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------ Synthetic Organization News Letter! --------------
synthetic organization ten
synthetic release issue number ten smashing though your monitor! and a nice packus it is indeed! got new membrs and as always, some fantastical artwork from our artists a reasonable sized pack with heaps of wiked art for all you to look see.
Mur Systems the Whq of synthetic is doing reasonably fine distrobuting australian digital products all free of d/l
to the public. i think i have most of you people/groups
there, if not mail me and ill chuck you in, in no time
at all. fORCE releases yet another wiked pack! keep tup! i like your art indeed! AV release a pack at last! Organic still
remains in a coma, altho i did do them a reqed diz..
The Oz art is back in full motion, thats what i like
to see!!
internet issues, www/ftp
After all the bullshite with changing the web page and
deciding on one, my account has died on aXs connection
and now we have jack shit. All i have is my email account
from midian, where i cant send large amounts of files.
I will try my best to upload the synthetic packs to cdrom.com
however, it may take some time after the release for all you fast art crazed
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as
much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do
any amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap!
members stuff!
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
swiss boarders! we know you are all sick of downloading synth packs off the
slow internet, so we have a new hq you can call for max. speed! why not dial
41-62-8274118 and youll get connected to Burning Desires where you can
always page cockroach for a chat!
also welcoming sILVERhANDiNSTABiLiTY who will be doing ansi/ascii/vga and
other stuff! at last we have more lo-res artistees..
ataxia, a wiked 3d modeler will be releasing under synthetic too, we hope you
will enjoy synthetic.
transperant, another hidden ansi artist i found and have been kind enough to
release his kick ass art under synth.
and finally, colt who has decided to learn the art of ansi. you will not see
him much in the next few packs, but when he starts kicking ass, you will most
definatly see alot of him in the future packs.
we welcome all new members with warmth and a bunch of banannas.
cmon ozzie artists! we need all the help we can get to kick ACiDs ass! join
in all the funny funs, and contact synthetic today! we will be awaiting for u!
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- currently not responding
ftp site on the net -- currently not responding
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! jUN97
------ Synthetic Organization News Letter! --------------
synthetic organization ten
synthetic release issue number ten smashing though your monitor! and a nice packus it is indeed! got new membrs and as always, some fantastical artwork from our artists a reasonable sized pack with heaps of wiked art for all you to look see.
Mur Systems the Whq of synthetic is doing reasonably fine distrobuting australian digital products all free of d/l
to the public. i think i have most of you people/groups
there, if not mail me and ill chuck you in, in no time
at all. fORCE releases yet another wiked pack! keep tup! i like your art indeed! AV release a pack at last! Organic still
remains in a coma, altho i did do them a reqed diz..
The Oz art is back in full motion, thats what i like
to see!!
internet issues, www/ftp
After all the bullshite with changing the web page and
deciding on one, my account has died on aXs connection
and now we have jack shit. All i have is my email account
from midian, where i cant send large amounts of files.
I will try my best to upload the synthetic packs to cdrom.com
however, it may take some time after the release for all you fast art crazed
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as
much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do
any amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap!
members stuff!
We have gained a reasonable amount of active artists this month, this only
shows the prospect of synthetic art!
swiss boarders! we know you are all sick of downloading synth packs off the
slow internet, so we have a new hq you can call for max. speed! why not dial
41-62-8274118 and youll get connected to Burning Desires where you can
always page cockroach for a chat!
also welcoming sILVERhANDiNSTABiLiTY who will be doing ansi/ascii/vga and
other stuff! at last we have more lo-res artistees..
ataxia, a wiked 3d modeler will be releasing under synthetic too, we hope you
will enjoy synthetic.
transperant, another hidden ansi artist i found and have been kind enough to
release his kick ass art under synth.
and finally, colt who has decided to learn the art of ansi. you will not see
him much in the next few packs, but when he starts kicking ass, you will most
definatly see alot of him in the future packs.
we welcome all new members with warmth and a bunch of banannas.
cmon ozzie artists! we need all the help we can get to kick ACiDs ass! join
in all the funny funs, and contact synthetic today! we will be awaiting for u!
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- sydwaters@hotmail.com
web page on the net -- currently not responding
ftp site on the net -- currently not responding
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! jUN97
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