this image contains text
TSs. /:. : /:/: . : ,.
YSS :. : : : :. :.:. :
YSS :./:.:/:.:.:./
SP ,JSs.
,SjSSSSls. , J . ,sZs.
ISSP . ,J . Y i
,SP , ,SP Y Ss.. , js ,s .
,SP I P i SZAFLs. IS ,
,SSL .j IL. .l ,sszzaa
,SXSLs.@j Lo.. .sJs Y L ,s
,SP G SPTs , Ts,.,s 1 3
,P os,. ,s@ SWRP
a l i e n b a s e 1 3
Now that the aliens are here, they have set up
bases on earth in all sorts of locations in
the desert, in the arctics an in built up areas
where there are big cities. The could be next
door, they could be across the road. All we know
is that they are here, and dont plan on leaving
!SNIP! this is the intro ansi i done for by board at home, youll never get on it cozits on my LAN. so yeah... here it is.
YSS :. : : : :. :.:. :
YSS :./:.:/:.:.:./
SP ,JSs.
,SjSSSSls. , J . ,sZs.
ISSP . ,J . Y i
,SP , ,SP Y Ss.. , js ,s .
,SP I P i SZAFLs. IS ,
,SSL .j IL. .l ,sszzaa
,SXSLs.@j Lo.. .sJs Y L ,s
,SP G SPTs , Ts,.,s 1 3
,P os,. ,s@ SWRP
a l i e n b a s e 1 3
Now that the aliens are here, they have set up
bases on earth in all sorts of locations in
the desert, in the arctics an in built up areas
where there are big cities. The could be next
door, they could be across the road. All we know
is that they are here, and dont plan on leaving
!SNIP! this is the intro ansi i done for by board at home, youll never get on it cozits on my LAN. so yeah... here it is.
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