we will be awaiting for u!
S ynthetic tshirts!
we were going to release it in this pack, but we have held it off until our
next pack! stay tuned for the ultimate funky t-shirts!
you might see more synthetic accesseries collection in the future packs!
A little from our members!
WaRP!: Yes, im going to have a good ol winge... My alias appears to be Warp
everywhere when its actually WaRP! --- notice the !... thats whats unique
bout my nick. The reason why im complaining is becoz there is sum dumb cunt
out there with his nick as Warp.... please please please call me WaRP!, so this
other dickhead doesnt get the credit for shit i do!
Isotone: although Im just a newbie to the scene, Im glad to be apart of such a kick ass group...and hope to still be apart of synthetic come the next yearly
keep up the good work!
Contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- currently not responding
ftp site on the net -- currently not responding
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
gggggn Na.
.agggggggn j n
j j
l n
nl gg
8gg 8gg
august 1997, synthetic issue 12
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