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------ Synthetic Organization News Letter! --------------
synthetic organization 9 synthetic release issue number nine smashing though your monitor! and a nice packus it is indeed! got new membrs and as always, some fantastical artwork from our artists a reasonable sized pack with heaps of wiked art for all you to look see.
Mur Systems will now have back 650MB of free space, as syd got off his arse and burnt more cds!!! if you have
a spare CD-ROM drive wether it is a 2 Speed, or 4, and
it isnt being used, you can always donate it to us to
keep 2 CDs online all the time! Wecome back to Mr.Krl from AV, from what i hear we will be seeing more of him in the future AV packs, if and
ever they get off their bottoms.
internet issues, www/ftp
Ok. Synthetic on the Internet has now been officially
decided. The whole web page was created from scratch once
again, so please go take a looky at it again and tell me what you think! ive tried to make the page as small/fast
as possible, tnx flax for the little advise.
Most of the synth packs are now on the net also, with
only a few remaining packs waiting to be uploaded.
our site in belgium is also undergoing some changes now and we hope it will be
finnished by our next pack. we are not sure of the address just yet so keep
your eyes pealed for that in our next issue!
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as
much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do
any amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap!
members stuff!
for all you people who live in the south/east of victoria, you now have another
insane board to call, Siesta to download all the Synthetic packus! we hope to
see you there, and be nice to the system operator, DeathStrokeav!
finland boarderz! now the spotlight is on you.. we have a new hq in the fine
country of finland as the sysop defines it, Haciend E.B! he didnt mention any
phone number unfortunatly, so ill see if its a public or private board.
also welcoming into our team, pot and lonestar who will both be helping me
distrobute synthetic packs across the damn world! we hope to hear from all you
ansi freakz up in the antarctics.
cmon ozzie artists! we need all the help we can get to kick ACiDs ass! join
in all the funny funs, and contact synthetic today! we will be awaiting for u!
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- meehanm@popa.melbpc.org.au
web page on the net -- http://www.axs.com.au/trippah/synth.htm
ftp site on the net -- ftp://ftp.axs.com.au/user/t/trippah/
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! mAY97
------ Synthetic Organization News Letter! --------------
synthetic organization 9 synthetic release issue number nine smashing though your monitor! and a nice packus it is indeed! got new membrs and as always, some fantastical artwork from our artists a reasonable sized pack with heaps of wiked art for all you to look see.
Mur Systems will now have back 650MB of free space, as syd got off his arse and burnt more cds!!! if you have
a spare CD-ROM drive wether it is a 2 Speed, or 4, and
it isnt being used, you can always donate it to us to
keep 2 CDs online all the time! Wecome back to Mr.Krl from AV, from what i hear we will be seeing more of him in the future AV packs, if and
ever they get off their bottoms.
internet issues, www/ftp
Ok. Synthetic on the Internet has now been officially
decided. The whole web page was created from scratch once
again, so please go take a looky at it again and tell me what you think! ive tried to make the page as small/fast
as possible, tnx flax for the little advise.
Most of the synth packs are now on the net also, with
only a few remaining packs waiting to be uploaded.
our site in belgium is also undergoing some changes now and we hope it will be
finnished by our next pack. we are not sure of the address just yet so keep
your eyes pealed for that in our next issue!
i, trippah need a good fast inet account to distrobute synthetic packs as
much as possible. if anyone can offer me a free, decent account, i will do
any amount of art for you! if you can help me out here, please mail me asap!
members stuff!
for all you people who live in the south/east of victoria, you now have another
insane board to call, Siesta to download all the Synthetic packus! we hope to
see you there, and be nice to the system operator, DeathStrokeav!
finland boarderz! now the spotlight is on you.. we have a new hq in the fine
country of finland as the sysop defines it, Haciend E.B! he didnt mention any
phone number unfortunatly, so ill see if its a public or private board.
also welcoming into our team, pot and lonestar who will both be helping me
distrobute synthetic packs across the damn world! we hope to hear from all you
ansi freakz up in the antarctics.
cmon ozzie artists! we need all the help we can get to kick ACiDs ass! join
in all the funny funs, and contact synthetic today! we will be awaiting for u!
contact info!
there are heaps of ways of contacting the members in synthetic, and they follow
the guidelines shown below.
email via the net -- trippah@midian.apana.org.au
-- meehanm@popa.melbpc.org.au
web page on the net -- http://www.axs.com.au/trippah/synth.htm
ftp site on the net -- ftp://ftp.axs.com.au/user/t/trippah/
-- ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/artpacks/1996/
i hope you will take at least some time off to come and see these wonderful
places and enjoy it!
synthetic productions is ozs finest! mAY97
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